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Many posters and visitors who gain so much through this site may not realize the expense born by MNMOM to keep this site up and running. She tries to do it through advertising but recently got hit by a big bill so please read her post about this in the "Announcements" forum. Then then make a donation if you can to help her out at the following link:
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nortex - Based on your formula, I need to ask for a patial refund. Smile Just kidding, I am more than happy to help MN-Mom as there is a wealth of information on this website.

Here is an explanation from one of MN-Mom's recent posts regarding what contributes to the cost:

"Oh, for those who asked, photos like those posted by GotWood do not eat up our bandwidth, as they are not hosted here. We do pay a very high rate for bandwidth ($5 per GB in excess of our plan allowance - this month the excess was 100GB = $500 just for bandwidth). But all that bandwidth is used up just by the normal activity of members and visitors clicking from page to page, doing searches, reading posts, responding, reading the non-forum pages, etc"

Also, it costs to store your private messages. So, try to delete your private message history when you are finished with a conversation.
Last edited by cheapseats

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