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My son is currently a sophomore at a junior college. He has received a scholarship offer from an NAIA school and I have no idea if it is good, bad or average. I was hoping that someone with a little more experience in these type of things would be willing to give me their opinion. I have suggested to him that he call all of the other schools who have shown interest in him and let them know what he was offered to make sure he is getting the best deal possible.

He was told by the coach that most kids take 3 years to finish their degree and he has offered 50% tuition for 3 yrs(5k the first and 10k the final 2). The cost of tuition room and board is approx. 22k/yr. I hope this is enough information but if not, fire away and I will answer anything I can.

Any help would be greatly appreciated...btw, if he takes the offer (he has 2weeks, should he then go to the financial aid office to determine the best way to pay the difference?)

Original Post
AllNew - Welcome to HSBBW! I think it's impossible to compare scholarship offers between kids and between schools. Each player brings different abilities and different financial needs to a program. Some programs will adjust their offer based on what the player brings as far as athletic ability and some will review the financial needs of the family. It's our experience that the admissions office at the NAIA level works closely with the coach in trying to put together a complete package and I would think they would do this for you before expecting a final answer.

Also, you can't compare schools within a level or even within a conference. One NAIA might fund 10 scholarships and another might fund two. Obviously the better funded program could make better offers. The lower offer might be no reflection of your son and his importance to that coach and program but only of their funding.

I think a good offer is one that your family knows they can live with financially and where your son feels like that's where he wants to be - no where else.

Also, I don't think any level of school can make an offer for the future. Why would the coach offer a baseball scholarship for three years even if he could? Did your son RS one year?
Last edited by lafmom

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