Hello to the Ladies community,
I've been observing this web-site for a few years, found some great information during that time. Now that my son is an actual high school student, I thought it was time to join!
I'm hoping that everyone can help to educate me during these next years! Although I've been participating in my son's baseball activities over the years, I have no experience with High School sports. My son has played t-ball, Little League, and Competitive youth baseball since he was 5. My husband is very involved, and coached him in Little League for years.
His high school has been having almost daily workouts/practices since before Christmas, and tryouts are in a couple of weeks. He is trying out as a pitcher/1st, or 3rd baseman. He wants 3rd, his dad thinks 1st is more likely.
So...I guess this is my introduction. My son is passionate about baseball, and I'm behind him all the way!
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