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We carry quite a few players for our summer program. There are times when we have 10 and times there are 18 for our 17 under team. Players have to attend thier HS summer games or other functions. Yes, you expect comittment but things come up. I have a family and have to miss a game or two in order to take care of the family. I think as long as there is an understanding between coaches and players the situation never becomes a problem.

I think there is valid points on most of the posts. Just be upfront and honest. If coach doesn't like it, the player just has to deal with it or move on.
My son injured his wrist 2 weeks ago. Tried to play through it. Went got it checked out found a small break. Practice college last fall Spring college season Feb to May now summer league cant play. coming home and calling the coach and saying he could not play out the season was tough. No burn out just bummed out.
Are you still mad AzRed? I wasn't mad when I posted. Just stated how I feel about it. You have a right to your opinion I have a right to mine. It doesn't make me mad if someone disagrees with me. I dont have the luxury of bending rules. I have to be consistent. If I allow a kid to miss a game to go to a concert without ramifications I have to allow anyone who wants to miss , miss whenever they want for what ever reason they want. Kind of hard to field a team with that mentality. Im glad your son is driven to be the best he can be. Thats probaly one reason he is such a good player. My son has posted one time on this site. I hope that is not a problem for anyone on here. Again I really dont care who agrees with me and who doesnt agree with me. If you want a caoch that is dedicated and stands by his commitments then you have to do the same as a player. I dont believe in missing games and I dont believe in missing practices. Yes there are exceptions , but going to a concert with your girlfriend does not wash with me. If it does for you thats fine. Its your opinion.
Coach May, who said I was mad? Do you always assume that people who disagree with you are mad? I'm not mad...just a poster who is direct.....and who appreciates this site. Opinions are what we all learn by here.....I'm very familiar now with your opinion(s)....and it hasn't changed let's move on.....people are going to read threads, and come to their own conclusions.....and form their own opinions.
Last edited by LadyNmom
First of all HS and College baseball players don't need girlfriends-- they tend to get in the way and muddy a kids thinking--

I agree with Coach May--you do it for one you have to do it for all and then you have the inmates running the prison--yes there are going to beexceptions but seeing Celine Dion isn't one of them
Will and Bighit.....with all due respect. Do you know Coach Stephenson? Do you know everything that has transpired for him in the past few days? Would you say these things directly to him, or just on a website that he will never see?

You don't know what you don't know!

I made a joke. If that bothers you, tough.
It is all over the news. Lighten up. I am having fun with it and could give two cents for the guy personally. You don't like my musings. don't read them. I don't hide who I am message board or no and I have a right to my opinions whether you like them or not. In my opinion he is a bonehead for not having his ducks in a row and making a jerk out of himself on a big stage. I happen to know some people at WSU and someone I trust has told me that afte the first resignation most of the team was ready to transfer and ask for releases. Nothing that I said is out of line. If you don't like it too bad, too sad. The last thing I need is to be admonished by you. I could care less about your opinion of me.

To answer your question. yes I would tell him to his face. If my son was being recruited by him, I would stand right in front of him and tell him why my son was not coming to his school. Have him e-mail me I would gladly call him. You too, for that matter.

What got your knickers in a bunch anyway. My comments were pretty harmless. It is not like this is a private matter. Grow up.

You don't know what you don't know!

Feel free to fill us in. Or is it a secret?
Last edited by Bighit15
I don't know ... I detect a lot of jealousy here because the kid got Celine Dion tickets and they didn't.

As for the coach, I think both Oklahoma and Wichita State should play at Norfolk State next season in a three-way double dip and settle this on the field. That way, I figure, my kid's games should at least make Gametracker.

Was it not young Tanner in the original Bad News Bears who said, "Just shut up and play some ******** baseball."
I have 14 kids on my summer roster, and I barely get more than 10 at a game. as they get older, their priorities do change, and there's more to life than committing to baseball every day. That's okay with me. As long as I'm not caught short for a game, its all good. Other kids get a chance to play various positions and develop their skills.
Its gotten a bit more out of hand than I'd like, and I'll probably tighten things up more next year, but if a kid has a hot date and it isn't making me forfeit, I can live with it.

Baseball is suppposed to be fun, and saying no to every other thing all the time isn't fun. Yes, girls can be a distraction for them, but I'd rather my kid try to lead a balanced life than tell girls that their off-limits. I'd worry more about that!!

obviously, the kid lied to his coach, and that should be dealt with. But to miss one game in the summer doesn't seem like a reason to kick a kid off the team.
TR says:
First of all HS and College baseball players don't need girlfriends-- they tend to get in the way and muddy a kids thinking--

Why limit yourself to that subset? When do they stop getting in the way? A terrifically unrealistic proclamation to me. My son's teammate this spring was married...with a baby and a masters degree.

Its called LIFE.

