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Right now im enetering my freshman year of highschool. im around 5'4 and i weigh around 120 lbs.
i can throw my fastball around 65-70 consistantly and my curveball around 55-60. ive been told by my coaches the my two seamer can be compared to screwballs in the high 3/4 motion and sinkers in the lower 3/4 motion and i can throw it around 63-68. ive also started to throw a cutter which goes for around 62-66. for some reason i feel im not doing as well as i could as in speed of my fastballs and how i could improve the velocity. i was also wondering what other pitches i should consider. anything will help, thanks
Show me a guy whos afraid to look bad, and I'll show you a guy you can beat every time. -Lou Brock
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I'm not sure how much you're going to grow but that's definitely one factor. As your heading into highschool I strongly advise you to hit the weights, but make sure to find someone who knows what they're doing and do the right excersizes properly. Also go to a pitching instructor which even though I'm going to be a sophmore I'm going to for my first time in the offseason. I've heard it does wonders. Theres tons of people to help you on this site so soak it up as much as you can. Hope this helps..good luck!
I agree that size will play a role in how hard you throw, but it's something you can't control so don't worry about it. Hit the weightroom, but be smart about it. Get good advice and be careful. Don't neglect throwing. Long toss, throw from a mound, throw from off a mound, play catch, but don't throw so much that your arm is always hurting. I'm a believer in weighted balls, but I'm not going to recomend them because it will start a huge controversy. Do some research on them, if you think you should give them a try then go for it. But whatever you do stay smart.
Ay CanadianKid. I do believe you asked about other pitches. I am a big believer in the Change as its a great pitch in many situations. There are a few different grips that could be used, and when the arm angle and speed resemble the fastball, it can be an asset to your arsenal. If you're thrower 2 and 4 seamers, a curve and a cut, add a change for a change of speeds. Velocity, control, movement and change of speeds. Then when you learn to command those pitches, you will be moving up to the next level.
tell me about it...
the team i got cut from is going to the junior world series. i got cut cause most of the guys are 6 feet and throw unbelievaly and most of all politics. two guys had sponsorship money so they made it over a real BASEBALL player who doesnt need there daddy to pay for them to be on the team Razz it sucks but im used to it... two years ago the exact same thing happend. same politics smae result and there are still 4 or 5 guys that carry the team while the others just show up

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