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This is just to satisfy my curiousity and I could not find a discussion on this site.

Many D1 universities have branch campuses that compete on the D3 level. If you compete on the team at the branch campus and then transfer to the main campus to complete your degree, would you have to sit out a year (assuming the D1 coach is now interested)?

One reason that I ask is that I was wondering if there is no "sit out" rule, do any of these schools consider their branch campuses as a potential source for recruits? I would think for the lower level D1s that this may be an option in addition to the JCs.

Like I said, just curious.
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I see that no one answered your question.

Keep in mind that anytime a player transfers TO ANY DI they sit out a year. Of course there are exceptions (3FG to the rescue if I am wrong on this one). I am not too aware of players that transfer to D2,D3 to D1.

My understanding is that most programs on campuses that are considered "branches" of larger programs have nothing to do with each other.
Last edited by TPM
Sorry, I missed this earlier.
If the branch school meets the official definition of a branch school, and the player enrolls directly to the parent school, it is not considered a transfer, and the player would not need to sit out a year.

14.02.1 Branch school. A branch school is an educational institution that usually offers two years of college work, does not award degrees independently, and is wholly controlled and operated by a four-year, degree-granting parent institution.

14.5.3 Conditions not Constituting Transfer status. Unless otherwise covered by conditions set forth in Bylaw 14.5.2, a student-athlete is not considered a transfer under the following enrollment conditions:
....... Branch School. The student has been enrolled in or attended classes only in a branch school, provided the branch school does not conduct an intercollegiate athletics program. If the branch school conducts an intercollegiate athletics program, the student shall not be considered a transfer only upon enrollment at the parent institution directly from the branch school.
Last edited by 3FingeredGlove
Thanks. One of our "backups" is a large university where they can assign you to a branch campus for the first two years and then move to the main campus to finish out your major. This would be his choice if his #1 and #2 choices fall through. The branch campus plays D3 and if he could play there, I just wanted to see if there was an option to at least try to keep the dream alive once he went to the main campus.

It sounds like this would not be an option since the branch campus does offer four year degrees (just not in his major) and has an intercollegiate athletic program. Fortunately, if he goes this route, there is a pretty good club baseball option on the main campus.
You should probably get an opinion from the NCAA, because it still may qualify as a branch school. Be sure to find out: When the branch school grants a 4 year degree, is the name of the parent school on the degree? If so, it may still meet the NCAA definition of a branch school. The fact that the branch school has intercollegiate competition doesn't matter if the player enrolls directly at the parent school.

"If the branch school conducts an intercollegiate athletics program, the student shall not be considered a transfer only upon enrollment at the parent institution directly from the branch school."

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