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Hello to the Ladies community,
I've been observing this web-site for a few years, found some great information during that time. Now that my son is an actual high school student, I thought it was time to join!
I'm hoping that everyone can help to educate me during these next years! Although I've been participating in my son's baseball activities over the years, I have no experience with High School sports. My son has played t-ball, Little League, and Competitive youth baseball since he was 5. My husband is very involved, and coached him in Little League for years.
His high school has been having almost daily workouts/practices since before Christmas, and tryouts are in a couple of weeks. He is trying out as a pitcher/1st, or 3rd baseman. He wants 3rd, his dad thinks 1st is more likely.
So...I guess this is my introduction. My son is passionate about baseball, and I'm behind him all the way!
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Welcome, ColoradoMom!

I have been to Colorado a few times, but I don't know where Louisville, CO is. My husband and I lived in Casper, WY when we were first married.

Thanks very much for introducing yourself, and please post often. Let us know how the HS tryouts go - as well as some season highlights when the time comes!

Welcome, Coloradomom. You will discover a wealth of information and knowledge as well as develop some close friendships. I, too am relatively new, but enjoy reading about all the friendships among the posters, and all the successes of the boys! applaude It can be quite addictive!

Tryouts start Monday!! Can't wait. While this is oldest son's junior year, which should be quite a ride in and of itself, also bittersweet as the coach has been notified that this will be his last season as coach. He had planned on staying through my son's senior year, but now we will have to adjust to a new coach. God is in control, and all will work out for the best.
Youngest son is trying out for JV!
Thank's everyone for the warm welcome! My recent baseball related activities have been carpooling [since my son is a freshman], trying to keep enough food in the kid, and enduring panic over a lost baseball glove, resulting in the purchase of a new glove, only to have the original turn up 1 week later. Really, if I wanted to spend $$$, I would have gone to Nordstrom! Enjoy the weekend! ColoradoMom
I'll second that. I hate to shop except at one store and Nordstom's is it.

Welcome ColoradoMom! We don't have too many members from that great state but I know FrankF lives there. We have some great members from Kentucky who have schooled us over the years on the proper pronounciation for Louisville. Curious how they pronounce it out in Colorado.

Is it:

none of the above

Very important stuff Smile Again, welcome Smile

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