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As for the comment that Flower Mound had little to no senior leadership, and that they emploded, I am the senior in question as I was the player that got into the heated debate with the Assistant Coach. For the record i would like to point out that it was the coach that accosted me in the open in front of a sold out crowd and when i walked away, that coach chased me down and got in my face again. I must have said something wrong when i was talking to myself well out of hearing range of anybody else just like i was told to by the head coach at the beginning of the series. If you don't want to remember it was the seniors plus Ty Wheeler and Chris Asing that got us where we were. If you want to call someone out or a group of people out, get your facts straight.

As for Coach Chumbley, his team beat us for the first 3 times in the history of the rivalry i believe, and he was a good coach if not a little intense.
I wish there was a math booster club. If we organized math fund raising, math concesion stand, I wonder if we could get rid of this bad teacher.
Parents status as a taxpayer should be able to fix this situation, don't you think? No luck so far.
The school has managed get rid of head coaches last year and this year.
Last edited by kdm
It is interesting that Plano West, Rowlett, Southlake Carroll, Keller, etc. don't seem to want to get rid of their coaches. This only seems to surface when a team isn't as successful as the parents think it should be. Then the coach becomes a very easy target.

I mean, it couldn't be that the players on the team just aren't very good, could it? Too many parents (myself included) can't see their kid or their kid's team for what it is. I don't know Chumbley and I realize there are some coaches that seem to get more out of their players than others, but I don't think there are as many bad coaches out there as are being depicted here.

I was no fan of Bill Parcells while he was here, but he did say something one time I really agreed with. When a reporter asked him if he thought his team was better than their record was at that time, he said, "You are what you are."
In closing,

The truth should be told and acted on. Which in this case action was taken and only the truth could be told by those involved.

Coaches AND players should be responsible when drastic misfortunes occur that effect an organization, team, or community.

What this site needs to decide on is...

Should names be used when targeting bad situations?

Should it be restricted to just coaches?

Or should negative situations that players initiate be brought forth as well?

Two way streets regards,
Last edited by Ken Guthrie

"YOU ARE WHAT YOU ARE"....ouch reference to CHHS would like to believe the talent on the team does not reflect the team record.

A Dozen kids will be playing college ball.

Two kids drafted today in lower rounds.

TEAM IMO is not always about what a coach can get out of kids....its all about the players relating to each other and the team and most importantly the coach being able to chase all the black cats off the field! 2008 will always be a mystery of what could have been at CHHS
He didn't, no doubt, I was just having kind of an off day and that really hit a nerve. I just wanted to point out that we were a team that relied on a lot of players to get the job done and a lot of people did do an amazing job to get that deep. I was just in shock that you could say that we lost because of a lack of senior leadership in a 14-4 game. That is a shock, and lets give credit where credit is due, to Southlake Carrol. They were a great team that outplayed us and gave West a run in the Championship game. They were and are the better team.
As it goes with coaches coach C was the best coach in the district and knew how to get wins out of the his teams. Also they players on the team wanted coach to stay it was a parent deal and not a player deal. If you could play for coach C then you could play for anyone. Also if any player needed anything, all they had to do was call coach and he would be there any time and any place.

MHS will make it to the play-offs next. MHS has a lot to prove this next year and have 8 returning starts.
My son is no longer part of the program and I have been out of the loop, but I do know this:

That parents don't get involved if players are happy and things are good.

Administration doesn't get involved unless policies and situations are not good for the school/district.

Think about it:

If it only took parents complaining to rid a school of an unliked teacher, coach, administrator then we would have a lot of a vacancies in the world of education.
Last edited by oldbat-never
Originally posted by bballguy005:
As it goes with coaches coach C was the best coach in the district and knew how to get wins out of the his teams. Also they players on the team wanted coach to stay it was a parent deal and not a player deal. If you could play for coach C then you could play for anyone. Also if any player needed anything, all they had to do was call coach and he would be there any time and any place.

MHS will make it to the play-offs next. MHS has a lot to prove this next year and have 8 returning starts.

I hope you are right. Yesterday I was formally approved as the head baesball coach at Marcus. I am excited about the opportunity to become part of the outstanding tradition that Marcus has in baseball.

