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Originally posted by TRhit:
None of you need to worry about levity in my life--I am probably enjoying more levity than most of you

If I want levity I will go to a comic forum--I come here to talk baseball

Bballman==I do not need you to tell me to lighten up---you do not even know me

No, I don't know you TR. I can only respond to you by what you post. For all I know, you could be Henny Youngman in true life. All baseball is not serious BTW. Ever watch a major league dugout? (rhetorical ?). Looks like they have some fun while actually playing and living baseball. I think we should be able to have some fun too. I won't tell you to lighten up again. See ya TR.
Seems odd and a bit sad, to me, that the day set aside to honor Jackie Robinson leads to a discussion ending with Bear's usual display of elitism coupled with his antagonism toward 98% of posters on this site, highlighting 2 of them specifically.
Pretty sad way to respect what #42 means in baseball and what #42 experienced along the way to achieve this honor.
Originally posted by infielddad:

Fricking eh I am in an uppermost Hawk class and have wealth contributing to and protecting the United States.

You are boring, a disappointment, have zero genes, and your California far left liberal a$$ has the Ladies Room calling.

Long overdue for me to press 'Hide / Ignore' button.
Last edited by Bear
Originally posted by Bear:

Fricking eh I am in an uppermost Hawk class and have wealth contributing to and protecting the United States.

You are boring, a disappointment, have zero genes, and your California far left liberal a$$ has the Ladies Room calling.

Long overdue for me to press 'Hide / Ignore' button.

Yikes... I think I'll be using that ignore button as well.
Originally posted by Bear:
Originally posted by infielddad:

Fricking eh I am in an uppermost Hawk class and have wealth contributing to and protecting the United States.

You are boring, a disappointment, have zero genes, and your California far left liberal a$$ has the Ladies Room calling.

Long overdue for me to press 'Hide / Ignore' button.

My understanding is Jackie Robinson day was not/is not instituted to create an opportunity to post and demonstrate the angry, bitter, vicious types of comments that got directed toward #42. Guess one poster who views himself as an elite and "uppermost" "baseball buy" didn't get the memo. Frown
Originally posted by 08Dad:
Originally posted by Bear:

Levity? Not sure that's the right word.
However this site, it's posters, and the topics that is posted and repiled to is becoming nearly 98% frivolous (i.e. GotWood, InfieldDad, TPM Smile ) And should any Men seek some levity, check out the Men's Room.


I'd suggest that you read the following link:

You can have all the rules you want but unless they are being enforced they are meaningless. Seems to me that nobody is monitoring these discussions.
Seems to me that nobody is monitoring these discussions.

Sorry, I was out of town. Other moderators are watching but do not have the ability to prevent a member from posting.


You and I have had friendly discussions in the past about sons and baseball, and I hate to call you out publicly. But these kinds of posts are absolutely against the Board Manners, and I can't see any value to our community:

"Fricking eh I am in an uppermost Hawk class and have wealth contributing to and protecting the United States.

You are boring, a disappointment, have zero genes, and your California far left liberal a$$ has the Ladies Room calling."

I have received numerous complaints about your posts in the past week or two. If you make any more posts like that, I'll remove your posting privileges.

Last edited by MN-Mom

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