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Don't understand the "overachieving" comment.Are you attempting to say something ugly toward these players or are you saying they didn't deserve to have a good season inclusive of all there accomplishments?The win/loss record was complimentary of those achievements.The facility redevelopment equally compliments the new athletic directors forward thinking and the present coaching staffs player development throughout the season,as well.I think all on the team contributed to a great season with appreciated results.
Originally posted by Nomadad:
Don't understand the "overachieving" comment.Are you attempting to say something ugly toward these players or are you saying they didn't deserve to have a good season inclusive of all there accomplishments?The win/loss record was complimentary of those achievements.The facility redevelopment equally compliments the new athletic directors forward thinking and the present coaching staffs player development throughout the season,as well.I think all on the team contributed to a great season with appreciated results.

I don't believe Rich is really bad mouthing or trying to say anything ugly towards the players and/or coaching staff at Old Dominion...I think that what he was trying to say is that they were all left in a tough spot with their head coach (Jerry Meyers) leaving less than a month before the first semester started; and, having a young squad to begin with, they also had a couple of key injuries that hurt them dearly. I believe that Nate and his staff over there had a great season! If you look back before the season began at what the "experts" were predicting them to finish, I think it's pretty safe to say that their season was an "overachievement"...

However, overachievement or not, I do think that they need to speed up this process and select a new head coach sooner rather than later...the more time this entire ordeal takes, the more it will hurt the direction of this program! The administration is handcuffing the present staff and as a result, I'm pretty sure that they are losing a few potential recruits. Coach Goulet has done more than enough throughout the course of this year as well as his entire tenure there at ODU. He has recruited well over the last couple of years and has placed a "family" sense of pride and accountability with his players/coaches/alumni/fans/etc... IMO, they would be very smart to give him another chance (2-3 years) to build on what he (and his staff) has started this year and see where it goes from there.
Easy Nomad!!!! It could simply mean that they were projected to be the 7th or 8th in the conference. Nobody is drinking your glass of water!

Overachiever may not be the word. They were the underdog and kept fighting to win the weekend conference series.

Nate and staff did a very good job especially considering all of the "disabled" players.

Dr. Selig appears to be very committed to bring ODU baseball back to the powerhouse it used to be years ago. The 757 area can produce a great local baseball D1 program.

Mr. C, I do not know when the decision will be made, however my interview is supposed to be scheduled for early next week......

Do you think that Augie or OConnor actually applied??????

Lynn Metheny
#1 Supporter of ODU Baseball
well, they have a rowing coach locked in for next few years so i guess they might be able to work in a few interviews for baseball.

by bringing up Augie and BOC, I was merely trying to make the point that;
1. they are not candidates for the job
2. there is probably no chance that any asst. coach candidates still vying for the CWS are in the mix so
3. what in the heck is taking them so long to get this done?
4. oh yea, the new coach and staff might have to work like crazy to find some recruits.
5. how many other schools in the US would name a women's rowing coach before they name a BB coach?

of course all of this is IMHO but it really has me scratching my head for answers....
Originally posted by Mr. C:
well, they have a rowing coach locked in for next few years so i guess they might be able to work in a few interviews for baseball.

by bringing up Augie and BOC, I was merely trying to make the point that;
1. they are not candidates for the job
2. there is probably no chance that any asst. coach candidates still vying for the CWS are in the mix so
3. what in the heck is taking them so long to get this done?
4. oh yea, the new coach and staff might have to work like crazy to find some recruits.
5. how many other schools in the US would name a women's rowing coach before they name a BB coach?

of course all of this is IMHO but it really has me scratching my head for answers....

"Money, money, money, moneyyyyy....monnnneyyy!!!"

My guess would be, that they are more than likely going to offer big bucks (or bigger bucks than the present figure) to someone to take the helm and they are taking their time to make sure that they get the right fit for the job...however, I am not disagreeing with anything that you are saying. They are shooting themselves in the foot by taking SO long...let's all hope that they at least make the right decision!!!
I think its pretty obvious that the first priority was hiring a basketball coach. She will be more under the gun than the baseball coach with her season fast approaching. Not that the baseball program can slack off with recruiting season in full swing. But now that Ms. Barefoot is here, I'm sure the new resident of the Bud will not be far behind. With that being said, it sure would be a shame for Nate and his boys not to get a fair shake in this process. I think he did more than enough to earn the job, as well as Coach LaVigne(sp).
Mr. C
You do realize that their season just ended on May 28th. Do you really think it would be appropriate to interview candidates while the season was still going????
With that being said, not even 3 weeks have past since the last game. The job was posted in April and the applications were recieved. Is 3 weeks really that long when you are considering a Head Coach position?
I do acknowledge that it has hurt the recruiting process. In fact, it hurt the recruiting process last year.
Mr. Graham, I will be the first to admit that it was a wonderful surprise to see them play into the tournament. There were many areas of concern in each game all season long. However, I wish that you "baseball" guys would analyze some stats a little bit more. Actually, if you attended most of the games, you would see that those players built a family. Those players believed in each other and supported each other to a fault. The coaches nurtured the kids into what a college baseball player should be.
Maybe we should talk about the team GPA.
Oh, never mind, you guys are never interested in that!!!!

