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A 2nd high school opens in my community in Aug 2010. New district lines will send most of the better athletes to the new school. I have an option on where to send my son (currently a 9th grader.) Turning out to be a very good baseball player. Son and I have discussed pros and cons on both programs. Main factors are new school coaches probably bring more politics to the table, and I question the total commitment to baseball, as their sons play other sports (basketball and football)..old school will lose numerous good players, have excellent facilities, and current coach is baseball year round. Son will play at either school, maybe not the position he is used to, old school probably more pitching, and will play all he wants, probably lose more games than he is used to. We seem to be 50/50...any recommended factors that I may be missing for this decision?
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Main factors are new school coaches probably bring more politics to the table,
Why? There aren't any existing politics.

and I question the total commitment to baseball, as their sons play other sports (basketball and football)
Why? My son is a college prospect in a second sport and I don't question his commitment to baseball. I didn't question his commitment to baseball when he played three sports.

old school will lose numerous good players,
They will have established JV players waiting in the wings.

have excellent facilities,
Wouldn't a new high school have new facilities?

and current coach is baseball year round.
Good for him. The season is in the spring.

new school, maybe not the position he is used to,
Any position on the field is better than a position on the bench. My son doesn't even play the position he started at on varsity last year.

old school probably more pitching,
Not guaranteed.

and will play all he wants,
Not guaranteed.

probably lose more games than he is used to.
How do you know this? I'm a good judge of talent. I had my son's team as a middle of the pack team. They're currently tied for first.

We seem to be 50/50....
No you're not. I see you want us to tell you the old school.

any recommended factors that I may be missing for this decision? .
Unbiased judgement. What does your son want? I would think he would want to play with as many of his buddies as possible. High school ball isn't going to determine his baseball future.
Last edited by RJM
2012 went through this last year. His will be the first class to go 4 years at the new school. Not sure how you are set up, cmoreball, but our district went strictly by the grammar school districts to do the split. Last year was a tough year with no seniors in any sports, the seniors stayed at the old school. Football went from 0-9 to 6-3 and conference champs. Baseball is moving along strong sophomore and freshman teams, varisty not as good as hoped.

2012 and his classmates have made the school theirs. He has attended the other other sports to cheer on his classmates. They are building a tradition that they can be proud to pass on. This is the advantage of the new school.
Last edited by LWN Dad
We are experiencing this right now. School district was carved out of a larger school and many talented ball players ended up in the new school. Coach from old school, which were runner-up in state in 2009, moved to new school. The struggle was that the infrastructure was not in place so the booster club is facing a large burden. Made state play-off in 1st year without seniors.

I think we’re in a good place for the future.
At this time, he is leaning towards staying at the old school. He is finding out a couple of key players are sticking around too. I basically told him it's his decision, I'll support whatever he does. This will split up probably our best group of Freshman / 8th graders that have been playing together since they were 8/9 years old...I honestly feel like he is more comfortable with the coach's at the old school. It is his understanding they are sticking around (and none of them have son's playing in the system) won't be true across town... so I think that was a key factor. Who knows, he's 14, and could change his mind tomorrow.

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