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Pain in the elbow at your age, if you are biologically 14 yo is caused by supinating fore arm flyout caused by over early rotating your shoulder, elbow and ball beyond directly towards 2nd base at initial forward force that produces ballistic Elbow CRASH from centrifuging that causes unnecessary eccentric muscle contractions (brachialis under the Biceps) to keep this from happening. The pain “between the elbow and shoulder” if it is on the bicep side is this disconnection in your release and finish, the muscle is contracting to help keep your elbow from crashing and they tear. This ballistic crashing causes severe inflammation, bone chips (hardened pieces of cartilage), bursa sack tearing (this one can actually kill you), evulsions, broken and deformed bone, growth plate degradation pre-mature closure and breaks, muscle tears like the supinator near and with the tendon micro tearing (LL and tennis elbow) and loss of extension and flexion range of motion.

This is the fix,

Learn to keep the ball going straight back and up supinating (thumb up) and arrive at drive line height before your glove side leg touches ground, now you can safely apply forward force pronating your drive and finish thumb down and elbow up with all of your pitches. It is important that you learn how to powerfully pronate (thumb down) all of your pitches!!!

Watch Roger Clemens throw his slider by powerfully pronating the drive and release, he also threw his cutter the same way with less forward ball spin axis.

Your Dr. will help heal you but will not give you the mechanical correction you need to make to keep this from happening in the future. Most Dr’s mis-diagnose pain in the bicep area as a bicep tear when it is actually the smaller and longer Brachialis under and running along with the bicep.
Last edited by Yardbird

Holy cramoli Yardbird. If this kid is under 14, he has no idea what you just said. Shoot, I am a grown man involved with baseball for 40 years and I have very little idea what you just said. You Marshall guys need to speak english.

Swissbaseball55, you need to quit throwing and see a doctor now. Get your parents to take you to a sports orthopedist.

Welcome to the HSBBW by the way. Please post back and let us know what the doctor said.
Last edited by bballman
What makes you think he understands it? If he understood it he wouldn't say it. Smile

BTW, mechanics tend to have very little to do with most throwing injuries. It is almost always a matter of over use and how a given individual's arm reacts to stress. Go see a doctor. You probably aren't going to find one who specializes in throwing athletes so an orthopedist is probably the best bet.
Last edited by CADad
“Holy cramoli Yardbird. If this kid is under 14”

Holy guacamole, Bballman, he implicitly said he was 14? And I have no trouble explaining this stuff to even 9 yo’lds, why do they understand this stuff yet (previously played baseball) adults treat it like a wall to get over or around?
“he has no idea what you just said.”

This is a bad assumption, I could tell by his righting style cadence that he is very intelligent and that anything I said that he did not understand, he would then ask for
clarification or I suspect he would do the research himself the way he is doing it here.
“Shoot, I am a grown man involved with baseball for 40 years and I have very little idea what you just said.”

This may be everything I said? For those 40 years has anything changed in regards to the injury lists? MLB’s opening day had 52 pitchers already on the DL!!!! It’s time to learn new things that will actually create change. Where exactly did I lose you?
“You Marshall guys need to speak English”

If you have any problem with what I have said? Why don’t you just ask what it meant?
After all I am posting my responses for all who are curious enough to eliminate mechanically caused injuries, not just this intelligent 14 yo.
I did forget to give him the correct place for all the right answers about injuries.
Thanx for the second opportunity;
Last edited by Yardbird
Here we go back to the Irreverant Dr. Marshall once again and his schill YARDBIRD---actually have you thought how apropos the YARDBIRD moniker is---he is imprisoned by the Marshall Thoughts--

YARDBIRD---despite all your "language" the kid needs to see a real good ortho doc ASAP---and I don't need 500 hundred words and terms to say it
MLB’s opening day had 52 pitchers already on the DL!!!! It’s time to learn new things that will actually create change.

Maybe if you had 300+ pitchers having thrown thru high school, college, minor leagues and the pros, you would have 52 pitchers on the DL.

You don't have enough evidence that your techniques are any better than the "traditional" mechanics.

I will go a step further. Marshall had guys using his techniques go to ASMI to be evaluated. I am no expert, but I know they hooked up meters and monitors to two groups of pitchers to evaluate the amount of stress placed on the shoulder and elbow. Taken from an ASMI message board, Dr. Fleisig was asked about this. Here is the question and response:

"Quote:Has this technique been studied to see if it changes any stresses on the arm?

