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Originally posted by sportsdad&fan:
Easy. Morneau's numbers are a fantastic year for a first baseman.

Jeter's numbers are average for shortstops nowadays and as a leader he botched the whole A-Rod affair.

Plus, the Bosox pretty much gave in after August making the Yankees run for the division easy.

WOW....I'm not even sure where to begin on these.
i would say either of them deserved it. when you look at the better teams in the Al they all had multipal players with great numbers hard to say whos more valuable to their team than the other.

and idk about the fantastic first base numbers compared to average shortstop numbers. Confused i thought 1b was an offensive position. and really look at the shortstops and tejada had the best line with .330 and 24 HR's 100 RBI. better numbers than jeter without a doubt.

and i think they should limit the amount of votes for MVP. instead of 10 votes they should do 5 which i think cy young uses.
I have no idea why the The Experts vote the way they do. Of course, these were the same "experts" who maintained the Cards had no chance postseason, so....there you go.

Howard (NL MVP) is, obviously a heck of a player, a good old thumping first baseman. He had better HR & RBI numbers than Pujols, but it's MVP, not Most Valuable Hitter.

Who has the better glove? Pujols got the Gold.

Pujols was on base more (even with 16 fewer walks), had a better slugging percentage AND scored more runs (even with 9 fewer homeruns), and (astonishingly) Pujols struck out 50 TIMES ALL SEASON while Howard struck out 181 times.

Cogitate on that for a moment, sports fans. Struck out 50 times and hit 49 home runs. Ever hear of a power hitter so close to matching numbers in those two categories?

Importantly (and this would take some appreciation of the game) Pujols hit .397 with RISP (66 points above his season average); Howard hit .256 with RISP...57 points below his season average.

How about RISP with 2 outs? When you either get the run or take the field? Um....what you might call clutch situations? Howard hit .247 (66 points below average). Pujols hit .435. That’s FOUR THIRTY FIVE.

Of course....Pujols has A Ring. Wink

Explanations for MVP choice? No idea here.
i think that pretty much covers it. don't know how pujols doesnt win mvp, all i know is he is the best hitter in the game.

.435 is crazy but i should know a watch every single cardinals game every year. Big Grin

Orlando, where did you get the RISP with 2 outs stat? can it be found on and everyone makes a dig deal out of david ortiz and his clutch hitting, so im curious to hear his RISP with 2 outs average.

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