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More prayers sent today and we will all keep sending them. We have had hsbbweb miracles. The power of prayer is strong and it works. If any of us had even the faith of a mustard seed, we could move mountains. Surely, we ought to be able to gather our collective seeds and move this sickness from this young man. God bless him and your family is my prayer today.
I want to thank all the HSBBW family for all the thoughts a prayers, you can't ever know how much it helps. Thank you.

Just a quick note, son had a bone marrow test yesterday and hopefully the the test results will be in today. They moved him to a clean room away form other patients so not to get sick from anyone else.

This morning I went up stairs to get something he wanted out of his room and tripped on his glove and cleats that were in the stairwell. Started to yell at him about it as I have done a hundred times, then stopped and my eyes welled up.

I'm off to the hospital now.
Again, Thank you, Thank you all so very much for your support. TOFT
Originally posted by Tooldforthis:

This morning I went up stairs to get something he wanted out of his room and tripped on his glove and cleats that were in the stairwell. Started to yell at him about it as I have done a hundred times, then stopped and my eyes welled up.

Thank you for the reminder to all of us not to sweat the small stuff.....

Continued prayers for you and your son.....I hope you don't mind if I share one of my favorite verses that I pray over my sons each day....

"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11
Originally posted by Tooldforthis:
This morning I went up stairs to get something he wanted out of his room and tripped on his glove and cleats that were in the stairwell. Started to yell at him about it as I have done a hundred times, then stopped and my eyes welled up.

Tears welled up in my eyes after reading that cry

There are many believers here at the hsbbweb. We'll keep this thread alive and more importantly continue the support until we hear the news that your beloved son has been healed
Originally posted by ClevelandDad:
Originally posted by Tooldforthis:
This morning I went up stairs to get something he wanted out of his room and tripped on his glove and cleats that were in the stairwell. Started to yell at him about it as I have done a hundred times, then stopped and my eyes welled up.

Tears welled up in my eyes after reading that cry

There are many believers here at the hsbbweb. We'll keep this thread alive and more importantly continue the support until we hear the news that your beloved son has been healed

TOFT, you and your family are in my prayers as well. I want you to know that we are pulling for him. And this post really caught my breath. My son and daughter are getting nothing but love from me today when they get home.

I believe in miracles, and in the great people in the field of medicine. He'll pull through.
Last edited by BaseballmomandCEP

So very sorry to hear this news! Praying for your son's recovery and for strength and comfort for your family. You said it all with the last line of your original post: "I wish it were me and not him."

Your son sounds like a tough young man who will fight this and win! He might be back on the playing field quicker than any of us could guess.

The power of prayer is real, and God can heal your son, no matter what his diagnosis turns out to be. A few years ago, the HSBBWebsters, along with many others, prayed for a young man named Ben, a close friend of my son. Ben was in a coma after cardiac arrest, and his survival was very uncertain. Prayers were poured out from hundreds, probably thousands. Victory story here:

TOFT, please know that you and your son are lifted up in our prayers, and held tenderly in our Father's arms.
"For I will restore health to you and heal you of your wounds," says the Lord. (Jeremiah 30:17)

Last edited by MN-Mom

In addition to my prayers, I want to add the examples of Jon Lester of the Red Sox and Anthony Rizzo, recently called up by the Padres, who both faced and overcame illnesses similar to what your son may be facing and are now back with their health and doing better than ever. Your son's fighting spirit which he has shown in the past will help him overcome this also.
Tooldforthis- have been thinking about your son and family since I read this. It's an understatement to say how sorry I am and that prayers are being said for your son. I just hope it gives you some small measure of comfort to know that so many people care about your family and are praying for your son's recovery. Please keep us all posted and tell your son there are a lot of baseball players families praying for him ( he may think you're nuts!) but we all do care. Good luck and hang in there.
Just a quick update:

The tests came back yesterday and my son has Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia. He will be in the hospital for the next month getting Chemo treatments than will have to go in for chemo treatments for the next 2 years twice a week. The doctors said that it's highly treatable and he should be fine but it's going to be a long road ahead.

