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I'm excited for the start of MLB but frankly too focused on college baseball right now....that will change.  Blue Jays will be tough in the AL East for sure.  KC sure looked good last night, and I don't see them rolling over.  Houston has made the AL West exciting with their youth.  I could see the Red Sox winning a WC but I could also see them laying an egg.  I just hope they don't do something stupid this year...2016 has all the signs of impending stupidity with the new Red Sox front office management.  I'm still very pissed that NESN let Red Sox play-by-play announcer Don Orsillo go late last year, but kept Jerry Remy.   Orsillo is really good at what he does, and I wouldn't be surprised to see him in the broadcast HOF.

For me the National League is where the exciting pennant races will be.  It is going to be tough in all three divisions.  In the East I could see either the Nats (my NL team) or Mets taking it.  NL Central is a three horse race with Cubs, Cards and Pirates.  NL West is a similar three horse race with Dodgers, Giants and Diamondbacks but I have to favor the Giants.

Also, I'm excited for the new rules designed to "speed up" the MLB game.  The question is will the umpires enforce it.

Last edited by fenwaysouth

NL - 4 or 5 really bad teams in NL so win totals should be inflated.  If someone like the Phils, Reds or Brewers bite you hard it could cost you a playoff spot. 

Cubs/Bucs/Cards should be a great dogfight all season.  The winner might have to get to 100 again.  Marlins are a bit of a wildcard.  But I expect the Nats/Mets to be 5-10 better than them.  West has the LA/SF race with the D'backs trying to buy their way in.  DIV winners NY/CHI/SF  WC - Bucs/Cards.

AL - Yanks didn't throw around the big money as they load up and wait for Harper to come to NY.  I think the AL east will be a great race.  Other than TB rebuild all the teams have flaws and great players all around.  All could win 90 or none could.  Central looks like DET/KC/CLE with MIN chasing about 5 back.  KC looks like the most complete of this group but SP has to give them 6 regularly.  CLE has the upside and DET needs everything to work.  West is HOU/TX and maybe SEA. LA and Oak have too many holes.  HOU has the look of a team on the rise in all phases.  DIV winners:  BOS/KC/HOU  WC - Cle/Tex.


Watched all 3 games yesterday and currently streaming the Giants - Brewers game from my cell phone. I am a little excited that the MLB season is finally here.

Gotta root for my Cubbies in the NL Central, but should be an exciting race with the Cards and the Pirates. Not sure about the NL West, it looks like another 3 horse race. Hoping the Dodgers pull it out. The NL East will probably come down to the Nats and Mets. Here's hoping the Mets defense backs up their pitchers a little better than they did last night.

So many good teams in the AL, but the Royals look like they are picking up where they left off last season.

Had to feel for the Mets a little bit last night having to watch all that World Series celebration and those highlights (or lowlights if your are a Met) from the Series. What a strange scheduling coincidence.

Matt13 posted:
Dominik85 posted:

Should Correa have been called out?

No. The rule requires a quality throw for interference to be called. 

but he lobbed the ball over correa in order to avoid hitting him. I doubt betances would have thrown as high if correa wasn't running in the infield.

should bentances have beaned correa? the umpire later said correa would have been out if betances hit him but should rules really encourage beaning People that run out of the line? betances basically was punished for trying to be fair and lob it over correa.


girardi even said that rule is asking his Player to "assault" the opposing Player.

Last edited by Dominik85
Dominik85 posted:
Matt13 posted:
Dominik85 posted:

Should Correa have been called out?

No. The rule requires a quality throw for interference to be called. 

but he lobbed the ball over correa in order to avoid hitting him. I doubt betances would have thrown as high if correa wasn't running in the infield.

should bentances have beaned correa? the umpire later said correa would have been out if betances hit him but should rules really encourage beaning People that run out of the line? betances basically was punished for trying to be fair and lob it over correa.


girardi even said that rule is asking his Player to "assault" the opposing Player.

With Yankees dropping their protest, I guess even Girardi knew it was a right call.

But you could call Correa "Out of this World", with 4 - 5 night w two home runs.  Hello 2016 MVP.

fenwaysouth posted:

I'm excited for the start of MLB but frankly too focused on college baseball right now....that will change.  Blue Jays will be tough in the AL East for sure.  KC sure looked good last night, and I don't see them rolling over.  Houston has made the AL West exciting with their youth.  I could see the Red Sox winning a WC but I could also see them laying an egg.  I just hope they don't do something stupid this year...2016 has all the signs of impending stupidity with the new Red Sox front office management.  I'm still very pissed that NESN let Red Sox play-by-play announcer Don Orsillo go late last year, but kept Jerry Remy.   Orsillo is really good at what he does, and I wouldn't be surprised to see him in the broadcast HOF.