I look forward to meeting the players and parents in the next couple of weeks. I am trying to get a schedule not only for the summer teams, but also for the guys that are playing on select teams. I will most likely hold a camp the week of July 28 for incoming Freshman.

Coach Chumbley has a great record as a coach. I don't know all the details involving his departure and really don't want to waste a bunch of time dealing with that. I am my own person and my own man. I am not going to "reinvent" the game of baseball at Marcus. I will probably demand alot of the same things that Coach Chumbley did. My style and way of doing things will probably be different because even though I don't know Coach Chumbley, we are two different people.

I am sure there are issues that need to be resolved. What I do know is this, what ever those issues are, it is not the ability of the kids that are there. Marcus split with Coppell, FMHS and Hebron, so obviously there are some kids with ability.

I only demand three things from my players...Hard work, hustle and have fun. If we do those things then everything else will (and have in the past for my teams) take care of themselves.

Anyway, I look forward to the opportunity to meet and greet everyone in the Marcus community. If anyone knows anybody out there that has a summer schedule, shoot it to me in an email at

Art Senato
Head Baseball Coach
Marcus High School
My signature is part of my philosophy. If/when we lose, we will not make an excuse about the "pressure getting to me." If the other team is better, we'll tip our hats to them. If we lose because we are unprepared, then that is my fault. It will be mine and my assistant coaches job to get us prepared. If we are prepared and we do the very best we can do, then I'll let the chips fall where they may and accept the results.

Now, I hate to lose, so understand that I will do everything I can to make sure that we are prepared to play.

Looking forward to getting started!
Originally posted by tychco:
It is interesting that Plano West, Rowlett, Southlake Carroll, Keller, etc. don't seem to want to get rid of their coaches. This only seems to surface when a team isn't as successful as the parents think it should be. Then the coach becomes a very easy target.

I mean, it couldn't be that the players on the team just aren't very good, could it? Too many parents (myself included) can't see their kid or their kid's team for what it is. I don't know Chumbley and I realize there are some coaches that seem to get more out of their players than others, but I don't think there are as many bad coaches out there as are being depicted here.

I was no fan of Bill Parcells while he was here, but he did say something one time I really agreed with. When a reporter asked him if he thought his team was better than their record was at that time, he said, "You are what you are."

Just remember, MOST parents want the 8 best players and their kid to

Last edited by txbball14
As a "parent", and an educator, I know it's pretty tough for "outside forces" to get anyone removed from a position, at least in our district. I'm looking forward to meeting the new coach.
I had a son who played at Marcus and I can say that playing time, was never an issue for us-it's a bit frustrating for some people to pin that on all non-chumbley supporters. There are a few people who were comfortable with the former coach, but they were not the majority. There is alot more to a coach than what you see on the field during a game, personally, I'm a supporter of coaches with integrity...coaches who give respect and get respect, and who love the game as much as the kids who play for them.
We have players and coaches in our home and we sure love the game. We are very excited to welcome the new Coach and see the program find unity, peace, and strength. We don't have a player in the program now and it will be awhile before we will have one old enough to try-out, but we will now look forward to the future opportunity.
This is a very divided and painful subject for many, and hopefully it can now be put to rest.
Congratulations Coach Sonato and welcome.
Originally posted by L.A.:
Congrats FD on the new gig.

6-AAAAA is going to be a BEAST the next two years. The two teams that stay home from the playoffs could possibly be in the top two spots in most districts around the area.

Good luck. Marcus got a good 'un.

I know, it's going to be alot of fun. Hopefully we will be one of the four playing in May...and June.
Originally posted by thebottomline:
As a "parent", and an educator, I know it's pretty tough for "outside forces" to get anyone removed from a position, at least in our district. I'm looking forward to meeting the new coach.
I had a son who played at Marcus and I can say that playing time, was never an issue for us-it's a bit frustrating for some people to pin that on all non-chumbley supporters. There are a few people who were comfortable with the former coach, but they were not the majority. There is alot more to a coach than what you see on the field during a game, personally, I'm a supporter of coaches with integrity...coaches who give respect and get respect, and who love the game as much as the kids who play for them.
We have players and coaches in our home and we sure love the game. We are very excited to welcome the new Coach and see the program find unity, peace, and strength. We don't have a player in the program now and it will be awhile before we will have one old enough to try-out, but we will now look forward to the future opportunity.
This is a very divided and painful subject for many, and hopefully it can now be put to rest.
Congratulations Coach Sonato and welcome.

