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It is a good thing you are looking for a professional to help you with changing your arm slot. My son went from throwing overhand to sidearm successfully but it was an easy transition for him because he already threw 3/4 naturally. If you don't have a natural throwing style to the side, you could injury yourself.

Good Luck in finding a sidearm coach. I don't know any in your area, there aren't even any we know down here in the Carolina's.
Originally posted by sidearmnation:
Hi there, my name is Geoff Freeborn. I'm an ex pro pitcher from Canada. I
was on HS bBaseball Forum and saw your post looking for sidearm
instruction? I have started a website on sidearm/submarine pitching. It's
basically a whole bunch of interviews of current/ex AAA/MLB pitchers who
pitched from down there. Some good stuff in interviews on mechanics and
how to pitch to hitters etc... hope it can be of some help!

Thanks, Geoff
Geoff ... How about providing advice rather than spamming your site in identical posts in four threads? This board is about helping, not generating personal revenue unless of course, you would like to pay to advertise.

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