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This will sound routine, but when my son was a freshman at Plano East, the Panthers faced Kyle Hancock, who was a senior at Rowlett. Kyle dominated during his 5-6 innings on the mound, but he played 3B for the 7th inning. One of our fast guys, it may have been Chris Slater, hit a ground ball to third which Hancock bobbled for a second or two --- before firing an absolute "LAAZZZOOORRRRR" to first. It was the most amazing throw I have ever seen (infield, outfield, or otherwise).
The best catch by a HS baseball player that I've seen had to be last year in the Mickey Mantle World Series in Mckinney. Fly ball to center field (off Beaven). Originally it looked like it was going to be shallow but the wind pushed it back. Fitz starts sprinting in to catch it, realizes it's over his head and goes straight back. Ends up making a circus catch straight back, diving, parrallel to the ground. Part of the significance was that it was the championship game, bottom of the 7th, and the tieing run was on first with 1 out.
Last edited by Dtiger
In last years Flower Mound - Coppell game, I think is was Paul Mummey playing centerfield, he went deep into the left center alley and stole an rbi double from Kaskow that was hit like a lazer. Mummey was more than parrell to the ground, he must have flown 6 to 8 feet in the air to make that catch.

Not only was it a great play but it set to tone for his team and the game.

I still believe if he doesn't make that catch that Coppell wins the game. The catch was that good!!!
The most amazing hitting I've seen all came from Mike Marshall, when he was 16 years old.

Three home runs that I will never forget. First one was at Lagrave field off of Ryan Akins, it went over the clock tower and nearly into the Trinity River. Eek

Then about 2 weeks later in one game he hit one into the road in left field at UTA, then one into the front yard across the street and into the guys yard and one bounced into his flower beds. Eek Eek

The Lagrave home run was simply amazing. The grounds keeper told us during the game that he has seen every game that has been played since they opened the field, and he had never seen a ball hit that far, by anybody.

Pitching, I would have to say Nolen Ryan's 7th no hitter, which I was in attendance for. When they play the replay from that night, the hair still stands up on the back of my neck.

Fielding, I would have to say Johnathan Edwards' arm. He threw a ball this year between innings from Right Field to the football field on the other side of the complex. Probably went 600 feet. Sometimes you would wonder if John would purposely bobble a ball in the outfield to try to get somebody to try to tag on him. His arm is that amazing. PG had him a legit 98 from the outfield.
Originally posted by Old Pitcher:
I have seen some pretty impressive Nike, size 15' red!


Are they for sale? My son needs a pair for this fall. Right PD?

Big Grin


The best place to find clown size Nike red cleats is on or I picked up two pair from this past spring .... even got a deal, last years model for about $40 each....

Last edited by cheapseats

The best place to find clown size Nike red cleats is on or I picked up two pair from this past spring .... even got a deal, last years model for about $40 each....


I appreciate the info. We've been trying to find some locally and haven't had any luck. Our boys have some ski's for feet, huh?!!
Same pitcher, who is now an 07 at a local well known HS, on 2 different occasions (at age 11 and again at 12) was pitching, and during the motion he proceeded in doing a full front flip on the mound I think because he released the ball too late.....I think the momentum caused the flip action.........just wished I had that on tape......Never seen it before or since..........
Sorry guys but the HR that Tanner hit was not a walk off but it did tie the game. The Blackhawks ended up winning the game in the next inning.
I was coachinfg first at the time Tanner hit the bomb and had previously called my wife at the hotel and told her to start packing as I thought we were done. Needless to say I was wrong. Just goes to show you that BLACKHAWKS ruled then.
I have witnessed some pretty amazing plays over the last two summers like a game ending triple play at Marcus and a game ending bunt HR (yes...there were errors). The most impressive baseball feat I witnessed was this summer at TCA. Jacob Morris was pitching to Henry Castaigne after loading the bases. Henry hit a line shot deep into the right center power alley. The result was an "Inside the Park Grand Slam" with no errors and no play at the plate. Yes...Henry does have some wheels!
Speaking of Joe....

We were in a game this summer at UTA and the score was close. They had a runner on third with one out and a fly ball was hit 2/3 into CF - normally an easy tag and score. Joe was under the ball in a catching position when he suddenly brought his hands to his chest just before reaching back up to catch the ball. The deke move caused the runner at third to leave early and he had to return to third as the throw came in. Next batter struck out and run did not score.

Before you say this might be an easy tactic just try it yourself sometime....timing has to be flawless. Smile
Last edited by Frozen Ropes GM
This has been on here before, but I think it deserves another mention. Clayton Mott, New Braunfels, 4A Championship.

Clayton Mott Spectacular Catch

Other than that, Big Jake G. this past spring hitting two HR's in the championships of our 8U coach pitch tournament. He had been getting close all season and watched as three kids on other teams get there before he did during the year. He wanted to hit one out so badly. We all kept telling him to stick with it, when the time was right he would get his. Talk about picking the right time to peak. He hit one in each of two championship games as we came from the loser's bracket to win.

May not be the most spectacular I have ever witnessed, but it will probably stick with me the longest.

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