He's in the Pioneer League this summer...playing for his dream.
Kraig Schambough
Last edited by Dad04 Tucson we have sidewalks on both sides of the streets too.....just too hot to walk on now.....30 straight days with temps over 100...we are setting a record...and I'm not bragging....

I use to think I was old school....but you and Coach May make me feel young again....thank you

You know it was nice and quiet on the hsweb site/threads until some dummy mentioned burn out.....what was she thinking Smile
As for the coach, I think both Oklahoma and Wichita State should play at Norfolk State next season in a three-way double dip and settle this on the field. That way, I figure, my kid's games should at least make Gametracker.

Was it not young Tanner in the original Bad News Bears who said, "Just shut up and play some ******** baseball."

Big Grin laugh Big Grin
Maybe "burn up" would be better. But I sure would trade it for the 40 straight days of [evening] rain we have had down here. Very few games being played.

Watching the All-Star Game I was thinking back to the time when I did not see an All-Star game for many years because I was always playing. This made me think of Arizonared's comment about "burnout" which, on first reading, I vehemently disagreed with. I probably still do, at least when referring to a "player driven" as opposed to a "parent driven" situation. There is no way in hell I would ever miss a game... (well except for my girlfriend/(now)wife's Senior Prom).

But, it occurred to me that I did have the benefit of playing three sports. Although baseball was always first, the other sports helped in many ways, including increasing the appetite for baseball as the season approached. As a result I am thinking maybe, just maybe, a kid (particularly a kid who plays no sport other than baseball) might need (or benefit from) some time off even when playing on an elite level travel schedule. Maybe what we should do with our summer rosters is tell certain kids you won't be playing on x, y, and z dates, take your girlfriend to a concert. Or, like employers, have them sign up for vacation dates.

Honestly though Arizona, if we did that, a lot of these boys would be quite upset, on their own, no parents involved. On the other hand, some would thank their lucky stars.
Originally posted by Bighit15:
Will and Bighit.....with all due respect. Do you know Coach Stephenson? Do you know everything that has transpired for him in the past few days? Would you say these things directly to him, or just on a website that he will never see?

You don't know what you don't know!

I made a joke. If that bothers you, tough.
It is all over the news. Lighten up. I am having fun with it and could give two cents for the guy personally. You don't like my musings. don't read them. I don't hide who I am message board or no and I have a right to my opinions whether you like them or not. In my opinion he is a bonehead for not having his ducks in a row and making a jerk out of himself on a big stage. I happen to know some people at WSU and someone I trust has told me that afte the first resignation most of the team was ready to transfer and ask for releases. Nothing that I said is out of line. If you don't like it too bad, too sad. The last thing I need is to be admonished by you. I could care less about your opinion of me.

To answer your question. yes I would tell him to his face. If my son was being recruited by him, I would stand right in front of him and tell him why my son was not coming to his school. Have him e-mail me I would gladly call him. You too, for that matter.

What got your knickers in a bunch anyway. My comments were pretty harmless. It is not like this is a private matter. Grow up.

You don't know what you don't know!

Feel free to fill us in. Or is it a secret?

Hey, seems like it is you who needs to "lighten up" now, eh? If you were making a joke, it didn't seem that way to me.

And nothing that you wrote bothers me.....but obviously what I wrote bothered you.

And the last sentence, "You don't know what you don't know", is just simple rhetorical statement.

Go ahead, get pissed off again!!! I'll enjoy reading whatever I want, because I am not going to let what anybody writes on this website bother me. So please, you "lighten up".
Last edited by grateful
Hey, seems like it is you who needs to "lighten up" now, eh? If you were making a joke, it didn't seem that way to me.

And nothing that you wrote bothers me

Well, which is it? "If you were making a joke, it didn't seem that way to me." Or, "And nothing that you wrote bothers me."

I believe that you are confused. Make up your mind.

And the last sentence, "You don't know what you don't know", is just simple rhetorical statement.

Typical of your sarcastic posts. No marbles!

Go ahead, get pissed off again!!! I'll enjoy reading whatever I want, because I am not going to let what anybody writes on this website bother me. So please, you "lighten up".

Hey, nice language for a parenting expert. I did not call you out. you called me out. At least have the marbles to back it up.

Why did you not call out others who made remarks about Stephenson? Do you have an agenda or just a bad attitude?

Why attack me for my post and not this post in another thread?

Posted Jul 12, 12:41 PM
check again folks. Stephenson has recanted on the deal and is going back to Wichita. Some bs explanation that OU had "unresolved" scholarship issues. Don't know why, but I take that to mean he doesn't have enough scholarship $ available the next year or so and won't otherwise be able to clean house and bring in his own recruits.

