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Son received a message from the Eligibility Center today that he had a task to complete.  The question was about marketing.  

"Athletics contacts.  Have you ever given permission to anyone other than a parent, guardian, or coach to market your skills in men's baseball?"

Like so many others he had a video made by Play in School and it is hosted on their website.  So I think the answer to the question would be yes, but then I found the following information which is exactly our situation. 

  • Talent Evaluation Services and Agents. A prospect may allow a scouting service or agent to distribute personal information (e.g., high-school academic and athletics records, physical statistics) to member institutions without jeopardizing his or her eligibility, provided the fee paid to such an agent is not based on placing the prospect in a collegiate institution as a recipient of institutional financial aid.


How have others answered this question?


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The operative word in that question is the verb "market." Marketing is proactive, not passive, and is the management and execution of activities designed to engage outsiders. 

PIS does not actively market your son. PIS is a tool used by you to actively market your son. Ditto a showcase: PG does not actively market your son, rather, you're deploying the PG platform to expose your son to potential targets.

When a client uses a marketing technology tool, it's not conducting any marketing. The client is using the marketing technology tool to conduct marketing.

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