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Keller lost, don't remember the score. Martin looks good. They have a bunch of kids that can really hit the ball and are loaded with quality arms.

For Keller, Monk Kreder and Brett Medlin both hit HR's.

I know there were at least 3 HR's hit by Martin, maybe 4. Was busy talking later in the scrimmage (nobody ever guess that I talk) and didn't keep track.

For a game in the cold and the wind, both teams looked good.

Martin will be tough to beat this year, really a quality team.
I'll add to KD's input ...

Martin looks to be pretty deep in pitching. I think they threw 10 different pitchers last night. One sophomore lefty was real impressive. Sorry, I don't recall his name but he will be a stud before he's finished. Nate Karnes (UT signee) threw real well, particularly on a cold night. He, like all Martin's staff last night, threw just one inning. Heard he topped out at ~ 91 mph. Several scouts were there to see him throw.

Also, was real impressed with Marin's lefty leadoff hitter, Garcia. Plays CF. Really nice stroke. Took one deep last night as well.

Conditions were pretty tough for both teams but, all in all, not a bad start. Martin no doubt will be strong once the games REALLY count.
Originally posted by 5sdad:
Originally posted by KellerDad:
5sdad, it was nice meeting you yesterday.

Why does it have to be so dang cold every time we go to Martin?

It was great meeting you also and come over tonight and watch the JV and maybe it wont be as cold. loki

Heading to Lewisville to watch my "other son" play tonight.
Plano East outlasted Birdville last night in the cold (warmer than driving to Birdville's place though Smile ) -- neither team had dominant pitching, although both teams displayed 3-4 good arms (generic review, eh?).

The Panther bats looked good -- a HR, a triple, and a few doubles among the 11-12 hits. Defenses were decent considering the early season and the cold. It is supposed to be colder on Saturday -- PE travels to Grapevine.

All in all, a good first scrimmage.

Go Panthers!
Saw the Mansfield Summit/LD Bell Scrimmage

Summit had some decent pitching very young kids mostly sophomores, should develop to some pretty good players. They hit the ball pretty well, even though Bell had some pretty strong pitching like they always do. Some lefty from summit really impressed me though. Bell swung the bat really well, there 1-4 hitters are very strong, leadoff hitter is FAST and a good hitter. Austin Denney swings a very good stick in that lineup , had a couple of doubles, and the hitter in front of him is pretty good as well. Bell and Summit both should be pretty decent this year, Summit having younger kids though.

How did the other scrimmages go?
I got smart last night and volunteered to do the scoreboard, it was warm in there and a good view.......................can't say I will be that lucky on Saturday as we travel to Duncanville and it is suppossed to be even COLDER loki and that ain't good for an OLLLLLD AZ girl like me.

Hope your son had a good evening last night.....See you on the 14th at Kelly Field. We will have to figure out how to meet.

KD made the rounds walklast night hit our game after the Lewisville scrimmage. Just got to love this time of year,,,,,,,,,,,baseball and seeing old if the weather would just cooperate it would be nirvana.
Last edited by oldbat-never

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