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Some of you found my "monthly report" post interesting last month, so I'll continue to share our community/forum stats which are sent to me mid-month for the previous month.


We welcomed 169 new members in June, bringing our total registered members count to 8,195. In June, 894 of our members posted, and many more registered and unregistered visitors read our forums without posting. Together, we all logged 5,377 hours of forum usage! (Uh-oh, don't tell our bosses!) Big Grin


Our forums had a total of 1.54 million page views in June, down a bit from our monthly average of close to 2 million. This is common in the summer months - we are spending a little more time watching real baseball, and a little less time talking about it.


Total new topics started: 908. What were the most active and popular topics?

How Did Area Code Tryouts Go? started by DBAT 18 GM (with 166 posts and 11359 page views).

New coaches, post your rumors here started by KellerDad (with 133 posts and 10475 page views)

Draft Day started by KellerDad (with 97 posts and 5197 page views)

All prayers and good thoughts for Erik Davis started by infielddad (with 137 posts and 4317 page views)

Our monthly cost for hosting and server/tech support of our forum software was $312. Thankfully, that was also down a little bit from last month's high of $354. I've never been the one to initiate this topic in the past, but I've decided to be honest and say: Yes, I appreciate member help with our growing forum hosting costs. When I took over the site our monthly costs were in the $100 to $200 range, but as we continue to grow, the cost grows, too. Some months I pay the full $300+ out of my pocket, some months part of the cost is offset by member donations and forum sponsor banners. With two boys in college this coming fall, it's a little tougher to keep paying the cost myself in addition to the time I spend running the site, so I've decided it's probably okay to mention our Donate page in my monthly reports. As always, forum membership will remain free, and no one should feel obligated to help. If you have already donated within the past year, THANK YOU very much, and please don't feel that you should donate again. But if you are a parent who has been helped by the site and has wondered how we manage to keep it free to members - heck yah, I could use your help! Wink

Thanks again to all of our wonderful members who contribute to our site and forums every day by posting and participating!

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I can't tell you how much I appreciate what you have done to make this site what it is: hands down the best place for parents of HS and college baseball players.

2 million page views a month?!!!

I hope everybody realizes how easy that would be to commercialize. I, for one, have urged Julie to make sure she doesn't neglect to take advantage of this potential if it means having to fund the expenses of the HSBBW out of her own pocket.

I know I've said this before on this site, but I don't think it is a sustainable model to expect the site administrator to donate her or his time to keep HSBBW up and running. It CERTAINLY isn't sustainable if the administrator has to fund the hard expenses.

I hope HSBBW is around for a long time... long after my son graduates from high school. I would hope to still be participating then, in the hopes that I would be as helpful to others with younger kids as the many folks with college age and older kids have been to me in the two years or so that I have been on this board.

So, I will be sending Julie another payment. (Not a donation, because that sounds like a charity. For me, HSBBW is so valuable that I don't consider it a donation.)

Julie - thanks again for everything you do. As I've communicated with you privately, I really wish you would consider accepting monetary recognition for the time you spend adminsistering this site.
Originally posted by MN-Mom:
What were the most active and popular topics?

How Did Area Code Tryouts Go? started by DBAT 18 GM (with 166 posts and 11359 page views).

New coaches, post your rumors here started by KellerDad (with 133 posts and 10475 page views)

Draft Day started by KellerDad (with 97 posts and 5197 page views)

All prayers and good thoughts for Erik Davis started by infielddad (with 137 posts and 4317 page views)

Do I get a bonus for having 2 of the top four posts?

Texas has 3 of the top 4 posts also. Guess we need to work harder while we are at work. Big Grin
Hi, Julie.

I'm awfully glad you've chosen this approach to keeping us up-to-date...and reminding us of our collective responsibility. I've paid a quick trip to the donor page, accordingly.

I'm afraid that I'm not quite as regular a website participant as I might once have been; but, our gratitude to this website never diminishes. Five-to-six years ago, we'd have been lost without it; and our younger son may never have been able to have lived his dream in the way he has without it.

Many, many thanks to you for the direction, oversight, and dedication you apply to this remarkable site. All the very best to you and your family (musicians AND baseball players!).
Last edited by Prepster
Originally posted by KellerDad:
Originally posted by MN-Mom:
What were the most active and popular topics?

How Did Area Code Tryouts Go? started by DBAT 18 GM (with 166 posts and 11359 page views).

New coaches, post your rumors here started by KellerDad (with 133 posts and 10475 page views)

Draft Day started by KellerDad (with 97 posts and 5197 page views)

All prayers and good thoughts for Erik Davis started by infielddad (with 137 posts and 4317 page views)

Do I get a bonus for having 2 of the top four posts?

Texas has 3 of the top 4 posts also. Guess we need to work harder while we are at work. Big Grin

Doug, you slacker! These fine people here probably don't realize that you were about half of all those posts.... Wink
Last edited by Frozen Ropes GM
Thank you all for your comments, for the great stuff you share here on the HSBBWeb, and also for your monetary contributions - that REALLY helps!

KellerDad, I wasn't going to call attention to the fact that two of the top posts were yours, just in case your boss reads this forum. If you happen to be your own boss, I guess it's okay - or maybe that just makes it worse?!?!?

Originally posted by DBAT 18 GM:
Originally posted by KellerDad:
Originally posted by MN-Mom:
What were the most active and popular topics?

How Did Area Code Tryouts Go? started by DBAT 18 GM (with 166 posts and 11359 page views).

New coaches, post your rumors here started by KellerDad (with 133 posts and 10475 page views)

Draft Day started by KellerDad (with 97 posts and 5197 page views)

All prayers and good thoughts for Erik Davis started by infielddad (with 137 posts and 4317 page views)

Do I get a bonus for having 2 of the top four posts?

Texas has 3 of the top 4 posts also. Guess we need to work harder while we are at work. Big Grin

Doug, you slacker! These fine people here probably don't realize that you were about half of all those posts.... Wink

John, nobody seemed to mention that YOUR post was number 1.....and who's a slacker? Big Grin
Last edited by KellerDad

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