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If a player did not play varsity at school A and transfers to school B as a sophomore during his fourth semester, is he elegible to play varsity next year? Or does he need to wait the one year? Two that claim to know CIF SS rules say he would be eligible. He would be elgible anyway by this time and would not miss any league games. Thanks.
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Originally posted by MTS:
If a player did not play varsity at school A and transfers to school B as a sophomore during his fourth semester, is he elegible to play varsity next year? Or does he need to wait the one year? Two that claim to know CIF SS rules say he would be eligible. He would be elgible anyway by this time and would not miss any league games. Thanks.
You may want to move this to the California forum.
Transferring is regulated by the CIF on a state wide basis, and the individual sections may also have additional requirements. There is plenty of information available on the CIF website CIF. Scroll down about halfway on the page, and you will see Parent Handbook I - Understanding the Transfer Eligibility Procedure. Reading this will allow you to see whether the student would be eligible to play varsity next year. The actual rules are linked just above the Parent Handbook, and of course are more detailed.

Typically, after the first day of 10th grade, if the transferring student hasn't made a valid change of address, then both the old and new school have to certify that there wasn't undue influence. Otherwise the student can't play at all. Generally, without a valid address change, the student isn't eligible for varsity competition until one year after the transfer. But there are exceptions. Specifically the local section determines how to handle intra-transfers within open enrollment school districts.

If you are contemplating a transfer, you really need to dig deeper than asking on an Internet message board. Eligibility depends on the details of an individual situation.
Last edited by 3FingeredGlove
Originally posted by MTS:
Originally posted by SteveNordie:
You may want to move this to the California forum.

Thanks for bumping my post. There are several regional posts in General Items and I don't see your "This should be moved to the South Carolina or Florida."
Don't take offense. I was just trying to help you out. I thought you might get more knowledgable responses in the California section. Sorry to hurt your pride. Geez.
Originally posted by SteveNordie:
Don't take offense. I was just trying to help you out. I thought you might get more knowledgable responses in the California section. Sorry to hurt your pride. Geez.

You are not the moderator. I know many that post here. They often look in General 1st. If they want to post in General, that is their business.

Most of the posts in the California Section are about rankings and local tourneys and not about rules. Again I thank you for bumping my post over my friend from the other coast that used to live in Thousand Oaks, CA.
Last edited by MTS
Originally posted by 3FingeredGlove:
Transferring is regulated by the CIF on a state wide basis, and the individual sections may also have additional requirements. There is plenty of information available on the CIF website CIF. Scroll down about halfway on the page, and you will see Parent Handbook I - Understanding the Transfer Eligibility Procedure. Reading this will allow you to see whether the student would be eligible to play varsity next year. The actual rules are linked just above the Parent Handbook, and of course are more detailed.

Typically, after the first day of 10th grade, if the transferring student hasn't made a valid change of address, then both the old and new school have to certify that there wasn't undue influence. Otherwise the student can't play at all. Generally, without a valid address change, the student isn't eligible for varsity competition until one year after the transfer. But there are exceptions. Specifically the local section determines how to handle intra-transfers within open enrollment school districts.

If you are contemplating a transfer, you really need to dig deeper than asking on an Internet message board. Eligibility depends on the details of an individual situation.

Thanks. I believe your answer is closer to the facts. I think it was just wishful thinking from some friends. Unfortunately, the only move was my son from a school that was a 45 minute traffic jam away to a school 5 minutes away. My son would only miss the Easton Tourney.
Last edited by MTS
Originally posted by MTS:
Originally posted by SteveNordie:
Don't take offense. I was just trying to help you out. I thought you might get more knowledgable responses in the California section. Sorry to hurt your pride. Geez.

You are not the moderator. I know many that post here. They often look in General 1st. If they want to post in General, that is their business.

Most of the posts in the California Section are about rankings and local tourneys and not about rules. Again I thank you for bumping my post over my friend from the other coast that used to live in Thousand Oaks, CA.
Gotcha chief!
Originally posted by MTS:
Originally posted by SteveNordie:
Don't take offense. I was just trying to help you out. I thought you might get more knowledgable responses in the California section. Sorry to hurt your pride. Geez.

You are not the moderator. I know many that post here. They often look in General 1st. If they want to post in General, that is their business.

Most of the posts in the California Section are about rankings and local tourneys and not about rules. Again I thank you for bumping my post over my friend from the other coast that used to live in Thousand Oaks, CA.

Good luck with the anger management sessions.
Originally posted by CPLZ:
Good luck with the anger management sessions.

Really? Do you think I didn't look at the content of the California board before I started my thread? If you cared to look, which I did, there are at least three threads on the 1st page that could be considered Regional in General Items. Why did he not make the same comment on those threads? I thought I was quite polite with my "Thank you for bumping my post."

I now thank you for bumping my post.
Transferring is regulated by the CIF on a state wide basis, and the individual sections may also have additional requirements.

Very true.

Call the specific school(s) in question and speak to the athletic directors to confirm your understanding of the rules.

If you are contemplating a transfer, you really need to dig deeper than asking on an Internet message board. Eligibility depends on the details of an individual situation.

Even truer.
Last edited by shortstopmom
Originally posted by MTS:
Originally posted by CPLZ:
Good luck with the anger management sessions.

Really? Do you think I didn't look at the content of the California board before I started my thread? If you cared to look, which I did, there are at least three threads on the 1st page that could be considered Regional in General Items. Why did he not make the same comment on those threads? I thought I was quite polite with my "Thank you for bumping my post."

I now thank you for bumping my post.

You handled it like a tool, which you seem to be doing a terrific job of confirming. See if they can throw in a "control issues" session at a discount while you're there.
Last edited by CPLZ
Originally posted by MTS:
Originally posted by CPLZ:
Good luck with the anger management sessions.

Really? Do you think I didn't look at the content of the California board before I started my thread? If you cared to look, which I did, there are at least three threads on the 1st page that could be considered Regional in General Items. Why did he not make the same comment on those threads? I thought I was quite polite with my "Thank you for bumping my post."

I now thank you for bumping my post.
MTS, being the nice guy you obviously are, I would like to give you some friendly advice. Transfer your kid now, and ask questions later. The CIF SS will understand.
Originally posted by CPLZ:
You handled it like a tool, which you seem to be doing a terrific job of confirming. See if they can throw in a "control issues" session at a discount while you're there.

Wow, did I irritate you? I'll attend those anger management sessions when I start telling people on message boards that they "Handled it like a tool."

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