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Day 1 ---- Those with Texas Ties...

4. Bundy, Dylan - Owasso, OK HS - RHP - Baltimore Orioles
6. Rendon, Anthony - Rice - 3B - Washington Nationals
7. Bradley, Archie - Broken Arrow, OK HS - RHP - Arizona Diamondbacks
12. Jungmann, Taylor - Texas - RHP - Florida Marlins
45. Story, Trevor - Irving HS - SS - Colorado Rockies
49. Crick, Kyle - Sherman HS - RHP - San Francisco Giants
------------------------------------------------------------ "Your talent is God's gift to you. What you do with it is your gift back to God." Leo Buscaglia
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Doubleday - the reason I put the travel information in my post was to explain why players from outside of Texas were in my post. I have no way of knowing what travel team most of these guys play for, I am taking the information from the MLB Draft Tracker website and they do not include that information. I will take the club affiliation out for the 2 Oklahoma players since I can't keep up with it for everyone.

I included all Texas players drafted in a thread last year to help make it easier to highlight those from Texas, thought that might be helpful again this year....
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Originally posted by ChargerDad:
Not a big risk, and with a kid of this talent, low risk/high payoff makes sense.

If they hadn't picked him today, someone else would have.

Not near as high a pick (apples to oranges), but didn't they lose out on Jason Hursh last year when he spurned them for OK St.? point is on the organization. The Pirates have shown they won't pay the money so it seems to be a stupid pick for THEM. Now, someone like Boston or NY, probably a good roll of the dice for a potentially big payoff.
Originally posted by Tx-Husker:
The Pirates payroll is consistently in the bottom 5 of the league....the very bottom last year.

Agreed, the Pirates typically have good money for their first 1 or 2 draft pics but after that the funds drop off dramatically for the Pirates.

The same year the Pirates signed Cain at the 8th position they paid their 7th rounder signee $350,000. According to articles, Cain fell in the draft after telling teams he wanted a 7 figure bonus.
Last edited by cheapseats
Those with ties to Texas.....

Day 1 ---- Round 1 & Compensation Picks

4. Bundy, Dylan - Owasso, OK HS - RHP - Baltimore Orioles
6. Rendon, Anthony - Rice - 3B - Washington Nationals
7. Bradley, Archie - Broken Arrow, OK HS - RHP - Arizona Diamondbacks
12. Jungmann, Taylor - Texas - RHP - Florida Marlins
45. Story, Trevor - Irving HS - SS - Colorado Rockies
49. Crick, Kyle - Sherman HS - RHP - San Francisco Giants

Day 2 ---- Rounds 2 - 5

61. Josh Bell - OF - Jesuit College Prep - Pittsburgh Pirates
78. Jeremy Gabryszwski - RHP - Crosby HS - Toronto Blue Jays
88. Sam Stafford - LHP - U of Texas - New York Yankees
95. Bryan Brickhouse - RHP - The Woodlands HS - Kansas City Royals
96. Matt Purke - LHP - TCU - Washington Nationals
101. Logan Verrett - RHP - Baylor - New York Mets
108. John Stilson - RHP - Texas A&M - Toronto Blue Jays
109. C.J. McElroy - OF - Clear Creek HS - St. Louis Cardinals
114. Anthony Cingrani - LHP - Rice - Cincinnati Reds
115. Kyle Kubitza - 3B - Texas State - Atlanta Braves
122. Colten Brewer - RHP - Canton HS - Pittsburgh Pirates
138. Dillon Thomas - OF - Westbury Christian School - Colorado Rockies
156. Patrick Leonard - SS - St. Thomas HS - Kansas City Royals
161. Michael Reed - OF - Leander HS - Milwaukee Brewers
165. Andrew Ray - OF - Northeast Texas CC - Los Angeles Angels
167. Brandon Loy - SS - Texas - Detroit Tigers
168. Taylor Featherston - SS - TCU - Colorado Rockies
176. Nick DeSantiago - C - Blinn College - Atlanta Braves
177. Chris Marlowe - RHP - Oklahoma State - San Francisco Giants

Rounds 6 - 10

188. Bryson Myles - OF - Stephen F. Austin - Cleveland Indians
197. Tyler Collins - OF - Howard College - Detroit Tigers
202. Miguel Pena - LHP - San Jacinto College North - Boston Red Sox
225. Abel Baker - C - Grayson CC - Los Angeles Angels
243. Carson Smith - RHP - Texas State - Seattle Mariners
257. Jason Krizan - OF - Dallas Baptist - Detroit Tigers
261. Ian Gardeck - RHP - Angelina College - Chicago White Sox
284. Tyler Ogle - C - Oklahoma - LA Dodgers
288. Ross Stripling - RHP - Texas A&M - Colorado Rockies
295. Cole Green - RHP - Texas - Cincinnati
304. Kyle Winkler - RHP - TCU - Arizona
319. Aaron Garza - RHP - Galveston Ball HS - Toronto
325. Brooks Pinckard - RHP - Baylor - Cincinnati

