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The NCAA Board of Directors approved
a uniform start date for college baseball,
beginning with the 2008 season.

Takes effect Aug. 1, 2007, whereas
the date to start is 13 weeks prior to
selection of the 64-team NCAA tournament field.

2008 season = Feb. 22, 2008 start.
2009 season = Feb. 20, 2009 start.
2010 season = Feb. 26, 2010 start.

Sure will be interesting to examine the impacts on:
- Academics (across the country)
- Transfers
- Inter-Conference play

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I am looking at a D1 schedule, guess who.

2003 feb 21
2004 feb 24
2005 feb 18
2006 feb 17

Do you all really think it is going to make a big difference to the schools that already play 56 regular season games and begin around the time now?

the exam rule is for off season (fall), which most schools are done with fall practice weeks before.

Let's all remember they are there to go to school.

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