I can assure you if the MONEY thing is the deal and they bring in the big guns, he will have a great base to biuld on because of Nate Goulet and his staff.

By the way, is Maury playing in that wood bat league?
I hope you realize that R. Graham was agreeing with you, not arguing with you.

The whole point is that when a team wins unexpectedly, and maybe for reasons not readily apparent from the stats, you might well credit "chemistry". And I don't know who should get more credit for that than whoever was running the ship at the time.
My son Kenny has played there for three years now. He says that this year was by far the best. He felt more atease and appreciated. Things were a little more relaxed for sure.

Notwithstanding his having to play 99% of the season with a completely torn labrum in his non-throwing arm. He did that because the coaches stuck with him and knew that he was dedicated and loyal and would always try to do what he could for the team. I don't think he would have been as excited to play through all that pain for the previous coach, but who knows. By the way Kenny had his labrum surgery yesterday and it seems to have gone well. He will be out for some time healing and rehabing but should be back for his final season. He is hoping Goulet will be retained. My honest opinion is that they're going to give him a very fair chance at maintaining his job, but in the end they will go with a guy that they believe has that Coach Conner or Augie type attitude. Everyone wants to win now. We all know that things happen in cycles in baseball and well ODU seems to be on the threshold of a rising cycle. Another Verlander type cycle I'm sure. Here's hoping anyway.
Glad to hear that Kenny's surgery went well. With Kenny and Corsner back in the outfield, and Sizemore chasing down some balls, things will be looking pretty nice.

Who would hire a rowing coach before a baseball coach.......Perhaps a program that just built a 2.3 million dollar rowing center! As a side note, I wonder if they had over 100 applicants for that rowing coach position. For any of you fathers that have girls, rowing is the answer to scholarships.
Cannot say enough good about Coach Goulet and his associates.Here is a coach that was required to draw a team together at the very last moment and is a shinning example of what many players sitting on the bench often contemplate,What I would do if I get my chance?He stepped-up and showed them(the players).He took (as mentioned in a previous post) a bunch of under-achievers and made them over-achievers as complimented by RGraham.Hope good fortune comes to him and his assistants,Thanks Coach Goulet.
Last year, I was on a business trip to Lexington, KY and took in a game between Western Kentucky Univ and Univ of Kentucky. WKU took it to UK (in a big way) at their home field, and did not let up at any point in the game. WKU impressed me as a very s-c-r-a-p-p-y, disciplinged and well coached club....lots of bunts, stealing, hit n'run plays. Hopefully Coach Finwood is a great hire & fit for ODU.
Last edited by fenwaysouth
Kenny got hus call early this morning and he said coach was a bit somber. No doubt! I guess they will all get a call from the new guy soon too. I mean once it's officially announced that is. It's true what they say with these AD's and coaches....blood is thicker than water. What sucks is we will have a majority of our team back next year and any success we have will most likely be contributed to Finwood. I just hope he does not shut them down like Meyers used to do. They started coming out of their shells this season and it showed in their success this year. I guess we will see. Time will tell.
Kudos to Nate for calling each and every player, all 34, to inform them of the decision that ODU made. Don't know if it really is his responsibility or not, considering he is no longer a coach with the program. Wonder how many of you would take the time to do that, instead of looking for another job.
I can assure you, the players had the news last night thru their own accord. It was just a formality that Nate felt he needed to talk to each guy. Good for him.
Midlo, consider this, how long would it take you to call 34 guys. Can only guess that the first kid called someone.....and so on. I would be willing to bet that not one guy found out by reading the paper. If that "one guy" did find out that way, it is because he is not communicating with the other guys.

Lynn Metheny
I'm not criticizing Goulet at all, far from it.

What he did was above and beyond the call.

But yes, it takes time to call 34 guys one at a time. What you would normally expect would be a team meeting called for those who could attend, asst. AD to make an announcement. Failing that, a group e-mail or even a text. My point being, the players should have been the first ones to know. It shouldn't have been in the media before the players knew.
That is my point exactly. The players did know before it was in the paper, only from each other. Only a handful of players would be able to attend a meeting, which may violate NCAA guidelines anyway.

The next point is that Nate wanted to talk to each guy himself. If you read anything from Western Kentucky, Finwood had a conference call with the team. Another great idea, probably a women's idea!!! Not even sure how you could organize that with kids all over the country playing ball. Yes, definitely a women organized that!

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