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ChicksDigthe LongBall has made me see the light. My time is past and the next generation is ready to run hsbaseballweb as they see fit.

I came to this site when my son was a sophmore in HS, received much great info and made some great friends....many of whom have already ceased visiting and posting on this site.

For those who feel that I have some sort of agenda... what do I have to gain? My continued interest in hsbaseballweb has been to offer advice based upon my past experiences to those who sought it, just as it was offered to me in the past. I can live without having to wade through a thread full of injured egos.

To all of my good friends... keep in touch!

No hard feelings to anyone on my part, just recognition that my "time" has passed by.

Best wishes to all of your sons and I hope they all reach their ultimate baseball zenith.

Be kind to armadillos! 14

Thank you so much Bob.

OPP Time flies like an arrow. Fruit flies like a banana.
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For those who feel that I have some sort of agenda... what do I have to gain? My continued interest in hsbaseballweb has been to offer advice based upon my past experiences to those who sought it, just as it was offered to me in the past.

I've appreciated, and my son has benefited from your advice and others here.

It's baseball tradition to pass down to those that follow.

You have.

I Jupiter a couple of years ago I told Bob that when my son graduated that I would stop posting as much on the site. He asked that I not do that because our experiences help to add to the knowledge here.

I, like OPP, have nothing to gain by posting here. It is not going to hype my son's career. It won't help it in any way. I just like baseball and have met a lot of people here that are like minded and I enjoy it. Being one who posts a lot also tends to make me a target.

To One players Pop and the Waggoneers,

I haven't been here in a while and today I decide to check the site out. What do I see, threads about why you all fight. More threads that are closed due to fighting....

The whole problem with this site is you and your haughty attitudes, "Our kids are college players or minor leaguers and we know everything and will guide you high schooler parents"!. I been here a long time and have seen many many many posters thwarted in their attempts to fit into the community. The waggoners just want have it. They control the interests of this site. Maybe there is an agenda or maybe it's just a natural evolution of this message board. It seems that when your kids do move past the high school level that you too would move on let the rest of us have our own experience. We will survive.

I believe a lot of you are reliving your childhood through your children and can't let go because you failed yourself and are making another attempt and by being the godsends here makes you feel superior.

My self and many others here have been through the recruiting, travel ball, draft, hs tryouts, etc. We are just trying to help. Your above comments are so way off base that it is not funny.

What are you bringing to the table? In almost every post you insult the entire poster base. Then scream when someone takes exception. You bait in almost every post just trolling for trouble. What is it gaining for you? What is in it for you? Is it because you want respect? Because you want to be heard or have a voice? Or is it because you want to bust up the status quo because you simply are a trouble maker? Be honest. Why the hatred of others who have been there?

I understand Teacherman. He makes his stands on certain issues, old timers disagree, he gets tired of the baiting, so do they, etc. I read his stuff because he brings hitting to the table and sparks discussion. I NEVER get on him. He makes his own bed and I don't defend him as well. But he contributes to the discussions til they all go rotational and linear.

I understand Pic's need to have the last word. We are diametrically (sp?) opposed on almost every issue, but he has a point of view and offers some good advice and links. He has a need to use big words and tell everyone that they are not as smart as he is and have the last post on every thread he hijacks. I get it.

What do you ever bring to the table other than pounding your fist about the establishment. You are just angry that you are not the center of attention. You used to be very nice in the beginning. I went back and read your posts. We had some nice pm's exchanged and you brought something to the table. What changed? Did someone wizz in your wheaties? You have had an agenda against people on this site since you disappeared, then came back and attacking people whose kids were in the minors by saying that in your view it is not pro ball, doesn't matter if they are not getting paid, it isn't mlb so it doesn't count, etc. Obviously just trolling. You have been on posters with successful kids every since. Your agenda is what? Jealousy? Or are you just plain bitter? Again, be honest.

I am also fed up with losers like you who bring nothing to the table, or give erroneous information and just want to hear themselves talk. Yet you cannot stand a dissenting opinion and you start flaming and baiting because you can't make your point anymore.

OPP is one of the nicest men I know and has helped me and my son tremendously. He doesn't need your **** and if it were up to me you would be banned along with eye, pic, enial tjro, etc(all the same guy).

