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Originally posted by TRhit:
----my advice---looosen the leash and see what happens.

TR, For years we've listened to each others opinions, agreed with some, butted heads on others, laughed at and ridiculed each other. In this case I'm going to ask you and the rest of the posters.......

Is there such a thing as a vanilla answer to the question about if/how to motivate your son? Or does the answer involve personalized items such as family dynamics, geography, neighborhoods, schools, economics, maturity, the "real" baseball passion, and the list goes on?

While I like TR's "loosen the leash and see what happens" mentality I would also add that every leash has a different length.
Originally posted by birdman14:
Originally posted by TPM:
Originally posted by rz1:
Then again some of us Northern hicks are probably not as evolved as you.

In your case, probably most likely.

Hey, hey now TPM. Remember where your roots are... Wink

That's why I only mentioned one in particular. Wink
I am on the "he needs to decide on own" train. The more I push/suggest with my kids the greater the chance they will do nothing.

My 1st son as a freshman didn't lift or do serious conditioning unitl the spring when he needed to do it for the football team. It worked out pretty good because none of the baseball only kids lifted or conditioned, but the football players were 100% committed and all met in the weight room before school just about every day for 3 1/2 years. He may not have been lifting baseball specific but it got him working out.

My youngest son didn't do anything about his conditioning until he started wrestling in his senior year, his football team (at a different school then the 1st son) didn't do much conditioning as a team....and it showed!

With my kids it was their peers/coaches and not my "help" that had the greatest impact. All you can really do is make sure he is in the right place at the right time so he has the choice.
Last edited by CollegeParentNoMore

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