Rounds 11 - 20

337. Caleb Ramsey - OF - Univ. of Houston - Washington
328. Luis DeJesus - RHP - Angelina College - Cleveland
354. Connor Sadzeck - RHP - Howard - Texas Rangers
362. Candon Myles - OF - South Grand Prairie HS - Pittsburgh
365. Jason Coats - OF - TCU - Baltimore
370. Miles Hamblin - C - Univ of Mississippi - Houston
387. Kelby Tomlinson - LHP - Texas Tech - SF
397. Casey Kalenkosky 1B - Texas State - Washington
408. Kyle Rollard - LHP - Louisiana Tech - Colorado
409. Matt Dean - 3B - The Colony HS - Toronto
413. Lee Orr - OF - McNeese State - SD
415. Nick Fleece - RHP - Texas A&M - Cincinnati
430. Horace Stubblefield - RHP - Lufkin HS - Houston
435. Wayne Taylor - C - Memorial HS - LA Angels
443. Burch Smith - RHP - Oklahoma - San Diego
447. Garrett Buechele - 3B - Oklahoma - San Francisco
469. Cody Glenn - LHP - Westbury Christian School - Toronto
485. Mark Blackmar - RHP - Temple - Baltimore
488. Ryan Merritt - LHP - McLennan CC - Cleveland
492. Bradley Marquez - OF - Odessa HS - NY Mets
510. Brett McAfee - SS - Pine Tree HS - Tampa Bay
514. Adam Choplick - LHP - Billy Ryan HS - Arizona
525. Hunter Lockwood - C - LD Bell HS - LA Angels
547. Nicholas Lee - LHP - Weatherford College - Washington
551. Christopher McFarland - SS - Lufkin HS - Milwaukee
556. David Powers - LHP - Sam Houston St. Univ - Oakland
611. Brandon Williamson - RHP - Dallas Baptist - Milwaukee
622. Zachary Good - LHP - Grayson CC - Boston
623. Chris Haney - RHP - Dallas Baptist - San Diego

Rounds 21 - 30

635. Jose Rivera - RHP - Hill JC - Baltimore
637. Todd Simko - LHP - Texas A&M-Corpus Christi - Washington
639. Andrew McKirahan - LHP - Texas - Chicago
642. Charles Wier - RHP - Stephen F. Austin - Florida
668. Matthew Reckling - RHP - Rice - Cleveland
677. Tommy Collier - RHP - San Jacinto Col North - Detroit
691. Matthew Holland - OF - Texas A&M-Corpus Christi - Philadelphia
719. Corey Maines - RHP - Illinois State - NY Yankeees
720. Matthew Johnson - OF - Arkansas Tech - Tampa Bay
731. Tant Shepherd - 1B - Texas - NY Mets
733. Matt Shelton - RHP - Sam Houston State - LA Dodgers
739. David Rollins - LHP - San Jacinto JC - Toronto
779. Adam Smith - RHP - Texas A&M - NY Yankees
781. Ryan Duke - RHP - Oklahoma - Philadelphia
809. Jordan Foley - RHP - The Colony HS - NY Yankees
811. Michael Rocha - RHP - Oklahoma - Philadelphia
812. Ryan Hornback - C - San Jacinto College North - Pittsburgh
816. Lee Clubb - OF - Iowa Park HS - Kansas City
818. Evan Frazar - SS - Galveston College - Cleveland
848. Tyler Nurdin - LHP - Temple - Cleveland
850. Jordan John - LHP - Oklahoma - Houston
851. BreShon Kimbell - C - Mesquite HS - Milwaukee
894. Nick Sawyer - RHP - Howard - Texas Rangers
896. Chad Comer - C - UTA - Atlanta
918. John Curtiss - RHP - Southlake Carroll HS - Colorado
921. Brandon Parrent - LHP - Texas A&M - Chicago White Sox
923. Justin Miller - OF - Southeastern Oklahoma State Univ. - San Diego
930. Michael Marshall - 1B - Lubbock Christian University - Philadelphia

That's a wrap for Day 2!

Congratulations to all the players and families!!!
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So proud of Candon Myles of South Grand Prairie. What a day for the family as older son Bryson was taken in the 6th by Cleveland. Candon was taken in the 12th by Pittsburgh. Candon led the area in steals in 5A. Bryson led all the NCAA in steals. Two great kids. Got to talk to both kids and dad tonight. Dreams were realized today. This is what it's all about.
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