OPP is right, it is time to let the new guard be in charge and do it their way. No need for experience here. The ones living it know it all now and we are dinosaurs.

I started to leave the site a couple of months ago and changed my mind.

It is time. I will join OPP. He is better company than I can find almost anyplace. Adios Amigo
C'mon guys, when people like you leave the CDLB's of the world win and those of us whose kids haven't even reached HS yet lose. You don't have an obligation to stick around but if you leave it won't be good for the HSBBWEB.

There's far more good people than bad. I don't know how many times I've disagreed with bbscout over something but every time I've asked him for help he's done so and not the least bit grudgingly. Bbscout, fungo, et al, are the people who you want to be on here with. Why let one or two people ruin it? I've disagreed with TR more than once and he can be pretty crusty at times but I also know he'd be the first to go out of his way to help any of our kids. Probably the worst thing I'm doing in this post is leaving out the names of so many people who are here to help and to learn. Those are the people who make the hsbbweb what it is and they're the reasons to stay.
Last edited by CADad
Really, and please don't be offened, I certainly don't want to start another flaming thread but leaving the site is selfish to a degree. I understand what both of you are saying. However, you've also had very positive impacts on the site. I can recall times when BigHit and I've disagreed. I can also recall times when I've thought about what he has posted and for me, reflection is a good thing since I want to do the best job for my kids. I can also recall many positive posts that he has had. I note/cite this site for my parents to checkout so that they can benefit from all of your experiences. None of them post but they do read. Please give this some thought!

I am guily of a recent flame thread. I've made decisions or guidelines that I will now follow. I thought that I would share what we do. If it helps others fine. If not, then don't use it. Certainly, I've help or exchanged numerous pieces of info via pm's to a community of coaches. I've receive the same back. I believe that I've developed friendships with people that I would have never met. I've come to realize that I will no longer argue with anyone. If I want stress, I'll go watch my child pitch. (lol)

This site will be what we all want it to be. The "experts", "know it alls" and general pains in the butt have their own agendas. That's fine. I now have mine. Again, the site will be what you want it to be.

It might do some good to check out the following link on a Troll
Last edited by CoachB25
I feel the same way as Bighit and OPP! I had stopped posting alot over the last six months after having it out over things that were hurting this site and bringing it down. Some people are only happy when they are calling people names or causing problems.

OPP and Bighit thanks for your friendhip over the years! Opp goes back to 1998 and helped me alot when I had questions way back when.

I personally have been through the scouting before the MLB draft, Home meetings with MLB scouts, college recruiting for Juco and Division I, NLI, College Summer wood bat leagues, MLB player contracts and scholorship fund. I hope I helped a few people over the years. I mostly tried to keep people from fighting and I failed!

I too have lost interest in trying to help people who think they know everything. The well of information has run dry! I may still stop by the Tennessee forum every once in a while.

I will continue to follow my two college players, Bob, Fungo, Opp, Bighit, Jolly Roger, Cobb8 and some of the mom's sons and wish everyone else good luck! It was fun!

Have you noticed Hiwassee Vol doesn't post much anymore, Wonder why!
Last edited by Tenndad
So the bully in the school yard wins....
I have read each and every post...good and bad....many, many times I have written something only to delete it...I have learned who I would just love to sit beside at a game and who I would speak to but keep right on moving....are we to allow those who exhibit brash, immature and condescending attitudes drive us away...not this lady...despite the fact that I have a sophomore in college if there is one parent out there that I can help I will continue to post and read....Bob has devoted hours and hours to developing one of the greatest sites available for the young BB player...if those who have been down this road and possess the information necessary to help others desert the ship, it will be a mutiny...and those who are not of the caliber Bob has set forth will control the asylum, eventually leading to the demise of this site...thus, the inmates not jump ship but instead... stay....and continue to contribute....eventually those who provide the conflict will give up and either surrender or leave...I, for one, will stay and keep the ship afloat
You unlock this door with the key of imagination. Beyond it is another dimension. A dimension of sound (ok maybe no sound). A dimension of sight. A dimension of Mind. You are moving into a land of both shadow and substance; of things and ideas. You've just crossed over into... The Twilight Zone.

