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I'm sure we will hear more in the coming weeks, but what are the draft implications for all this? There are literally no games to even scout. I'm hearing that some HS seasons may be salvaged, but college ball is shot. 

From what I understand, 2019 will be going back to campus sometime in mid April where classes are expected to meet in person again. They will then start practicing and looking to get games in, according to the staff. This is where things get unclear. 

This is already going to be a mess in regard to eligibility, roster size and playing time next year. I can only imagine what a disaster this is for scouts who had 3 months to prepare based on what they saw this past summer. 

Moving forward my best guess is that the NCAA will restore eligibility (for seniors), expand rosters, and remove a scholarship cap. The NCAA will then require all incoming freshmen to redshirt their true freshman season and restore eligibility for the current (frosh-juniors) with an appeal when their eligibility runs out. Many will elect to move on with life, others will be granted another year and enroll in grad school/continue to play. 

I know at our school, there are plenty of guys with no eligibility remaining that the coach probably would not have back if he were given the option. In fact many were only there because they were seniors. 

I also want to know where all this money is coming from with the lack of NCAAM tournament revenue and conference payouts. This is a major $hit$torm and one I'm not sure I have all the answers to. 

Ps: I know new site layouts take some time to get used to but I'm not sure this is one of those situations

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Expanding rosters won’t give athletic departments more money to spend on athletes. Besides, who wants to be player #45 on a roster? The reality is some kids are going to get screwed no matter what decisions are made. It won’t be the pro prospects. But everyone else on the team should have the priority of graduating and moving on. It sucks. It’s harsh. But, it’s true.

Last edited by RJM

Trying to decide or asking about what's going to happen is probably fruitless since no one really knows what's going on. Coaches are looking for answers as well.

IMO, coaches will have the ability to decide, early enough who they want and who they don't want, and this will determine next falls rosters. Keep in mind that the NCAA put out a statement that players will be given one year more of eligibility, but they never said if that included any type of athletic or academic money. 

I know right now that a priority is to have seniors graduate, which should be the priority for ALL.

We got an email from son's P5 university today. To summarize, it says "you have an extra year of eligibility. We don't know what that means about scholarships. We'll let you know when we know more."

My son is currently a second year student, but thanks to lots of AP and dual credit classes while in HS and actually passing 15 hours of credit per semester for the last three semesters (and on track for anther one this spring) he is slated to graduate next year. In a perfect, dream world, he will get drafted and receive a degree a little over a year from now.  The backup plan with this change would let him play baseball for two years and pick up a masters or additional credentials.

Strong academics give you options, no matter what is happening in the world around you.



I would think coaches decide on freshman redshirts but if they move the draft to August, coaches won’t even know who is coming back until recruits have reported for summer school.  If they report, they wouldn’t be able to enter the draft.  They can’t really make an informed decision because they won’t know what they are walking into.  Hoping answers come sooner than later.

baseballhs posted:

I would think coaches decide on freshman redshirts but if they move the draft to August, coaches won’t even know who is coming back until recruits have reported for summer school.  If they report, they wouldn’t be able to enter the draft.  They can’t really make an informed decision because they won’t know what they are walking into.  Hoping answers come sooner than later.

What a mess🤯. This hurts my head. 

Geezmom posted:

How can they require whole freshman classes to redshirt?  Shouldn’t that  be the coaches decision?

They could also allow seniors to come back and new freshmen to arrive. 

Coaches could then take the best of both world, the best seniors are kept, the worse ones are cut and the best freshmen play and the rest is redshirted.

Will be a mess of course but someone is going to give.

The NJCAA has, likewise, issued a statement that they intend to restore a year of eligibility for junior college players, assuming less than 60% of the schedule is completed. I have no idea how this works in terms of current NCAA requirements on credits for JC transfers. If a kid has taken too many JC courses, it will leave him in a position of nowhere to go except NCAA, and those rosters will be backed up with returnees + high school recruits. Additionally, will the NCAA rest the "must play four years in a five year period requirement?" I assume so.

Mid-majors and D-II'swill be the most drastically effected. They often are, at this point still recruiting heavily for 2021 rosters and many depend heavily on JC transfers and HS kids they haven't even see play yet. It's going to be a mess, roster-wise for a couple of years, minimum.

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