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As some know, my last few years coaching have been at a school where I established a program from scratch. We have taken a rural/poverty/minority small school and found enough players to have a team, built a field, and even had a couple of winning seasons.... Well, after some major life events I needed a change. So this year I will be Ag teaching instead of coaching and teaching HS science.  Same school and just like baseball I will be starting from scratch. Maybe I am just a glutton for punishment, but the kids and community are excited about it.

It was a little weird not being on the field this week, but sure was nice going home before dark.  I hope all of you the best this coming school year and if a good  opportunity comes by take it....

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D8, as Yogi Berra once said, "When you come to the fork in the road, take it."

From one HS teacher and baseball coach to another, best of luck.   You're fighting the good fight.   I got into teaching almost 20-years ago because I loved history.   I've stayed in teaching because of the kids.   An Ag department is a great offering for your students and is a LOT of work; especially weekends and after hours.   

Thanks for the update and keep us posted.   Spring may be especially tough without baseball.   Or not?  Your BP arm may feel better next spring!!!

Last edited by #1 Assistant Coach

I would like to believe that when my ticket is punched I will go knowing that I contributed to society in a small way.  Sounds like you did wonders developing a good program and relating to young men in their development. Frequently you are interacting with my son more hours every day than I sometimes did. You not only taught him the game but hopefully a little about life and growing up.   Your diamond is now a classroom, no more bats and balls but test tubes and beakers.  You still have the capabilities and knowledge to guide a different "athlete" to be their best.  PLAY BALL !!!

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