Maybe this is Twilight Zone 2005? We have a cast of every personality you can think of. Could be a remake of 12 Angry Men (sorry ladies)too. You know, how diverse those guys were and how they couldn't see eye to eye. Here we have an entire menagerie of personalities. The Do-Gooders, the Hand-Wringers, the Apple-Cart Upsetters, the Evil, The Smart-asses, the Holy, the Un-holy, the Wretched Refuse, the Sox Fan, the Meek, The Worried, The Bullies and finally the very, very Troubled. Did I get everybody?

Bottom line is that this is really what America is all about. The fascade is stripped away of course because of a certain amount of anonimity. What goes on here is what people think but don't tell you to your face on the street. Fascinating but troubling. Some of us have no qualms about putting our identities out there... Brad Huotari Waukesha Wisconsin...because we try not to write anything we wouldn't say to your face. I real alot more than I post, but I'm betting that for every post published I've written 10 that ended up in the bit bucket.

Casting Call: Looking for actors who don't take stuff written on boards so seriously. Also looking for discriminating readers who ignore posters who typically get under their skin.

I am not holier than thou...I'm just learning, that's all.
C'mon guys!? All this because of essentially one blowhard wordsmith who uses this to get back at the man? Confused Think about it! My "new" mantra is to just change the subject to something of common ground (positive). RazzHey...did I tell ya'll that my boy's 30-inning game is tomorrow? Man I'm stoked about baseball! greenjump Can't believe you guys aren't (I know, it has nothing to do with baseball, but don't leave us young ones (HA) to fend off the wolves alone! Baseball season starts next week for goodness sake! BigHit...I'm not sure you even realize how much mileage I got out of a couple of PM's you sent me a little while back. applaude Come on fellas...I need ya'! I've got to have ya'! I'm just gettin' started! Big Grin
Gentlemen, don't start your engines.

To suggest that the fathers of two of the site's success stories, men who have been generous with their experience and advice, leave because of Cranky and ThesaurusMouth is too bizarre to contemplate.

Ignore crackpot threads, indeed; but don't ignore friends and friends-to-be on the board.
I shouldn't have put the dig in on the Sox fan. He is one guy I respect greatly on this site. It's just that I am proud of my passion for the Cubs. They have broken my heart when I was stationed or flew all over the world, but I've always loved them. I can't tell you how many MARS operators have passed along standings and scores when I needed a piece of home. So when somebody disses the CUBS I get a bit irrational.

So where is this thread going now Smile
I believe that we all need to stop, and put a leather baseball glove to your face, and take a deep breath. The smell of a freshly oiled baseball glove mixed with dirt and sweat will remind us all of what the game is. Fun.

Baseball is more than a game to most of us, sometimes we all get a little out of hand and little to serious. I know that I have...and I'm sorry.

There is a lot of outstanding information on HSBBweb to help parents of ballplayers. This web site provides personal accounts of what has happened and what may happen to your favorite ballplayer. Nowhere else on the web is there something like this...and it's free.

You just have to weed out the nastiness, to get to the fruit. There is a lot of juicy tidbits, just dig and behave yourself. I know most of you think I'm just a clown, that's OK. I look for the good in people and in life; I don’t take myself too seriously. But you may have already guessed that.

Bullwinkle is watching the grounds crew cut the infield grass, digging the smell and looking forward to a great baseball season.

Be Happy
I don't know about ya'll, but I've got to go...Anniversary celebration tonight (Carraba's). 21 years with the same "bag of wind"...uuuhhhh, that's what my wife has had to put up with... Razz

Hey I'll volunteer to be "umpire" for some of the rasslin' matches...everyone likes the umpire, right? Roll Eyes

In the mean, feel free to use some of my standard witty retorts..."I know you are, but what am I?"..."I am rubber, you are glue; whatever bounces off of me sticks to you!"...and the famous one used by my boy and his friends..."YOUR MOM!" Smile
Catchermom - I'm with ya - I'll be here.

