This was copied and pasted from a previous post in the Texas section of this web site. Great words of wisdom from this person. I hate to plaguerize, but I think it might get the point to some of the younger kids on here that don't know about some of the ramifications of their actions.
Here goes............
" has been the subject of many a conversation I have been in lately due to my work in a school and the popularity of these sites amongst the High School community.
Based on my discussions with my friends I truly think a lot of students are unaware that these sites are open to anyone, I mean anyone, you do not need a special email, you do not need a password anyone can read anything that is posted and you would be amazed at what some students post, it would shock a lot of parents to know what their children are posting. Most students think that parents are just in the dark about this and don't read this stuff.
I think teens just forget how "open" this type of site is since they are in a world of IM, text messages, emails and voice mail. When they choose to post personal information such as phone numbers and pics, they are sharing it with the world.
I also think because teens are so used to reality TV and all those forms of communication they see Myspace as just another way to communicate/keep in touch and they are truly unaware of any harm. And harm is happening as I have heard of communities were police are viewing this information and using it, we have been told, at our school, that these sites are a haven for pedaphiles as they get all kinds of info. and kicks out of these sites and schools have had to deal with the sites in regards with certain information that has been posted about students/teachers/the school. What surprises most students is that the information posted is public domain and can be used against you.
What started off as something "fun" to do and a way to communicate can end up having some serious complications.
It is worth checking out and I think the more parents are aware of this site then maybe the coolness factor of these sites will fade away and if they do go by the waistside"