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13 year old son has been killing the ball up until last weekend. Lots of extra base hits and rbi. Had bad last few games. Keeps popping up all fly balls no line drives. Filmed him and on load he's bending knees more, head is lower. When he initiates swing he come up some and head is at higher level. Could this be a cause of the problem? His Barrel is not dropping, hands not hitching. Thanks in advance
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Kevin25, nothing is more critical EVER than how you bat when you are 13..... except when you are 14.... 15.... 16... 17....18. etc. There are going to be banner years at the bat but there are also going to be good years and sub par years. Focus on the fundamentals of batting throughout and you will create a consistent hitter.

Here is what I would focus on.....

1) See the ball. I mean track every pitch all the way in. Even if you think half way in that it is a ball. See it al the way in, dont give up on a pitch. Pitch recognition is really important. (A good drill for this is standing in the batters box and taking pitches... tell the coach what he threw, (ie curve outside) as it goes by you.))

2) Know what your goal is. What does the team need you to do? SAC, right side, outfield... have a goal before you get in the box. Try to execute that goal.

3) Only swing at good pitches.. I mean only swing at strikes and anything super close when you have 2 strikes against you.

4) Square it up. Get a square hit on the ball.

This is an old Baseball Factory 4 rules but they hold true everyday.
This may sound silly; but have you had his eye site checked?

During my son's senior year in high school the first half of the season he was hitting near .500. Then it started to rain and no baseball was played for nearly a month. During that time he spent more time on the computer working. When the season started up again he slumped really bad.

It wasn't till summer ball that he knew that he had a problem with his eyes. We got him new contacts and the next day he went 7-9 with 2 HR.

My son's eyes started to change when he was about 15, it may be as simple as getting an eye exam.
Ditto to what ILVBB said - have his eyes checked! My 13U was just like yours - started the season hitting great and then just couldn't seem to make solid contact. One day after pitching a game, he said that he could not see the signs from the catcher. We took him to the eye doctor the next day and now he wears contacts, can see the signs from the catcher and is MASHING the ball again!!

Good luck!
I would also suggest, among all these other things, is you strongly push for balance. Take a little wider stance in the cages and tee area to cut out the bottom half a little bit. Not taking a stride will keep his head on plane and not moving so much. You may see more solid contact out of this.

By saying not use the bottom half I mean as far as a stride. Still needs to turn over and use his hips to supply power.

A good example for this is Albert Pujols

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