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great article.....

mike and mike were discussing this morning why baseball gets so much heat about PED's, when it's obvious that sports like football may have the same or even bigger problem.

my view is this: we look at football player or body builders and we not only accept that they may use ped's but we don't care because the end results are bigger bodies which add to the entertainment value. the nfl wouldn't be fun if we were watching 170 men crash into one another...instead we want to see a 250lb line backer tear someone's head off.

we struggle with PED's in baseball for two main reasons. 1. baseball is the everyman sport. through the years we've annointed the God's of the game, but each of them has represented an everyman, someone we can all relate to. so to find out that they cheated to get there make us feel.....duped, gullible, snookered.

2. more importantly baseball is like golf to the sense that it's pure. we accepted how players have bent some of the written/unwritten rules over the years, but the history is pure. it hasn't changed much over the years....the game we enjoyed with our granparents is the same one we enjoy with our kids. i think as fans we've become fiercely protective of it's history and the ped problem in baseball has disrupted that.....

just my thoughts....all i know is i'm over it. i don't care about cream and clear, hgh, or anything else.....i want to know that mlb is testing and doing what they can to keep the game honest, so that i can put my cap on, pack my cooler and head out to the ballpark to escape for the day. for pete's sake let's just play ball!!

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