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I received this email from someone last week. I'm sure many of those here, have already seen this site, but thought I would share just in case. This is a very unusual and important site. If you have kids, you might want to be sure to check it out. If you don't have kids, it's still very scary!

Here's the email...

Website - FamilyWatchDog,us

Pass this on

When you visit this site you can enter your address and a map will pop up with your house as a small icon of a house. There will be red, blue and green dots surrounding your entire neighborhood. When you click on these dots a picture of a criminal will appear with his or her home address and the description of the crime he or she has committed.

The best thing is that you can show your children these pictures and see how close these people live to your home or school.

This site was developed by John Walsh from Americas Most Wanted. This is another tool we can use to help us keep our kids safe.

Please pass this on to everyone!!!

This site does work - it's scary!!!
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For those of you who think bad things can't happen near you...

Remember the recent case of Ben Ownby and Shawn Hornbeck?

The Missouri boy who was kidnapped and with whom was found a boy who had been missing for 5 years?

Well, the apartment complex where they were found is less than 1 mile from my house. I have driven by there hundreds of times during the 5 years when Shawn was missing (on my way to baseball practice among other things) and probably laid eyes on him a couple of times.

In fact, I had to drive by the apartment complex the night they were found in order to go out to dinner.

Don't blow this stuff off.
Last edited by thepainguy
My "calling" is as a substitute teacher and I work in a lot of different schools in a lot of different suburbs and two years ago I checked this website and was shocked and horrified to see the father of a first grader who I taught listed as an offender. The little boy was as cute as could be, a very sweet little boy. It breaks my heart. I checked the website today and the man is still listed.

I wonder if the parents of classmates of this 3rd grader know about the dad and if the boy is ever able to invite friends over....actually if he has any friends...and what will happen to this boy if he finds out about his dad......and what will happen to this little boy....

It is scary.
Last edited by play baseball
Wow. I just checked it out and there are none registered near our home, but one came up about 2 blocks from a close friend's house, with the red square and listed conviction for a 1st degree sexual crime against children. My friend has an 8th grade daughter and you can bet I just sent this on to her.
Last edited by MN-Mom
PG - Thanks for sharing this. There's no one really close to me and I'm very surprised to see so few listed period in a city of the size I live. However, I used it to view some areas of colleges my HS daughter is interested in..... that gave some very interesting results! A good tool for parents to use in several ways.
A couple thoughts…

While the site does provide important information that all parents should check out, you can’t help but wonder about the affect it could have on innocent people. Guess the good outweighs the bad.

How terrible it would be to move into a house that has been identified as an address where a child molester lives. Child molester no longer living there, but it hasn’t been changed on the search function of the website. You might never know why the neighbors are so unfriendly! Could something like that happen?

It’s still all worth it IMO. How valuable to those considering moving to a new neighborhood or buying a house. How about checking the path that your children take to school or even where they are asked to stay overnight.

Anyway, I hope everyone checks this site, not to be overly dramatic, but it could save a child… Maybe even your child or grandchild!
I know many realtors who use this site or sites like them. Something to take into consideration when buying a home,..or renting a home!!! Eek
Talk about a home depreciation factor!!

Have a friend who was seriously considering making an offer on a home that had been sitting for sale on the market almost two years. Their asking price had been dropped reasonable below market value. We wondered why.
I did a local law enforcement search,..and we quickly found out why!!! ( eek! ) No thanks!

FYI: Most local law enforcement agencies keep current, up to date, lists also. Usually easily found on the web.

As PG said :
not to be overly dramatic

...very true, but we can be alert and as readily informed as possible. Horrifically, even with that, its not always enough.
Last edited by shortstopmom
Nice to be aware.

One grain of salt to consider (mainly because we have an ongoing case in GA that falls under this catagory) is that of the male teen offender who has been convicted of statutory rape or child molestation for having $ex with a willing partner who is also a schoolmate/peer. The case in GA involves a SR boy who was given or-al se-x by a classmate (the SO girl admitted to offering the service and performing the act on school property.) Sadly, the boy was given a mandatory 6 yr sentence that ended his promising football career & college scholy. The school board pushed the case, not the girl or her parents. He will be labled a $ex offender forever unless the conviction is overturned, but his life is ruined either way. He's been in jail for over 2 years.

Moms, talk to your boys. Make sure they understand what can happen when they turn 18 in high school. They don't want to be a red square on a map.
Last edited by MN-Mom

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