I appreciate your sentiments and I agree with you, it is time to put the past behind us and invite the challenges that we will face together in District 6-5A. We will need to be "side by side, pitch by pitch and game by game together" to get out of that district.

I will not discuss playing time with your parents...but I will discuss with them things you can do to contribute to the alumni game and when/if you are given an opportunity to hit 3 hole in the alumni game, you take advantage and make it difficult for us to take you out of the three hole in the years to come.

We'll be saving you a spot in the Alumni game!!!
Originally posted by Ken Guthrie:
Originally posted by funneldrill:

I will not discuss playing time with your parents...but I will discuss with them things you can do to contribute to the alumni game and when/if you are given an opportunity to hit 3 hole in the alumni game, you take advantage and make it difficult for us to take you out of the three hole in the years to come.

We'll be saving you a spot in the Alumni game!!!

If I didn't know better, I'd probably mistake you for a presidential candidate.

Unfortunately for you, my mother is the First Lady and my father is the President of the United States of Marcus Booster Club.

With your response, they have no other choice than to take the case all the way to the Supreme AD Court.

Trust me, your better off just putting me in the 3 hole.

Did I mention, I won't be at practice due to my possible invitation to any showcases?
Originally posted by JAFO:
Hey Gut,

It just doesn't have the same effect as it did in the past. What gives? Have these posters gone MELLOW?

You used to stir a firestorm just by posting your name. Oh well, maybe next season!

They've finally been beatin' down by the same ole' story.

Good thing is, the same ole' BS has mellowed down too.

tit for tat regards,

Oh, congrats to FD on his new position. From his posts here he sounds like a heck of a coach.
Originally posted by Change Up:
Congrats Funnel
Just by reading your words on the board i know that you will meet the challenges at Marcus head on and will have that program on the right track in no time

I appreciate that. I am all about TEAM. Not just for the kids, but the kids, the coaches and the parents are all in this together. Now baseball is a game of failure. Things are not always going to go right for each kid, or for the coaches, or for the parents. Instead of pointing fingers and trying to find someone else to blame, I want everyone to assume responsiblity for their actions. When my teams lose a game, it is on me, the coach. I have to either get them better prepared or I need to find the right combination to get the job done. Too many times people take decisions by coaches personally. With me, there is nothing personal in a decision. I am doing what I think is going to give our team the best chance to succeed. Are all of my decisions correct...NO WAY! Just like every kid is not going to bat 1,000 either. Just like our pitchers are not going to throw perfect games all season. So instead of players, coaches and parents all reacting to failure in a "knee-jerk" fashion, we need to calm down and act like we have experienced failure before. Pick each other up when we make an error, not shout down at that kid (players, coaches and parents in the stands). I would bet he did not make the error on purpose and I know that me and my coaches did not coach that kid to make an error.

Baseball is journey, not a destination. If it were a destination we'd all go undefeated, we'd all win the state championship, we'd all hit .800, we'd all have ERA's under 1, we'd all get a full ride to a Division 1 school and I'd be making $4 million a year managing the Boston Red Sox. Unfortunately the world we live in will not allow this, that is why the highest lifetime batting average at the highest level of baseball in the world is .367, there is only 1 state champion and Division 1 schools only have 11.7 scholarships to give to their 35 man roster (sorry to burst your bubble but not everyone out there is going to get one).

I don't know about the rest of you, but I have decided that for the rest of my journey in baseball, I am going to have as much fun as I can and work as hard as I can everyday just in case it is my last.
Want to know the truth ? Look around the area at whats been the norm in Flower Mound.

It all starts with thier select baseball program to many so called select teams. "lil john been playing select ball since he was 9". What the parents failed to mentioned was it was on a watered down AA team with players that should have quit when they were 8. Now these same parents are willing to spend thousands to moved there so-called ball player to a private school located just outside or Argyle to get thier kids playing time because they don't have the talent to make a 5A squad. O and please don't be to hard on little johnny you might hurt his feelings, you might just bring to light that lil johnny sucks at baseball. I hope Art has the balls to stand up to these cry baby parents and to the booster club and say kiss my ARS if you don't like my style.

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