BigHit - You've always been a favorite of mine, even after you closed a thread where I tried to give someone advice on how to be more perfect! We all have our boiling points and some days they are shorter than others. I would hope you wouldn't keep your wisdom and experiences from me and others like me.
It is February and Winter is dragging on too long. From reading this thread, it reads like Cabin fever may be setting in. Posts to this terrific web site should be about baseball and not be personal. Those of us with younger players are counting on you veterans. Please don't let us down.

Too much Winter. . .We all could use a baseball game to sit and enjoy right now.
OPP, BigHit, TennDad,

Gotta agree with the majority here. Don't let the few spoil it for the rest of us.

I've PM'd each of you and you've given me and my son great advice. OPP with the draft stuff (plus I'da never met Zach), BigHit with the conditioning advice (besides there's no one else to wear the tu-tu), and TennDad gave great advice about the Cape and what to expect.

I understand where you all are coming from, but somehow I can manage to just hit the IGNORE button. Trust me, I am shaking my head when I read some of the stuff that goes on, but choose not to go there.

Like PGStaff said, at least lurk, we are rooting for your sons. I have your email addresses so I know how to reach you.


An absolutely classic post on the psychology of groups - especially groups like this that pay no social penalty for actually speaking their minds. What seems interesting is this type of mentality probably has only been in existence in the last 20 years if you think about it - probably less than that.

I suppose writing a letter to the editor of the local newspaper comes close, but, I don't think the newspaper will allow you to write without attribution.

I generally think we should self-screen posts we don't like for the reasons you suggest - this is our society and this is honestly the way it is. I am sure I will get slammed in the future and I am equally sure I won't like it. Nobody can be liked by everybody although somehow we sometimes think that if we "just be nice to people" they will return the gesture in kind.

Finally, I love the Twilight Zone as well as Outer Limits, and Classic Star Treck. Who is the picture in your avatar?
Last edited by ClevelandDad
Written by Bob from the Board Manners page:
We have created a community of folks through our message boards that we are very proud of. Regular visitors or "websters" as we call them freely give advice and opinion, share joys and sorrows, but most importantly interact like the neighborhoods we all remember. Who are these regular visitors? Some are players or parents of players that were first round MLB draft selections, high school or college baseball "all-americans", a high school or summer travel team coach. Maybe they are a director of one of the nation's premier high school baseball showcase groups, a college coach or a professional baseball team scout. But most importantly maybe it's you .... a high school baseball player, coach or parent, just starting out.
This site has a wealth of information on High School baseball. It also has a great messageboard for the purpose of exchanging information between its members. IMO there are three main purposes for coming to the messageboard: to seek information; to offer help based on your experiences; or to share the joys and sorrows as Bob mentioned. If anyone is here for a different purpose, then this just isn't the place for you. I just don’t understand why some adults find it difficult to ignore threads and just not post when the topic strays from Bob's reason for creating the site. When you see a thread get diverted, just stop reading the post and move on to the next. Or start a new topic that you think will be helpful or sometimes just plain silly. Show some restraint and don’t post a reply. If there is no one to argue with, the thread usually stops. Fact: 100% of the HSBBW members will never agree with what any single member posts! So don't expect it. I guess what I'm saying is, if you are interested in helping others - continue to post, if you are seeking advice - continue to post, if you are here for any other reason – well …….. I’ll just continue to ignore your posts. Smile
Last edited by RHP05Parent
OPP and BigHit

I hope you reconsider, too. I don't know either of you7, but we have had some interesting discussions over the last couple of years. And even when I haven't seen things quite the same as you have, your contributions have been too valuable to lose.

Some of us here know a lot. Some of us know a lot more than we think. Some of us think we know a lot. Some of us don't think.

And some of us think we can know a lot more, whether we know anything or not.

But not if we continue to alienate the very resources we seek to tap.

So if it helps, take a break. But don't cut the cord. We're not ready yet. And, deep down, we don't think you really are, either.
Just my two cents...


If I offended you I apologize. Besides you're going to miss the HSBBWEB.

You have to look at this like we are all a family in cyberspace. The older brothers are always trying to tell everyone how the cow ate the cabbage. The new member who have just joined have to wait their turn to be accepted totally. That is understood.

But it is also understood that you cannot take offense at what is said here...

haven't you heard that was goes on in Vegas stays in Vegas. Just consdier this our Vegas of cyberspace, then it all falls into perspective.