For me the National League is where the exciting pennant races will be.  It is going to be tough in all three divisions.  In the East I could see either the Nats (my NL team) or Mets taking it.  NL Central is a three horse race with Cubs, Cards and Pirates.  NL West is a similar three horse race with Dodgers, Giants and Diamondbacks but I have to favor the Giants.

Also, I'm excited for the new rules designed to "speed up" the MLB game.  The question is will the umpires enforce it.

O'Brien has a better announcing voice. I was indifferent to Orsillo. Remy is obnoxious. I can't stand his voice. He doesn't analyze. He regurgitates what he just saw. It drives me nuts when he suggests hitters should slap at the ball. I wish they let him go. They are phasing him out. I believe they have other analysts doing about forty games.

I have I figured out how to beat the local blackout. If the opposing team has a good broadcasting team and isn't disgustingly homers I often listen to that broadcast. The Orioles have a good broadcast team. Last year the Rays team explained, with graphics why the strike zone graphic isn't neccessarily accurate. Sometimes I listen to Suzyn Waldman and John Sterling for an inning so I can feel grateful the Sox have Remy and not them.

A couple of nits ago I tuned in the Dodgers to watch Kershawese pitch an inning. After a half hour of watching the Dodgers play circle the bases I gave up. I can't imagine the suffering of San Diego sports fans. Their only recourse is being grateful they aren't Cleveland fans. San Diego fans only suffer in two sports.

I see the Red Sox as an 84-78 team. It could go either way depending on how many question marks move in which direction. Brock Holt is not the answer in left. He's a singles hitter. He hit his first homer in 300+ ab's last night. He's hit .220 after the all star break each of the past two years. I have to think the Sox are looking for a left fielder. It will be interesting to see if Sam Travis plays any left in Pawtucket this year. 

Right now I'm not really taking advantage of The Bruins are fighting for a playoff spot. The conference is so tight they want from third to ninth with a four game losing streak. The Celtics are fighting for the best possible playoff position. It's so hard having four we'll run franchises in town.

Last edited by RJM
kandkfunk posted:

Watched all 3 games yesterday and currently streaming the Giants - Brewers game from my cell phone. I am a little excited that the MLB season is finally here.

Gotta root for my Cubbies in the NL Central, but should be an exciting race with the Cards and the Pirates. Not sure about the NL West, it looks like another 3 horse race. Hoping the Dodgers pull it out. The NL East will probably come down to the Nats and Mets. Here's hoping the Mets defense backs up their pitchers a little better than they did last night.

So many good teams in the AL, but the Royals look like they are picking up where they left off last season.

Had to feel for the Mets a little bit last night having to watch all that World Series celebration and those highlights (or lowlights if your are a Met) from the Series. What a strange scheduling coincidence.

As a Met fan it wasn't so much fun - but the out of nowhere run still feels good.

I actually think if MLB is paying attention they should do this every year.  NFL has Super Bowl Champ open on the Thur. game and MLB should do the same with the WS winner on Sunday night.  Even better if they can bring in the opponent or a arch rival. 

A few years back when the Sox or Yanks won - imagine the other team having to stand there for 20/30 minutes watching the highlight real of the WS run.  Awesome!

RJM Posted...


O'Brien has a better announcing voice. I was indifferent to Orsillo. - I guess it is a matter of taste.  I loved Orsillo...golden pipes...sense of humor...knew the game.  O'Brien is a little dry, maybe I just haven't warmed up to him yet.

Remy is obnoxious.  They are phasing him out. I believe they have other analysts doing about forty games. - This is also a matter of taste....bad taste.  I wish they had some pictures of him relieving himself in John Henry's limo.  Hopefully, he is gone by the All-Star break.

I see the Red Sox as an 84-78 team. It could go either way depending on how many question marks move in which direction. Brock Holt is not the answer in left. - We're in the same ballpark RJM.  I had them at 86 wins which may/may not qualify them for October.  I love Brock Holt.  He is the glue.  Agreed he is not the answer, and not a LFer but who is the answer on that this team this year?  I waiting for someone to step up.

Right now I'm not really taking advantage of The Bruins are fighting for a playoff spot. The conference is so tight they want from third to ninth with a four game losing streak. The Celtics are fighting for the best possible playoff position. It's so hard having four we'll run franchises in town. - Everytime I turn on the Bruins or Celtics, they lose.  I'm bad luck. I've stopped turning them on in hopes they do well.


some supposedly good Teams had a quite bad start. astros are 5-7 and the blue jays are 6-7. can those Teams find their stride soon? Houston seems to have a pitching Problem, especially back end of the Rotation. Torontos offense is not really going yet but that will probably Change soon.

the cubs are really going strong as expected and in the NL west there should be a nice race between LA and SF.

I still believe Astros and Rangers will be at the top of that AL West Division come September. Toronto will have a tougher road in the AL East, but I am not sold on Baltimore for the year. Still a ton of baseball to go, no telling. I do think we will be seeing SF deep in the playoffs, considering it is a even year and all.

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