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You all are going to think I have gone off the rails but I am going to throw this one out there for consideration. What does Baseball look like in 200 years?

Here is what I see:

With advances in medicine & macrobiotics technology, life spans & peak health are basically frozen at prime years. Children are genetically designed, prior to birth,  to poses beyond perfect vision, athletic gifts (think quick twitch muscle fiber & the genes of Olympic sprinters) & genius intelligence. All disease, tissue degeneration & aging will be a thing of the past.

Baseball purists will resist these initial efforts at genetically engineered players from entering the game. Eventually, it will be overcome as discrimination & they will enter the game. They will poses almost superhuman skill, be adverse to any injury & have an unlimited prime. If they were injured, rehab would consist of an accelerated rebuild in perhaps days of the damaged tissue.

All prior records would be shattered & archaic. It would be your superhuman players vs our superhuman players. Those who chose to attempt to play without these skills would be quickly overmatched & obsolete.

Sounds boring to me......

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Steve A. posted:

You would have to assume it would, but I think we would be looking at careers lasting a multiple of X times a current max of about 20 years. Career totals would be off the charts.

True.  Career totals.  Fastest pitch. Hardest hit balls, longest HR etc would be off the charts.   Not convinced players would routinely hit .400 though

Robot umps will be interesting.  I'm fairly certain robot managers will be in place too, being able to compute every algorithm in seconds has it's advantages

If a truly indestructible artificial UCL could be put in place (and one must assume that will happen in much less than 200 years) I wonder what are the actual limits for humans in terms of pitched ball velocity?  Or pitch counts!?   And then: can a human survive being hit in the head by a 125-140 mph fastball?  Its all fun & games until Nolan Ryan version 4.0 loses control

Last edited by 3and2Fastball

Robo umps. So, no more going to a game & ragging on the ump. No more watching a game at home & jumping out of your chair because the ump blew the call on the play at the plate with the game on the line (this is already gone). All manager decisions purely based on analytics & percentages as this is most logical applied over time, like Vegas odds.  No more manager ejections. No more Billy Martin or Earl Weavers covering home plate with dirt. (or Joe Girardi the other day)

Can you say boring??!!

Steve A. posted:

Robo umps. So, no more going to a game & ragging on the ump. No more watching a game at home & jumping out of your chair because the ump blew the call on the play at the plate with the game on the line (this is already gone). All manager decisions purely based on analytics & percentages as this is most logical applied over time, like Vegas odds.  No more manager ejections. No more Billy Martin or Earl Weavers covering home plate with dirt. (or Joe Girardi the other day)

Can you say boring??!!

Hey Blue! You're mother is a rusted bucket..

I think "corked" would be replaced with "bionic".  Not exactly sure how this would play out, but think about the wooden "corked" bat breaking and the cheater getting caught.  Now think about some steel springs/bands breaking through the pitcher's forearm and him getting ejected for use of bionics.  Maybe they're required to walk through some type of imaging machine as they take the field.

edit: instead of steel, perhaps I should have said graphite 

Last edited by 2017LHPscrewball

No doubt that medical advancement will be unbelievable. MLB stadiums might be built into small cities.  Big apartment and condo complexes surrounding the fields where wealthy people can watch the games from their home. Technology off the charts both in the game and the fan experience.  Travel will be measured in minutes, maybe seconds rather than hours. Beer will be $20,000, hotdogs $5,000.  Baseball will only be a small part of the over all entertainment at the games.

It will be great... all we have to do is get rid of the weapons of mass destruction and do something about our shoreline cities disappearing into the oceans.  Also be nice to get rid of all this terrorism crap and put an end to things like crime, poverty and racism.

PGStaff posted:

No doubt that medical advancement will be unbelievable. MLB stadiums might be built into small cities.  Big apartment and condo complexes surrounding the fields where wealthy people can watch the games from their home. Technology off the charts both in the game and the fan experience.  Travel will be measured in minutes, maybe seconds rather than hours. Beer will be $20,000, hotdogs $5,000.  Baseball will only be a small part of the over all entertainment at the games.

It will be great... all we have to do is get rid of the weapons of mass destruction and do something about our shoreline cities disappearing into the oceans.  Also be nice to get rid of all this terrorism crap and put an end to things like crime, poverty and racism.

The Giants will sell their seaside baseball stadium to the San Francisco Seals, the local water polo franchise.

Steve A. posted:

You all are going to think I have gone off the rails but I am going to throw this one out there for consideration. What does Baseball look like in 200 years?

Here is what I see:

With advances in medicine & macrobiotics technology, life spans & peak health are basically frozen at prime years. Children are genetically designed, prior to birth,  to poses beyond perfect vision, athletic gifts (think quick twitch muscle fiber & the genes of Olympic sprinters) & genius intelligence. All disease, tissue degeneration & aging will be a thing of the past.

Baseball purists will resist these initial efforts at genetically engineered players from entering the game. Eventually, it will be overcome as discrimination & they will enter the game. They will poses almost superhuman skill, be adverse to any injury & have an unlimited prime. If they were injured, rehab would consist of an accelerated rebuild in perhaps days of the damaged tissue.

All prior records would be shattered & archaic. It would be your superhuman players vs our superhuman players. Those who chose to attempt to play without these skills would be quickly overmatched & obsolete.

Sounds boring to me......

Doesn't sound at all crazy to me.  And that is exactly why I think sports as we know it will be dead.

SultanofSwat posted:

My great grandkids will buy Babe Ruth and Usain Bolt DNA from a guy at the gym, and inject it into their son's breakfast tablet.  Our family will be winners.

Which part of Ruth's DNA?  Just the talent or all of it?  Thinking in today's society a young Ruth would be diagnosed with ADHD early, drugged and sat in front of the TV to get him to calm down.  And even if he did advance through childhood the rampant drinking, carousing & womanizing in today's world would be major issues.   Perhaps not as much in 200 years?  Or more?

FWP posted:
Steve A. posted:

You all are going to think I have gone off the rails but I am going to throw this one out there for consideration. What does Baseball look like in 200 years?

Here is what I see:

With advances in medicine & macrobiotics technology, life spans & peak health are basically frozen at prime years. Children are genetically designed, prior to birth,  to poses beyond perfect vision, athletic gifts (think quick twitch muscle fiber & the genes of Olympic sprinters) & genius intelligence. All disease, tissue degeneration & aging will be a thing of the past.

Baseball purists will resist these initial efforts at genetically engineered players from entering the game. Eventually, it will be overcome as discrimination & they will enter the game. They will poses almost superhuman skill, be adverse to any injury & have an unlimited prime. If they were injured, rehab would consist of an accelerated rebuild in perhaps days of the damaged tissue.

All prior records would be shattered & archaic. It would be your superhuman players vs our superhuman players. Those who chose to attempt to play without these skills would be quickly overmatched & obsolete.

Sounds boring to me......

Doesn't sound at all crazy to me.  And that is exactly why I think sports as we know it will be dead.

In 200 years people will be heads on a stick on a Segway attending eSports. The nerds will have taken over sports.

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