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My son needs a new bat and I was wondering if could get some opinions, recommendations, pros, cons, etc. I know the new 2010 bats are out and was wondering about the Easton Stealth vs. the DeMarini. Also, stiff flex vs regular flex...?? Anybody use/like the Nike bat? He plays varsity and is finally growing into his body...has hit a HR in his last 3 practices using a borrowed bat (an old Worth bat). I think it's time to splurge and get him a nice bat of his own, especially with the summer travel ball season approaching.
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Hi, Sassy. What fun! I love shopping for baseball equipment. You will get a lot of input, I'm sure. My recommendation is to take him to a Play It Again Sports, or Dick's or someplace that has a selection so that he can swing them. The big thing for my son is weight distribution and composition. I blew a good $400 on the new Stealth comp a few of years ago, and he didn't use it because it was top-heavy. Sheesh. Live and learn. These days he likes one-piece bats with a more even weight distribution. I don't buy him a bat or glove unless he has done the research himself, and has held the bat he wants in his hands and said, "it feels good." Maybe you can find something with the same kind of weight distribution and feel as the old Worth that he was swinging at practice.
A baseball bat is a personal thing. The right bat for one poster's son could be the wrong bat for your son. He needs to make the decision. He should try using teammate's bats to see how they feel. Sometimes at summer travel tournaments there are bat manufacturers with demo bats. I find buying just released bats to be a waste of money. Now is a great time to buy a new 2009 bat at a discount.
Last edited by RJM
Originally posted by kaos:
What are the thoughts on the Combat?

Which Combat? since the original poster was referring to HS Ball and I'm going to assume a -3, then for Combat you have the -3 B2 Combat or the -3 B1 Combat.

I haven't seen the B1 -3 in action yet. My 12 year old has swung a friend's -3 B2 and likes it.

On another note, I forgot how much I like hearing the sound the older TPX alum bats make / made...
I don't understand the comments about Easton. We have bought new Easton bats since little league with a one-year warranty and never had a problem. When it is just under a year old, we examine the bat for out-of-roundness or cracks. Three times we have returned bats and immediatley received replacements, usually of a newer model.

You keep the warranty and receipt and buy from a authorized distributor and there are no problems. The only problems I have heard of are from those that are trying to cheat the system, and those that lost their paperwork.

For the original poster, my son has always liked the Connection and Stealth by Easton. I'd say about half of the players in his HS league are using this bat. The DeMarini seems to be the second most used bat, but my son doesn't like the feel of it.
Son got DeMarini CF-3 2009 pitch black. Was about 1/2 price because the 2010 came out. I was told only difference is the color (2010 are gold--2009 were white and black). Son loves his, lots of pop. So do many of his teamates I believe 5 HR in 1st 2 games of use with it. (wish one was his but he's a line drive guy). I do agree with everyone that each player is different and as mental as hitting is you must feel comfortable with whatever bat you choose.
Surprized no one posted " It's not the arrow it's the Indian" I hate that smarty pants remark Razz
Originally posted by Blprkfrnks:
I don't understand the comments about Easton. We have bought new Easton bats since little league with a one-year warranty and never had a problem. When it is just under a year old, we examine the bat for out-of-roundness or cracks. Three times we have returned bats and immediatley received replacements, usually of a newer model.

You keep the warranty and receipt and buy from a authorized distributor and there are no problems. The only problems I have heard of are from those that are trying to cheat the system, and those that lost their paperwork.

For the original poster, my son has always liked the Connection and Stealth by Easton. I'd say about half of the players in his HS league are using this bat. The DeMarini seems to be the second most used bat, but my son doesn't like the feel of it.

Hey Blprkfrnks, are you implying that I'm trying to "cheat the system"? Are you implying that I'm trying to "get over" on Easton because of lost paperwork? How can someone "loose paperwork" when everything is done through e-mails. You don't know my story but I'm about to tell you so you won't make comments such as "the only problems I have ever heard of are from those that are trying to cheat the system, and those that lost paperwork". For future reference, hold your comments like that until you heard the mans story first. That way your comments will be taken more seriously.

I'll tell you why Easton is garbage.
First off, I'm a DeMarini man and I'm kicking myself in the rear for going to Easton this one time. I buy the Stealth O-Zone (BST10E) and within 3 games, something is rattling inside. I send it back to get a replacement, they say they don't sell them models no more even though I see them in Baseball Express. They substitute it with a SV12 (BSV2) and when I get it, I see that it has a 65 flex rating. So they try and substitute the stiffest two-piece bat (85 flex) that they sell with the most flexible bat (65 flex) they sell. Well nice try but it isn't gonna work. I send it back. Then they send the V12 (BV2) and that bat was dented within 2 games. I send that bat back and they try me again by sending me the SV12 AGAIN. So now I have to send that bat back and tell them idiots that they already tried me with that flexible bat and send me another one. So they end up sending me the another one-piece bat and that's the synergy (BZN1). That bat hasn't been used yet and I guess we'll see how this one works.
I had to go through 5 bats within 2 months. I had to pay over $100 in total, shipping these bats back. I was on hold probably a total of 10 hours in the calls I had to make so I can get the RA #'s and find out where my bats are cause they didn't ship them when they said they would ship them. Complete idiots these people are. I filed a compliant with the BBB and I'm waiting to hear Easton's response. It should be interesting. I guess their customer service doesn't know the difference between a 65 flex and a 85 flex. Stupid people don't even know their own products. NEVER AGAIN FOR EASTON!!!!
Last edited by Rock-N-Fire

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