Rob, look at Reply #4 above (Sept 9, 2008). You can see the study design and results from our biomechanical comparison. In the conclusion statement of that posting, I said:

"Compared to elite traditional pitchers, the torque fastball pitchers produced similar shoulder and elbow torques, but significantly less ball velocity. Compared to a matched traditional group, the torque fastball group produced similar ball velocity, but required significantly greater shoulder and elbow force and torque.""

Apparently, it is more stressful on the shoulder and elbow to employ Marshall mechanics. I don't believe Marshall has used scientific biomechanical analysis to confirm his theories. I believe this was his attempt to do this and the results were not in his favor.

The Marshallites can put down ASMI and their tests, but these are standard tests which measure force and torque measured by electrodes and such. The results are what they are. Marshall mechanics are still a theory until they can scientifically be proven to be less stressful, or until you have a legitimate core of people who use the mechanics over a prolonged period of time without injury.

Bottom line is this kid needs to see a doctor. To suggest anything other than that at this time is irresponsible.

“Here we go back to the Irreverant Dr. Marshall once again”

So by answering my post in the disrespectful manor in which you choose to, puts you ankle deep in what you are complaining about? What irony. Lets not give this 14 yo the impression that irreverent is spelled with an a.
“his schill YARDBIRD---actually have you thought how apropos the YARDBIRD moniker is---he is imprisoned by the Marshall Thoughts—“

Actually I have been let free of dealing with injuries in any form regarding pitching and throwing through this process. I would say it is you who are imprisoned by your dogmatic adherence to the traditional way of thinking by posting to these injured players over and over without any remediation attached. This snotty retort at me by you and others shows your real concern. What does schill mean?
”YARDBIRD---despite all your "language" the kid needs to see a real good ortho doc ASAP---and I don't need 500 hundred words and terms to say it.”

I did not ask him to forgo a visit to the Dr.’s office, why do you suggest I did?
If you wish to tell him little information that is your prerogative, no sweat here but to actually help rid himself of the actual problem I wrote what I felt he needed to hear, you seem to have a problem with that, again that is your prerogative. You and a few others here have a problem with anything I write and then must comment on it negatively when I’m trying to help the kid and those whom wish to try it.
Hey here is an even better way to totally eliminate the possibility of hurting your arm by throwing a baseball.

DONT THROW A BASEBALL , EVER. And if you already are STOP!

And to you young man - STOP and see a doctor right away. Do not throw again until you have been checked out and cleared to throw. It may be very serious or it may not. But hurting like that is a sure fire sign that something is wrong.
“First of all you spew none of your own thoughts--you are captive”

Here, grab an oar!
”Secondly I didnt suggest anything--I stated it”

You stated it incorrectly in any case.
”I think for you to do is to return to pitching forum where they truly laugh at you and your posts”

I have no clue what this means and your bagging me on language?
“And YARDBIRD--look up the terms you do not know—LOL”

Calm down and quit yelling, I already do this with every subject, I apparently made the mistake of thinking everybody did this! TIIKM. If this kid is from Switzerland he probably is on his way to being fluent in other languages, which means he will have no trouble understanding simple concepts as the ones I talked about.
Last edited by Yardbird
Actually, we don't even know for a fact that the young man is a pitcher, as he never stated such. The most we know for a fact is that he is a catcher, as he stated he could not throw the ball back to the pitcher, and that he throws four to six days a week (maybe that is as a pitcher, maybe as a catcher). So the pitching dissertation may be irrelevant. When the boy sees a doctor, he will be able to provide him with the necessary info.
Thank you so much for all of the infos, I will stop throwing until I see a Doctor (next Tuesday I will see a special Doctor for sports injuries.

I play Catcher and I only have practice three days per week, but I usually go to the park and practice on my own or with dad.

I have had the pains for almost a year, sometimes they weren't really bad and at other times really bad. Last year my coach took me out of the game more than once because of the pain, but mostly I played through the pain because I didn't to seem like a "wussy" because none of the other players had pain. I recently told my parents about the pain and they immediately called a Doctor. I already had the pain in my arm before when I lived in America and then it went away, and then last year the pain came back and it was twice as bad.

Do you guys think it could be anything serious? I want to have a healthy arm by July (European Championships Smile)

Thanks to everyone

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