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Trying to build fan interest in our baseball team this year, and have about six girls from the HS who want to contribute to making it happen. I would like to come up with some ideas for 7th-inning-stretch types of FUN things we can do with our fans (but with a very limited budget). For example, I want to make a hot-dog shooter out of bungee cords...stuff like that.

What other things ahve you seen that were a blast and that looked like they could be recreated cheaply??


"I would be lost without baseball. I don't think I could stand being away from it as long as I was alive." Roberto Clemente #21
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I always like the whole put a bag of popcorn on second base and if the catcher hits it with his throw then everyone gets free popcorn. While not exactly fan interactive it will get them to pay attention if they might get something free. If you feel you can't afford all the free popcorn tell your catcher to miss the bag but make it close.

You could do the dizzy bat race. Pick two fans and have them put their forhead on the bat and spin around 10 times. Then they race / stumble / fall around the bases. Winner gets a t-shirt.
Last edited by coach2709
Getting a few fans on the field for races and relays is always fun.

Give 2 or 3 contestants each a bat and a couple of beach balls or children's lightweight kickballs. Have them take turns seeing how many of the balls they can hit past some marker (base path, etc.) in one or two minutes. Your female volunteers can retrieve the balls they hit. If one of the contestants is an excellent athlete and expected to hit the ball hard, make him go last and then bring out a couple of much larger, lightweight beach balls for him to use - should get some laughs.

At another game, have a fly ball catching contest with the same beach balls. Make the contestants who are trying to catch the balls wear blind folds, and their teammate hollars to them "right, left, in, out" to try to get near enough to catch the ball. Have to find some way of launching the beach balls high!

Have a relay with two teams, 3 or more contestants per team. Each contestant has to put on a baseball jersey, cap, large/baggy baseball pants, run to a marker and back, take off the items and pass to teammate to wear, etc.

Before each contest, ask fans in the stands who they think will win and ask them to "vote": "Cheer (or applaud) if you think team 1 with Nancy and Tom will win. Now cheer (or applaud) if you think team 2 with Jeff and Mary will win." This will get the fans more "into" it so they will clap or cheer during the race.

SHoe race is cheap and you might be able to get a shoe store sponsor! Generally for younger kids.

Gather the participants during the 6th inining down the rf line (out of play), collect their shoes in a box. In between ininings line up the participants on the rf line - while an assitant(s) shatters the shoes in CF, 1st kid to make to the lf line with both shoes on (tied) wins.

Its helps to have some people in CF to help the smaller kids.
Last edited by CollegeParentNoMore

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