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My son is 14 and a freshman ( 2019 ) .. undersized right now at 5'5 ( i'm 5'11 ) and also was a late bloomer. He has been playing travel ball since he was 11 and has always done really well. He plays Short and Second base mostly.. This summer he had to try out for the high school team. Our town doesn't hold try outs but instead the varsity coach joins a league with other schools and they play all the new kids and some JV and Varsity kids. He played second base 1 game and the coach moved him to short where he started their the entire 10 games. After the league was over the coach pulled me aside and told me my son had a real chance of making the varsity team. Me being a parent that doesn't really care about that and am more interested in playing time, told the coach that i wasn't interested in him playing varsity if he sits the entire season.  He told me he was super impressed with my sons defense and can see him starting as a second basemen.  


Some Notes - my son love defense and can spend hours fielding ground balls ... he generally hits first or second on his travel team.. He isn't big but works out and hits hard ,, he has no problem hitting doubles .. ( maybe because outfielders play him shallow lol ) but he can handle a bat well .. 


Now for video's - when is the right time to start making these .. ? We make them just for fun ..but want to start I guess taking them more serious,, 


this video was us at the cages hitting and doing back hand practice ...


thanks for any input 

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Welcome to the site, gamer.  Exciting and special times coming up for your son!  He looks pretty good. 

A few things to consider regarding varsity vs. JV...  I think your response to the coach that you were more interested in PT has solid logic behind it but don't forget that this is a team sport and team needs should come first.  If he is fortunate enough to make V and does so in a back-up role, that may make the V team stronger than having weaker alternatives rotating in.  Even then, there are plenty of advantages with getting reps with the V players every day and being with that squad.  Also, I don't know what the situation is at your son's HS but this is usually purely the coach's decision.  He may have been letting you know your son has a good shot to make the team as a compliment and as a measure of preparation and inspiration toward your son more so than to get your opinion.


There are tons of great threads here on the V vs. JV subject that you can search and read through.  One thing I always like to point out to parents of incoming freshman who are put on V... be aware that it can be a "grow up in a hurry" sort of environment in regards to language, conversational content, social scene, etc.  If he gets the call to be with the older guys, be prepared.


Regarding video, there are also tons of threads on how to put together the best product.  I'm with RJM in that there is no hurry.  Video's are for college recruiting and you want to show a product that is ready or close to ready to contribute to a college program.  Your son appears to be on the right track but isn't there yet. 

Last edited by cabbagedad
Originally Posted by Baseball Gamer:

My son is 14 and a freshman ( 2019 ) .. undersized right now at 5'5 ( i'm 5'11 ) and also was a late bloomer. He has been playing travel ball since he was 11 and has always done really well. He plays Short and Second base mostly.. This summer he had to try out for the high school team. Our town doesn't hold try outs but instead the varsity coach joins a league with other schools and they play all the new kids and some JV and Varsity kids. He played second base 1 game and the coach moved him to short where he started their the entire 10 games. After the league was over the coach pulled me aside and told me my son had a real chance of making the varsity team. Me being a parent that doesn't really care about that and am more interested in playing time, told the coach that i wasn't interested in him playing varsity if he sits the entire season.  He told me he was super impressed with my sons defense and can see him starting as a second basemen.  


Some Notes - my son love defense and can spend hours fielding ground balls ... he generally hits first or second on his travel team.. He isn't big but works out and hits hard ,, he has no problem hitting doubles .. ( maybe because outfielders play him shallow lol ) but he can handle a bat well .. 


Now for video's - when is the right time to start making these .. ? We make them just for fun ..but want to start I guess taking them more serious,, 


this video was us at the cages hitting and doing back hand practice ...


thanks for any input 

Plenty of time for video.  Your son is athletic with upside... I'd focus on finding a quality hitting and fielding instructor.  Time to really solidify mechanics, it takes a while...  If you look at his finish on his swings he's pretty  off balance not allowing him to drive through the ball - there's a reason that's happening, a good instructor will get him corrected from the ground up.  When an athletic kid fields a ball backhand he's inclined to not move his feet and over trust his athletic ability to field it.  Sometimes that results in stabbing at a very playable ground ball that just hopped over his glove or shoulder.  Gotta move the feet around the ball when you can. A good instructor will get his feet moving around the ball, allowing him to field through the ball.  Just examples...  I have two talented SS's in my house, been working on footwork/glove work since they were 7 & 9 and it shows. 


Good fundamentals executed by an athletic quick kid gets attention.  Along with driving the ball gap to gap helps him further.  You've got some good stuff going there... spend the time finding quality instructors that can engage your son and have a schedule to accommodate yours.


Welcome aboard & good luck!

Last edited by Gov

thank you everyone .. great input .. we will work on the foot work .. again I we only make these for fun .. he has good foot work in real games and knows how to come through the ball.. I did look again at the video and the swings that he was off balance were all outside pitches that he was trying to go oppo .. so there is something we need to work on .. great site here... really enjoy reading 

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