The best thing you can do is video youself taking BP. View yourself doing the arm bar, so you can see exactly what you are doing. More than likely, you will find that your hips have rotated, your shoulders have begun to rotate, but your hands are still in the load position. In other words, you have opened your shoulders leaving your hands behind and stretched out your front arm too straight. From this position, the results are a long, loopy, slower swing.
One way to correct the problem is to concentrate on starting forward motion with your hands as soon as you begin to rotate your hips. Now, understand, I am NOT saying 'start your swing with your hands'. If you will try to start your hands moving forward as soon as you start your hip rotation, the hands won't lag behind causing the arm bar. In reality, your core muscles and leg muscles are so much stronger than your arms, they will rotate your hips much faster than you can move your arms forward. If you can concentrate on starting your hands forward as soon as the hips begin to rotate, your hands (and bat) will be approximating the point of contact with the baseball as your hips finish opening up to the contact position. Also, attempt to move your hands from the loaded position directly toward the pitcher and not toward 1st base (3rd base for a lefty).
I realize what I have told you to do is not in the exact sequence of a correct swing. What I am saying is, if you will concentrate on getting the hands going earlier, the arm bar will be lessened.