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bump....also looks like Oakley took over!?

I went and watched to see what this was about, and this tournament last year had more talent in one place in the state of texas than i've seen in a very long time. Several future first rounders and top 5 rounders. Its free!! There were coaches from pretty much every big 12, most sec, and a few pac 10. Top ACC schools there as well. Several kids hit 94+ on the mound, and several kids crushed that fast pitching, even the texas sophmores. If you know anyone that can do that Recommend away!
Last edited by Ricky Vaughn

I think there needs to be an alumni tab on the website as well. Some more ideas for the website would be to probably add past year winners, past year mvps, past year all tournament teams. For some reason when I click on the website I cant find the all tournament team anymore. Also would be cool to have some event records, maybe like MPH or HRs, Avg, ERA, or even HR derby champions every year. Just some ideas.

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