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cpt. jack,
Trinity Christian was the beneficiary of a player who was cut by FM Marcus during his freshman year - by your definition a kid who should have quit when he was 8. The young man started for three years at SS at TCA leading the school to a state championship, played the summer after his senior year for Mr. Carpenter on the Mustangs, is playing ball as the starting SS at Austin College, and is currently playing in the NY Collegiate League this summer for the Athletes in Action team. His parents weren't cry babies, they were just supportive of their son's desire to continue playing baseball.

TCA got a GOOD one in that young man, I know him well.

That player and his family turned a huge heartbreak/nightmare/negative into a MAJOR positive. This is also an example where a player and parents knew the player's heart, ability and drive and they found the perfect arena for those attributes and the end result was SUCCESS and the continuation of the game for that young man.

Wished I had had the money and the balls to have made the same decision/move, instead I listened to my son and not my head/heart/Gut (and I don't mean KG when I say Gut).
Last edited by oldbat-never
I won't say that I knew the Marcus Coach, but playing them the past 2 years, they were a very good team, with solid fundamental skills. As our coach put it before we played them these past 2 years, "They know how to play the game right." I give alot of credit to Coach for having great respect for the game. Coach, I wish you the best of luck if you read this. I'm sure you probably don't remember me, but I remember the way you coached, and probably won't forget it. You found a way to get your team fired up, every time they stepped onto the field.

Much Respect,
Capt Jack
Let me ask you this question.Have you ever had one of those little Johnnies you talk about or personally known the parents of that so called kid?
I have and as a parent your heart breaks for your kid so unless you have had on i dont think you truelly understand.
The questions of Dad WHY get very hard to answer after a while.All i could do was keep encourageing him to try as hard as he could and good things would happen.No parent in thier right mind is going to tell an 8-10 year old kid to Quit.
Complicating those why questions was his younger brother has been pretty succesful at the game and plays 2nd base right along the side of the young man that went to TCA at Austin College.
So until you have walked in those shoes I dont think you can understand what it is like.
Capn': It's truly a SAD day when you think 8 year old kids need to quit playing a GAME! Get your priorities in line. These are children for goodness sake. Let them be a kid and play whatever they want for as long as they want. If their parents want to move around looking for what they think is the best for their child, big deal! You don't have to pay for it and you probably have no clue as to why they are really doing it in the first place.

It's people like this that take all the true fun and enjoyment out of playing the GAME of baseball.

Oh yeah, and if there are other parents who want to move to a private school to get more playing time, I know of a really good one in McKinney! Sorry for the shameless plug I'm just tryin' to build a program! Wink
Or we can go back like I suggested a long time ago.....

City ball. You play for the town teams you live in.

You sign up, pay your registration fee, try out, and a coach calls you in a week to tell you what team your on.

This way everyone plays with all different talent levels.

No player gets turned away that wants to play.

Good players learn to deal with inferior players.

Inferior players learn they will have to improve to compete with the good players.

And in the end, the only thing that matters is what flavors to put in your suicide soda drink after the game.

Oh, the good ole' days.

OB, will you sponsor one of the teams or will we have to call Joe's Plumbing again?
Last edited by Ken Guthrie

The Good old days still exsist all over the country (insert flower here). Youth leagues, Pony League, Little League, city league. It is still there and now you have the choice:

City/community based programs or select. When you get to HS you get what you get.

When your son is old enough you will see all the choices and as a parent for a very short period of time (18yrs) you get to help with decisions that could impact your son's look on life, personality and love for a sport.

My nephew, in Seattle, is 13 and has played Little League until age 12, it was in the purest sense all that you talk about and more. Only now that he is too old for that is he seeing what select is all about, the good, the bad and the ugly and I sit on the phone and listen, nod my head and rarely shed any advice (shock, huh). I promised myself not to give him advice because it is his journey and one for him and his parents to live and learn.

As to sponsorship of a team, I invested more time and more pocket change into baseball with the starting up of HVA, the Marauders Select Team and throughout HS to sponsor a league of teams for a summer or 2, so for right now I will concentrate on college and retirement bills/savings/plans.

If this topic is to be continued it should be moved since we are off topic.
Last edited by oldbat-never
Originally posted by cpt. jack:
Want to know the truth ? Look around the area at whats been the norm in Flower Mound.

It all starts with thier select baseball program to many so called select teams. "lil john been playing select ball since he was 9". What the parents failed to mentioned was it was on a watered down AA team with players that should have quit when they were 8. Now these same parents are willing to spend thousands to moved there so-called ball player to a private school located just outside or Argyle to get thier kids playing time because they don't have the talent to make a 5A squad. O and please don't be to hard on little johnny you might hurt his feelings, you might just bring to light that lil johnny sucks at baseball. I hope Art has the balls to stand up to these cry baby parents and to the booster club and say kiss my ARS if you don't like my style.

"He tried out for the varsity basketball team during his sophomore year, but at 5 feet 11 inches (1.80 m), he was deemed too short to play at that level and was cut from the team."

I know this is one of the most cliche examples that is cited every time cuts are made on any team in any sport, but do you want to tell me who is being referred to in that wikipedia excerpt?
Originally posted by oldbat-never:

If this topic is to be continued it should be moved since we are off topic.

I agree.

Although I'll let you start it since nobody wants to hear my rants on the good ole' days.

Plus, Gage and I got a lesson tonight.

No, not a baseball lesson.

We are working on flippin' a jig into heavy cover 101.

Bassmasters tournament trial or bust regards,
Originally posted by cpt. jack:
Want to know the truth ? Look around the area at whats been the norm in Flower Mound.

It all starts with thier select baseball program to many so called select teams. "lil john been playing select ball since he was 9". What the parents failed to mentioned was it was on a watered down AA team with players that should have quit when they were 8. Now these same parents are willing to spend thousands to moved there so-called ball player to a private school located just outside or Argyle to get thier kids playing time because they don't have the talent to make a 5A squad. O and please don't be to hard on little johnny you might hurt his feelings, you might just bring to light that lil johnny sucks at baseball. I hope Art has the balls to stand up to these cry baby parents and to the booster club and say kiss my ARS if you don't like my style.

Capt. Jack,
If I'm not mistaken F.M. went down to Houston this year and got it handed to them by several private schools. Liberty won the Denton Ryan tournament playing and winning against 4a and 5a programs. I could go on and on about private schools competing and winning against the mighty 5a but I won't. The truth is baseball is baseball and it doesn't matter where you play as long as you play. Chill out and be happy for all of these young men who get the chance to play this wonderful game. It will all be over way to soon, let them enjoy it while they can.
Originally posted by Ken Guthrie:
Originally posted by oldbat-never:

If this topic is to be continued it should be moved since we are off topic.

I agree.

Although I'll let you start it since nobody wants to hear my rants on the good ole' days.

Plus, Gage and I got a lesson tonight.

No, not a baseball lesson.

We are working on flippin' a jig into heavy cover 101.

Bassmasters tournament trial or bust regards,


Don't they have a fishing site you could talk about Jigs and Bassmasters. There you could let them know Gage is the best jig flipper in Texas. You could also start offering lessons.

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