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Alright. We haven't even played our 1st All-Star game and already I want to give up managing this team. I was asked to manage our 10 yr old all star team. At first I was hesitant because my son is one of the better players on the team. Please, I'm not making this a showcsae for my son so don't read this as such. But as I proposed the starting positions for our first game (to the other coaches) I'm getting "static" from 2 of the other 3 coaches. I believe this is because I have thier kids (both starting) coming out of the game after 3 innings and or 1 of them is not in the infield. I have 14 kids of which there are a few kids we agreed should not come out because of their bats. My son happens to be one of those kids. The other coach, who doesn't have an issue with this, has stated that my son should play every inning of every game.
We are in our District tournament and we play 6 games, but we have to win as many as we can to advance. My goal from the start was to take this team as far as we can and try to avoid a kid playing the minimum playing time (1 inning/ 1 AB). And out of the gate there's trouble in paradise. I'm having a meeting tonight with these guys and I'm going to give them a chance to speak thier minds and opinions. I have told them from the start that this is a collective effort and that if sitting my son (and a few others) is what's best for the team than I will do so.
I guess my question is has anyone out here been in a position with their son? When he's one of the better players but playing him (over others) may be seen as showcasing/favoritism. If so how'd you deal with it?
Thanks for letting me rant.
"Go show your father that baseball." - Sandy Koufax (this is what Sandy Koufax said to me after he signed my baseball and found out I didn't know who he was. I was 12 yrs old.)
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Managing by comittee likely will fail. Do what you think is best. Finding a way to allow each player to contribute to a clearly stated team goal is job one. Fire the other two coaches, four is twice as many as you need. Serve the kids, the parents will talk whatever you do... favoritism is already assumed, let your boys play do the talking.
I have 14 kids of which there are a few kids we agreed should not come out because of their bats. My son happens to be one of those kids. The other coach, who doesn't have an issue with this, has stated that my son should play every inning of every game....

I have told them from the start that this is a collective effort and that if sitting my son (and a few others) is what's best for the team than I will do so.

There is the conflict right there and it is with yourself. You and the one coach who think your son should play every inning think that what is best for the team is in fact for him to play every inning. That may not be the best for the "team" however. Couple of thoughts....

These are 10 year olds - focus on development and having fun and let winning take care of itself. A few at bats here or there are not going to harm your son or the team. By spreading the playing time around, you may be building a better team - at least from a chemistry standpoint. You could let the other coaches know that you'll spread things around at first and let performance dictate who will get more at bats down the road. That way you will leave it up to the team to decide things and it will take the pressure off of you. Let all the kids play. At 10 years old, some who you think are not the best players will become the best and visa versa. Don't try and project who will be the star highschool players down the road - only God knows right now. Let them play, have fun, develop comraderie, and time will sort it all out as it should be.
Thanks for the responses. I definitely plan on sitting my son. I apologize if I implied that my son should play every inning of every game. That is/was not my intention. The talent on the team (like every team) is diverse. Every kid deserves to play. There are a few factors I plan on using to determine when/if a kid should sit. Game situation, talent level and position they are playing.

Thanks again for your responses.

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