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Vaccaro may be a shady character but he is being blunt about it and IMO he is correct. The coaches, AD's and administrations all are enriched by the players efforts on the courts and fields. As the sponsers, coordinators and masters of this system they are the worst exploiters of these young men although not the only ones.

Players come and go and with some superstar exceptions are interchangeable and expendable parts. These other people are there and cashing huge checks year after year. This is the only business in the United States that the labor is compensated in a barter system. The majority cannot vote and none have any meaningful advocate or representation. If it isn't criminal it should be.
From a baseball standpoint I don't think this will have any effect at all. If they want to help they ought to allow agents to negotiate directly on behalf of players, rather than the cloak and dagger stuff we have now.

Originally posted by 55mom:
interesting development

Would keeping the agents honest help the situation? Is this a baby step towards reforming the system? It just seems like there are so many issues that need attention... where do you start?

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