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This all started because we were visiting family in a town were a D-1 school from the Mountain West Conference was located. My brother is in 9th grade and knew he was eligible to attend the camp so he convinced my parents to pay for it with the money he would've received for Christmas. Long story short he dominated at the camp, so much that they grouped him with the 12th graders half way through the first day. He has always been a very gifted baseball player especially with the bat in his hands, so we weren't totally shocked that he impressed. Towards the end of the camp the coaches were all over him and asked us to stay after and talked a bit about his future as a baseball player. My dad filmed him at the camp for film is the best way to study yourself and correct your weaknesses. Well my brother is the only freshman on the varsity baseball team and he showed some of the juniors and seniors his film from the camp. They told my brother he should send the tape to coaches of schools he likes, so him doing what the juniors and seniors are doing he sent his film to five schools. Only thing is my brother didn't tell my parents and I just found out about it a couple of days ago when he texted me about it. Well all five recruiting coordinators got back to him and sent him camp info and asked for his summer schedule. He told those coaches about a big Perfect Game Tourney that his summer team will be at, might I add his select team is ranked in the top 50 teams in his grade class by Perfect Game. All five coaches told him they will be at the tourney this summer. Here are my issues he is only a freshman and I never intended to start sending out recruiting emails with video till maybe the summer going into his junior year. Another issue I have is I don't know if I want schools watching him that young, because in my mind one bad showing and the schools will write him off for his upcoming years when he gets better. Another issue is I thought schools couldn't have any contact with him till the summer going into his junior year? I plan on telling my parents this week and I feel they are going to be pretty upset which they probably should be. I feel partially responsible, for I was a D-1 football player and he is way too eager to follow in my footsteps. Should I contact the schools and tell them the situation? Any advice would be very much appreciated.

Last edited by BigHurt
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BigHurt posted:

So it doesn't seem too early for a freshman? I just want to make sure we are following NCAA rules and that he is going about it the right way. Personally it seems a little early, but since he has started should I start the process with him?

I admit its early but he seems to be taking care of business, IF someone else is than stop until he is ready.

Don't worry about following NCAA rules, its on the coaches who mess up not your son.  They know more about crossing the fine lines, so its all good.

But do expect lots of camp invites when you send video.

I suggest over the next year to begin making a list of programs after the varsity season. 

BigHurt posted:

So it doesn't seem too early for a freshman? I just want to make sure we are following NCAA rules and that he is going about it the right way. Personally it seems a little early, but since he has started should I start the process with him?

I really don't know (1) what constitutes too early, and (2) too early to do what. Lines have blurred into watercolors. But for the top tier talent, recruiting has already begun (if only identification). So if the player is a national talent (even a regional talent), starting the recruiting process in the junior year is a tad behind the curve.

So there is nothing preventing:

  1. playing for the best showcase team where he can play regularly
  2. attending individual showcases, e.g., PG
  3. collecting and hosting a portfolio of performances, e.g, said video, etc.
  4. getting bigger, faster, stronger
  5. continually improving all skills
  6. and reaching out to schools to introduce self

If any schools are interested, they'll reach out via an intermediary to have the player call the coach at a specific day and time.


You wrote "Well all five recruiting coordinators got back to him and sent him camp info and asked for his summer schedule." Schools can send camp invites galore, and ditto requests for summer schedules. These are generic mailings, personalized and seemingly customized using email technology. BUT if this was sent via a text message, then (1) how did they get his number, and (2) personal messages are proscribed by the NCAA until post junior year.


Yes they all got back to him through email no text. Seems to me like he is doing the right thing after reading these posts. The coaches did leave their cell numbers and told him to not hesitate to call them with any questions, from what I have read in other forums on here it is ok for him to call them, correct? I appreciate the feedback and am proud he took initiative and went after the schools he likes. We still have a very long way to go considering he started so early as a freshman, but it is nice to know he has already generated some type of interest.

This is all great, and, yes, it is okay for him to call them.  Just remember that they can't return messages, so if he doesn't get through to them, don't take it as a "sign" that they didn't call back.  

The only thing that I'd be at all concerned about is that he's kept this from his parents.  You, as his brother, know the dynamics in your family, so I might not know what I'm talking about here.  But, you might want to discuss this with him and suggest that he not go behind his parents back with things like this.  

Good stuff.  It's great you're assisting your brother and getting on this site for information to guide him through this process.  Your parents probably had no idea he was this talented; getting interest from the college coach's confirms he has talent.  He has to keep developing his skills and continue to play other sports; keep developing as an athlete.

This is exciting, get your parents involved, tap into the intel available on this site and put together a recruiting plan and timeline.  This will help keep cadence with the process and not get overwhelmed by early attention by colleges.  Important to keep ego's in check and recognize this is a journey.  It really helps to have full family support; kudos to you for helping your younger brother. 

Bottom line, it's so early, lots of schools, keep your brother focused on his class room efforts, enjoy HS, keep developing, and hang out with like minded kids!  


WOW! These responses have been amazing, I really do appreciate every post. He told my parents this morning and their feedback was better then I thought. My mom thought it was great, but went on to preach about academics and how it is vital for any type of successful future. I love my mom for that and my dad is great too he without hesitation asked what he needs to do to help assist. Of course they were both a little bummed that my brother didn't tell them, but now he knows for the future he has a team behind him! 

MOMLW- Thanks and I agree we had a talk about how we are a team this morning. Even though my brother and I are 10 years apart we are best friends, he tells me everything and most of the time he makes the best decisions without a nudge from me. We talked a bit on how he will call some of the coaches up, but probably after the Spring semester so he can focus on HS baseball right now.

GOV- Great stuff everything you said is on point for how I want to go about this. My parents have always known my brother was good, but now that he is just starting to lift weights and go through the first wave of puberty(Yes he is a late bloomer) he is developing into a pretty good athlete. We are following the recruiting timeline on this site and getting a better understanding for how the process will be later down the road.

Rick- I do remember NCAA Eligibility Center it has been a while since 2009 which was my HS graduating year. I will follow up with that and see what has changed, funny to think when my brother graduates it will be my 10 year HS anniversary. Man I feel old....

PGSTAFF- I sent you a PM on some of my brother's info, thank you! 

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