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Recently I have noticed a lot of young players coming with all sorts of questions.
Is it possible to have a seperate forum where they can post and we can answer?
Just a thought to have a special place were they could go for their questions and those who wish to answer can do so and keep track of the many questions.
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I don't go into "players only' as it is just for players only! I am not sure that young players can get the answers they are seeking (draft, showcases, specific recruiting questions) from other young players. I thought it was more or less a place for them to "hang out".

I thought maybe a thread entitled "A Place for young players to get info" or "ask questions" or "seek advice" might be more helpful.
Last edited by TPM
I would like to suggest a field maintenance board if possible. I know I have tons of questions on how to make my field better and I have seen a couple of questions in other boards about field maintenance.

I know it's difficult to monitor these boards and make sure people follow the rules but I would volunteer to do that if need be.

TPM I hope I am not hijacking the thread from you.
I think both requests are great.

I'm not sure of the best way to implement the first one. As baseballmom pointed out, the questions of new members/players fall into a lot of different current categories. But maybe it would be really nice to have a special forum for "newbie" questions. Often newcomers post questions that are answered elsewhere, but one thing we "old timers" could to is to post links there to past threads, helping them navigate this huge body of info! Any ideas for a forum name?

Coach2709, I am certainly happy to add a forum for field maintenance, and you are hereby elected as its first moderator. Smile Is there any broader category that we should think of when naming the new forum? Perhaps "Maintaining and Building Baseball Fields"?

Thank you,


Thank you, and I'm sorry I haven't had a chance to add the forum yet and fill you in on the fun chores of moderating. Big Grin I worked 15 hours today at job #1 and now I'm checking the forums before doing a little work on job #2. Good thing I don't need to actually sleep. Wink

I'll try to get the new forum going on Tuesday night.

Thanks much,


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