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Put me on a panel with subpoena powers and contempt powers and McGwire will go down.

His testimony was LAUGHABLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The congressmen who did the questioning had no "cajones".

When "juicing" became an issue, all three, McGwire, Sosa and Palmeiro "retired".


You probably believe in tooth fairies, too; and, that Michael Jordan "retired" to play baseball for a year.

Forget a panel, why don't you run for Congress? The you can display your "cajones" and clean up sports forever!

Michael Jordan? You're going after Michael Jordan? Where does that come from?

It is my right as an American to believe in the Tooth Fairy if I show choose without accepting ridicule from a wannabe judge and jury from Frankfort Illinois!!!


Ran twice and that was enough. Won once and lost once. Couldn't deal with people making $15,000 a year telling me what to do.

Jordan was brought into the discussion because you obviously believe in McGwire, so you likely believed that Jordan took a year off because "he liked baseball". Gee, that happened the next day after he had a meeting with the Commish of the NBA. Hello?

Tooth fairies are good for kids. However, what are they calling them now to be "politically correct"?

I'm a Chicagoan. Frankfort is a tiny Southwestern suburb of Chicago.
Ah but you are mistaken. I do not believe McGwire. I simply point out that there is no evidence (as of right now) that can nail him as a doper. His performance before congress was ridiculous, but not incriminating. In fact, he went out of his way not to incriminate himself. That's what was so ridiculous.

Here's what I believe happened to Jordan: I think his father was killed and he reeled. He looked for something different because basketball and his father were connected. He played for a summer, got straightened out emotionally and returned to the hardwood. Just my opinion and perception and I have no facts to substantiate this.

Now give me evidence, not innuendo (which you seem to revel in) that I am wrong. Dont' tell me that he "met with the commissioner" and means that that they drove him out of basketball for a year unless you can back it up.

Are tooth fairies now "Tooth Customer Service Representatives" with invisible wings?
Last edited by Baseballdad1228

I don't mean for this to sound like a personal attack, but just my personal opinion. It bugs me when you say something like "people making $15,000 a year telling me what to do." I remember you making a comment like that a few years ago about people making $30K, I think in reference to HS teachers or coaches. I just hate to hear that said in a way that sounds condescending. Speaking from my own career, I have had jobs ranging from over $100K (technical sales) to under $20K (church secretary). I was still the same person with the same intelligence, college degree, and worth to society, in both jobs. I just chose them for different reasons at that time in my life. I know many other friends and family members who make tons of money or very little money, and the numbers on their paycheck don't represent their ability to give good advice or have valuable opinions.

I'm not saying this as a moderator or administrator, just a person who is turned off by that comment and felt a need to share a different opinion. I'm not trying to pick on anyone.


I really don't care what people make and what they do with their money.

I just remember, while campaigning, that so many wanted me to be "politically correct". Well, I'm not and I don't care to be.

I saw McGwire and Canseco in Milwaukee when I went to see Scott Spiezio during his rookie year with the A's.

In my opinion, McGwire and Canseco were juiced. Their arms and chests were bloated. They looked like Popeye the Sailor Man.
We do have eyewitness testimony that McGwire took steroids. Jose Canseco testified, under oath before Congress that he helped McGwire take steroids. Eyewitness testimony is evidence in a court of law. Defendants get convicted and aquitted based on eyewitness testimony every day in our courts. So, the evidence is there. It's just a question of how credible the eyewitness is to people. Right now, Jose Canseco is looking very credible, at least to me.

As for local team MVP's, I love Jose Reyes for the Mets and Jeter for the Yanks. But why is Joe Maurer, even on a baseball website, not being recognized for his MVP season. He is being ignored by the media but the Twins would be long out of the race without him.

In the NL, you have to like the guy with the big HR total. Ryan Howard gets my vote.

I have said this before-- is Conseco a valid eyewitness ? This is a guy who shows up whenever he has a bew book out--he is also the same man who tried to run his wife down in the streets of Miami.

People also want to forget that McGwire was taken a substance that at the time was legal when it was discovered in his locker.

Think of this a minute ---Andre Agassi was shooting cortisone so he could play the Open this past weekend===should cortisone be considered a performance enhancer?

The bottom line is that nobody has "truly' been proven "guilty"

Watch what happens with Howard this year---how do explain what he is doing with his HRS this year? That will be the question
Last edited by TRhit
When you have two people with diametric positions, you need evidence to support allegations. Canseco's word certainly is not enough standing alone to convict McGwire of anything in a court of law. In a criminal jury trial, you must prove beyond reasonable doubt. The burden of proof in a civil action is just the likelihood that McGwire took steroids, but there is still a burden of proof that is not met with just Canseco's testimony. A mediocre attorney would be able to cast Canseco as a steroid abuser looking to bring down anyone he can with him.

With that said, I believe that McGwire did take steroids. He just didn't get caught.
Last edited by Baseballdad1228

re: Howard - no proof that he isn't doing 'stuff', just like there is no real proof that others aren't.

But this is not an anomaly for Howard. He hit 22 jacks in 88 games last yr with the Phils and had 16 in AAA before being called up. in 2004 he hit 37 at AA, 9 in 29 games at AAA and 2 more for the Phils [48 total], and had 23 in 130 games at A in 2003.

He is several months OLDER than Pujols, and just for the sake of throwing things out there, both his twin brother and his older brother are bigger than him.

The boy can JACK!
Last edited by windmill
TRHit - I consider Canseco to be a very valid and credible eyewitness. He was a steroid user himself and a dealer to his teammates. A person can't be any closer to knowing what McGwire was doing than Canseco. And I have no idea what would be proof enough for people like yourself and Dad1228. There could be video of McGwire sticking a needle in his butt and you could deny that it was steroids he was injecting. I would say nothing short of a positive blood test would suffice for the passionate defenders of McGwire, Bonds, etc...

BaseballDad1228 - Like I said, people get convicted and aquitted in criminal courts in this country every day based solely on eyewitness testimony. This is an indisputible fact. I do agree that Canseco's testimony might not be enough to convict McGwire or anyone else in criminal court. But that would be up to the jury. And judging by most of the responses on this site, McGwire could indeed find himself found guilty.

We need to come down harder on steroids users. They have taken a lot of fun out of the game for the fans. It will be difficult to look at any player who breaks a record as legit again. The age of honesty has been replaced with the age of cynicism.

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