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As your hands go back practice just reaching a few inches with your stride foot landing pigeon toed or slightly in. The stride is more of a reach and keep your weight on the inside back foot. Stance should start outside your shoulders. If you can concentrate on getting you stride foot down at release of the ball or a little before that should help. It sounds like your striding and swinging at the same time. Seperate them and slow down. Overstriding causes many problems. Watch how the college players/pros keep everything slow and easy the BAM !
Nothing goes until the toe touches, the elbow takes the hands back, If I would be standing directly in front of you I should be able to see your elbow appear from behind your back as you load.

Minor adjustments are the key.

hsbc, I like the 5 lb weight idea too, i'll have to try that with some of my players.

Last edited by cvsting

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