Interesting pattern here. On 7/9 he denies going to OU, on 7/11 he calls it his dream job and is leaving Wichita and on 7/12--oooops, never mind, I'm going back to Wichita. Now this is a guy I want to commit 4 years to
Posts: 357 | Location: Los Angeles, Ca, USA | Registered: May 29, 2003

Being a little selective, aren't you? What is your problem other than being selective and inconsisitent?

You seem just a little ungrateful! Certainly not worth responding to anymore.
Last edited by Bighit15

You apparently have a problem with me, thinking that I am 'selectively' picking on your post. Not true. As a matter of fact, I have read many of your posts over the years and respect most of what you write.

I didn't attack you in the original post; I simply asked if you know Gene Stephenson and know the whole situation. And no, you didn't attack me, you are the one who either attacked, or made sarcastic comments about, Coach Stephenson.

You claim that I am typically sarcastic. If you read my posts over time you would find that is not true, but you are welcome to your opinion.

Excuse me for that terrible language; I will be more careful about that. I was simply categorizing your attitude. Again, it is obvious I struck a nerve when asking if you knew Gene Stephenson. Again, you attacked a man who is not a contributor on this forum; I did not....and my simple questions for you were not an attack, except in your perception. Your perception is your reality, not mine.

You wrote: "At least have the marbles to back it up." Just what is it you would like me to back up?

I have no agenda, and I have an extremely positive attitude, though in your perception I have "an agenda or just a bad attitude". I guess you aren't accustomed to having somebody question your posts.

As far as not responding to the post that you quoted from somebody who wrote on July 12 at 12:41 PM.....I have not seen that thread, wherever it is from, so how can I post on it? And, I am not on here to be critical of everyone on every thread in every forum.....I don't look at many of the topics.

Also, I do not know Gene Stephenson personally. I know several people who know him. Some like him and some do not. He is obviously a very successful coach who has been loyal to WSU for 28 years.

In your opinion, I cannot make up my mind, I am typically sarcastic, I have an agenda, I have no marbles, I am confused, I am inconsistent, and selective. Thanks for the diagnosis.
Last edited by grateful

Can I throw one more iron into the fire? What about a kid getting to the point that he has to lie in order to do something else. I SEE THIS AS THE REAL PROBLEM. I choose to believe in the good nature of kids and especially the ones that play for me. If they are to the point that they have to lie to me, I'd better check myself out.

Burnout??? I just don't understand the concept. Then again, I love my job and I love coaching my kids. Again, if a kid is to the point that they are burnedout, then the coaches and parents need to look in a mirror. JMHO!
The reasons kids play ball and the reasons parents think they play ball are no where near the same.

Maybe he thouht he had to lie because nobody wanted to hear the truth. Maybe he had tried to tell them how he felt before and nobody wanted to hear it...I've been a little guilty of that.

Girls are undefeated so you better allow a little space.

There are always two sides to a situation. Coaches need to understand that the most important mental / physical preparation is sometimes the rest cycle not the work out/ game cycle.

All work and no play................. pull_hair
Last edited by swingbuster
I am guilty of burning kids out if: Requiring them to be honest, dependable and honoring their commitments creates burnout. I look at it this way. If a young man comes to a tryout and is told up front that he will be required to attend all scheduled practices and games in order to play on the team he has a decision to make. Not me - HIM. Now if he makes the decision that going to the concert is more important to him than playing baseball thats fine. Now I have a decision to make. He will sit for a couple of games. If he does it again he will turn in his uniform. If he wants to play rec ball and come when he wants thats fine go play rec ball. If a kid is burned out then dont play. Its that simple. I understand that kids have other things that they want to do. I think they should do other things. They can do those other things on the nights we dont play or practice. My players love to practice and they love to play. I have to run them off after practices because Im ready to go home. If I had a kid that would rather go to a concert than be at a game Im not wondering about me Im wondering about him. I would also wonder about a coach and the level of the baseball being played if he or the players didnt see something wrong with kid blowing off a game to go see a concert. Maybe I take my baseball too serious. Maybe I feel that honoring your commitments is serious. And maybe I hate to see a kid sit the bench and want to be in the game so bad and he still shows up at every practice and game and never complains. Only to see a teamate pass up a game to go to a concert. How can I play that kid in front of the kids that come everytime? I can't and I wont. JMO. Its just who I am. I can live with it. Im satisfied with it. Its all good as they say.
I'm not going to get into a pissing contest with anyone questioning the intensity of a coach, their drive to win... We play one of the toughtest schedules in our area. We play the state max for games allowed. We advance in the state tournament every year. Our kids go straight from that to playing 44 games in 40 days in Legion. There can come a time when IT IS TOO MUCH. Everyone has a coaching style that fits themselves and their own philosophy on rights and wrongs. I tend to start with looking at me first when things go wrong. "When the Archer misses the Bullseye, the fault never lies with the target. Therefore, to improve your aim, IMPROVE YOURSELF." JMHO!

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