Last night 11 members of his J.C. team drove the 40 miles to come and stay with him for the evening. Then today his Head Coach and the three other coaches came and waited about two hours for him to get back from having a operation to install a port for the the chemo treatments.

Again, we as a family can not Thank All of you for your support. Got to go now, back to the hospital.
Thanks so much. TOFT
Glad to hear the team and coaches are showing their support. I am sure it means a lot to you and your son and family. At some point you may want to print this thread out and show it to your son, he will no doubt be suprised how many people that you and your son and family have never met that sincerely care about him and are concerned about all of you.

Visualizie complete recovery.

The wonderful words: "Highly treatable." Praise the Lord for that.

We all feel for the tough road that your son and your family will need to travel for that treatment. I think all of us as parents understand how much you would like to take the difficult parts on yourself instead of your son. But we know he is tough. He is an athlete. He will win the victory.

Continuing prayers for your son and all of you.

Sorry I haven't had the chance to update lately, it's been a lot of very long days and I know that all your prayers and best wishes have been a great help for my son.

My son was released to come home 3 days ago about 1 1/2 weeks sooner than expected. The doctor said that he has done much better than anyone thought because of his age and physical condition. So he felt that coming home would help his mental state. He still will have to go to the hospital about 3 times a week for treatment for the next 2 years. As of this point he has had 2 bone marrow tests,4 Chemo treatments with another one tomorrow, 3 blood transfusions, spinal taps and several blood platlet infusions. His sprites are good and he is taking it in stride. he always wanted a nickname that would stick when he'd played ball now he does, PINCUSHION.

His teammates, former teammates, coaches, former coaches, friends and players he has played against for years have come by the hospital and called, texted or sent cards. It's been amazing the amount of support he has gotten. So much food and drinks were brought to the hospital that we were handing them out to the nurses and doctors as they came in. We kidded him that to give him something to do and make some money, he should open a Mini-Mart in his hospital room.

iheartBB, I wanted to thank you for your idea of printing out this tread to give to him. On one of the days he was feeling really down, I did just that. His response was "Wow, seriously, Wow".

My wife and I want to thank all of you for your support for our son, you'll never know how much it means him and to us.

Baseball is a family of many people you have never met. Thank you, Thank you again.
Last edited by MN-Mom
Originally posted by Tooldforthis:
Sorry I haven't had the chance to update lately, it's been a lot of very long days and I know that all your prayers and best wishes have been a great help for my son.

My son was released to come home 3 days ago about 1 1/2 weeks sooner than expected. The doctor said that he has done much better than anyone thought because of his age and physical condition. So he felt that coming home would help his mental state. He still will have to go to the hospital about 3 times a week for treatment for the next 2 years. As of this point he has had 2 bone marrow tests,4 Chemo treatments with another one tomorrow, 3 blood transfusions, spinal taps and several blood platlet infusions. His sprites are good and he is taking it in stride. he always wanted a nickname that would stick when he'd played ball now he does, PINCUSHION.

His teammates, former teammates, coaches, former coaches, friends and players he has played against for years have come by the hospital and called, texted or sent cards. It's been amazing the amount of support he has gotten. So much food and drinks were brought to the hospital that we were handing them out to the nurses and doctors as they came in. We kidded him that to give him something to do and make some money, he should open a Mini-Mart in his hospital room.

iheartBB, I wanted to thank you for your idea of printing out this tread to give to him. On one of the days he was feeling really down, I did just that. His response was "Wow, seriously, Wow".

My wife and I want to thank all of you for your support for our son, you'll never know how much it means him and to us.

Baseball is a family of many people you have never met. Thank you, Thank you again.

Chills . . . tears . . . and continued prayers. I have heard it said that the prayers of children and strangers are heard first because they are the most sincere. Thank you for the update.
TOFT, prayers being lifted for your son, your family, and his health care providers.

I suspect that the folks on this thread are grateful for the sport of baseball for many reasons. Certainly the challenge your family is facing highlights how important the physical training and emotional support can be in circumstances none of us would wish on anyone.

Please keep us posted, and we will keep praying.

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