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BOF is right - not enough humor these days.

My off-season assignment from 2B's travel coach is to read (again) The Mental Game of Baseball, underline things that I think are important, and give it to 2B to read over the holidays.

It is a great book, and I do not post this to diminish it at all. But it does mention having a sense of humor and not taking oneself too seriously.

On page 119, there is a sentence:
"when we fail to learn, we've learned to fail"

This reminded me so much of quotes from the Sphinx, in the movie Mystery Men that I wondered how many of them could be relevant to baseball. For those of you who have seen it, 2B's youth ball nickname was Mr. Furious...

The Sphinx

We are number one. All others are number two, or lower.

To learn my teachings, I must first teach you how to learn.

You must lash out with every limb, like the octopus who plays the drums.

He who questions training only trains himself at asking questions.

You must be like wolf pack, not six-pack.

When you can balance a tack hammer on your head, you will head off your foes with a balanced attack. (my favorite)

When you care what is outside, what is inside cares for you.

When you doubt your powers, you give power to your doubts. (Isn't that what it's all about?)
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Oh yeah, my dogs love ice cream....

Check out my dog Fluffy as he gulps down a vanilla cone...

What you don't see here is that he is holding it with his paw.

Well, then there's my dog Lappy, who seems to be lactose intolerant and gets sick after enjoying a cone at the park...

Poor guy.

Then there is my trusted dog Champ, who on the simple command of, 'Hey pup, go into the kitchen and get my dairy milk caramel cone from the freezer' and bam! There he is...what a dog!

Last edited by Coach Waltrip
Originally posted by fsmjunior:
Coach W,

Does the guy w the drill just work out real hard or is he an example PEDs? Did he choose to go with the "polished" look or is that a side effect to get that "buffed" look?

Wink Razz Roll Eyes

What fun is humor w/o some controversy; doesn't it always come back to this w baseball?

That's a good question junior...I'll investigate this and get back to you ASAP
Okay, a little research has uncovered the Toolson drill man is Danish and is a working man who just happens to be a disciple of Jack Lalanne...

Look at this guy, he is 95!

In fact, the Danish toolman does JUICE!

Yes, he partakes in a Jack Lalanne Power Juicer!

When asked point plank the toolman was heard to say, 'Ja JEG saft'. These were his own words!

As a good source of fiber, Roman Meal bread has been a staple of Jack Lalanne for years. Have you ever wondered why? Because excessive amounts of fiber can cause a person's anatomy to become overactive! Duh...

Yes, the dog training toolman enjoys a loaf a day! He was overhead saying while asking for the key to the conveinence store restroom, 'Indtage en loaf en dag'

I hope this has ended the controversy Junior with all his far the shaved and polished head goes, well, I'm still investigating...
Last edited by Coach Waltrip
Ok, Mr. Future Tee-Ball Coach Josh,

Took at a little look at your profile and discovered you are shade bit green behind the gills...

I have a suggestion about your ambition to work in can make great money doing this kid...great career and all the beer and peanuts you can eat...

Just look out for flying objects...

I guess every job has its risks...maybe ya outta stop posting during school hours and focus on your studies so you can end up in the front office...

Last edited by Coach Waltrip

It is well known that most people are afraid of bats!


Your outfit is hiring Coach? I think my ugly mug and my disposition has got to be every bit as good as this babe...

...where can I pick up an application?


And futurecoachjosh...if you purchased your glasses at Lenscrafters© I'd suggest you go and get your money back 'cuz I think your concept of beautiful is a little fuzzy and out of focus!


Last edited by gotwood4sale

That's hilarious floridafan! The Onion makes me cry...with laughter! The only portion of their report that isn't too believable is the comment about VP Biden writing comments on his arm with a magic marker. Seriously...who believes that Ol' Joe would even have a clue as to how to get the cap off?

I've met your in-laws before a nightmare!


Last edited by gotwood4sale
Originally posted by futurecoachjosh:
Ha Ha but what about your wife.....I just happened walking down the street , when I saw her walking down the street with her friends so I snapped a picture of them....

(she's the first one!)

Joshua Jeffrey! If your mom saw this she would light you up boy!!!!

If I were you I would lickety split get this off the HSSBW...or else!

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