Guys you need to understand that conversations get boring sometimes and to spice it up people kind of enjoy controversy. In a family many of the members stop coming over mom and dad's 'cause someone got their feelings hurt.

So for all here that have crossed swords with me...let me say I love talking with you even when you get me good.

OPP, Big

I true hope you reconsider ... maybe start a minor league version of this site or SOMETHING so we can still stay in touch with you guys.

I agree, the new generation of posters has some rough edges. I'm not like catchermom03, I can't read and then ignore. I've found that I have to look at who is starting the thread before I will even read it.

Work out a compromise or something. OBTW: I normally disappear when the season starts for about 4 months. Maybe you guys should just take the same sort of vacation.
I have learned some things here. I hope that I have helped others as well. I have been pissed off by some and Im sure that I have done the same to some of you. I personally have no problem with people who disagree with me. I enjoy the heating arguments at times. I disagree with Teacherman on alot of things it seems and then the next day we totally agree on something else. But the fact is you know where people stand and they are willing to stand up for what they believe in. I am under no illusions that I can make people believe the same as me. If we all agreed on everything this would be so boreing wouldnt it? Yes there are posters that seem to always seem to gun people down. There are posters that seem to be the whipping boys or girls. But we are all here because we love baseball. Some are here to gain knowledge and pass some on. Some are here just to talk and argue with someone. But who cares? We are here, this is a great site, and it is alot of fun. It will never be perfect, what is? Learn , have fun , talk trash , argue , pass on information , its all part of it. Some of the new posters could learn something if they would open up there eyes and listen. But I could care less if they get hammered by Teacherman or PIC or TR its all part of the experience. I do have a problem when vets like Big Hit and High Heat (Phoenix Dad) decide to leave the site. They are obvious great guys with alot of baseball experience. Hopefully they will be back down the road and will reconsider. Now let me start a new thread and stir some ****.
Very wise post! I come for another reason not mentioned, to touch base with LOTS of friends I have made on this site.
It is hard to not be able to keep quiet when you see you see someone being nasty to your friends, or anyone else for that matter.
I find it very funny that the person that suggested some of us move on has called and emailed me for advice, maybe others.
There is a thread "After High School", I might suggest maybe parents that are going through the college recruiting, draft process and have questions can head over there. Then the ones whose kids have "moved on" can offer some help to those that have questions. Just a suggestion.
I don't know OPP as well as I know BigHit15. In fact there have been many times I have disagreed on this site with BigHit15.

But I do know he knows baseball! I knew that before his son ever played a game for my team. Just because I disagree with someone does not mean they have to be attacked.

In the last few weeks BigHit15 has given solid information on several threads including ONLINE COLLEGE CLASSES, DANNY ALMONTE, and PITCHING IDEAS. If someone does not agree with him that is why we have discussions. But we do not need to attack people.

For what it's worth I hope BigHit15 and OPP stay on the site. It would be a loss for up and coming parents if they leave. But if they leave I would understand because it gets tiring having to defend yourself from unknown characters on this site. Even if they are known, such as PIC, we should not have to deal with countless personal attacks.

BigHit15 if you leave than the attackers win. I hope you will not give in to small-minded people who want you to leave.
Thanks, Cleveland...My Avatar is the infamous Ming the Merciless from Flash Gordon on TV in the early 60's. Many an early Saturday morning I sat and watch Flash fight Ming and also the Mud and Tree people! Then Circus Boy with Mickey Dolenz and then out to play baseball all day. On Sunday morning it was the Bruiser and the Crusher, Cowboy Bill Watts, Pretty Boy Bobby Heenan, Dr X, Black Jack Lanza and the very capable Kenny Jay and pro wrestling. Am I jogging any memories?
Halfmoon, You sure jarred my memories and re-opened some brain cells that I had thought closed forever. As for Ming (played by actor Charles Middleton) he was awesome. I think that the Mud and Tree people may have been the Clay People and the Forest People. Circus boy, great show. As for the AWA Wrestling, I am reminded of watching those matches with my grandfather back in the 50's. The constant was that after these shows it was off to River Park and play baseball until it was dark...Thanks for letting me remember.

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