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Hello everyone! Our hosting company has notified me that they will be doing an upgrade of our forum software this coming Monday, April 27.

They expect our forums to be out of service for about 5 to 15 minutes at some point during the upgrade process, but they cannot tell us what time of day this will happen.

I'll let you know if I hear any additional specifics.


Original Post

Brief down time?

I was wondering when you were going to get around to this subject. Just 'cuz the name says Pull*Ups© doesn't mean there is no brief down time...right?


Pants on the ground!


From Rush Limbaugh Monday Nov. 19, 2012

By the way, the number of people actually paying for California to work is shocking. Somebody sent me a note. There was apparently a roundtable discussion recently, and one of the participants on the roundtable said, "If you count all the living souls in California, including inmates, mentally ill, children, retirees, but don't count state government employees, count everybody but state government employees, 37% of the California population actually works. And of the 37%, only half make enough to pay taxes.

So in California, only 37% are creating anything of value, and of that 37%, only 18% are actually paying taxes to support the system. Is it any wonder then that on November 6th Californians voted to raise taxes on those people. And Mayor Brown's all happy. This tax increase is gonna work because the people voted for this one. They didn't have this one shoved down their throats, and he's right. They're voting for what they're getting. They're not being fooled at all. People of California want what is happening. There's no arguing that, folks. No way, shape, manner, or form. Just like there's no arguing here that we are dealing with this phenomena known as Santa Claus that exists in the Democrat Party. No question about it whatsoever. I told you we're gonna have more Christmas tunes as we get closer to the season highlighting Baracka Claus, and we do.


Hwy. 6 Accident Headlight Herald® Oct. 11, 2012 Hwy. 6 Accident


WND: Left Wing Trolls


Unions threaten MI Gov. Snyder


Domino's pizza owner sues US govt. over Obamacare


Holder Dossiers Private citizens


Huckabee discusses lack of God in classrooms


Maytag dryer repair, probably the igniter.


From: Open Letter to the Secretary-General of the United Nations

108. George H. Taylor, B.A. (Mathematics, U.C. Santa Barbara), M.S. (Meteorology, University of Utah), Certified Consulting Meteorologist, Applied Climate Services, LLC, Former State Climatologist (Oregon), President, American Association of State Climatologists (1998-2000), Corvallis, Oregon, U.S.A.

125. Bob Zybach, PhD (Environmental Sciences, Oregon State University), climate-related carbon sequestration research, MAIS, B.S., Director, Environmental Sciences Institute Peer review Institute, Cottage Grove, Oregon, U.S.A.


Last edited by gotwood4sale

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