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i just started pitching this summer, im a soph in juco and i throw in the low 90's as of right now, my mechanics are consistant yet and i hurt my arm over the summer and its just getting back into shape. where should i be looking at 4 year schools? any suggestions? im starting to email coaches but im not sure who would seriously be interested

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I guess one question would be how did you hurt your arm, was it pitching and to what extent will it keep you from pitching vs going back to catching.

You say your mechanics are consistent but are they an effective smooth pitching motion or are you a power thrower which exerts a lot of effort to the delivery and may hurt your arm again?

You say you throw low 90’s, but can you throw strikes and do you have other pitches, low 90’s in decent college conferences are dead red, unless you have a couple other pitches that you can throw for strikes and as out pitches.

Does your JUCO coach have connections with placing players in schools and if so are your efforts coordinated and does he support your efforts to convert to a pitcher?

The normal recruiting process needs to be followed, what area of the country are you looking to play in, do the schools have your majors that you are interested in, what level can you compete in (D1, D2, D3, or NAIA this would vary based on what part of the country and conferences).

The JUCO’s in Calif have a recruiting/showcase day where they send their top few players to, do they have one in NY that your coach can send you to and will he? If so make contact with the schools that your are interested in and invite them to attend to come see you play.

You also need to review your transcripts with your counselor to make sure your units are transferable and you have made progress toward your desired major at your desired schools.

Just some thoughts!

Good Luck!
i was throwing with a catching motion at the time when i hurt it but im all set now and the likely hood of reinjury (which was just a "dead" arm you could say) is less than 1% id say
my best pitch is my change up thats around 70 mph and ive got a good hard curve and slider.
in the next month or so my spots will become more consistent and im not worried about it, when my mechanics are right the ball goes exactly where i want it.
my coach suggested checkout d3 and NAIA but i have no interest in that because i know i can find better
Dead Arm is something different than a hurt arm. Try conditioning your arm better for the rigors of pitching and throw like a pitcher vs a catcher:

Jeagar thread

Sounds like you could have have a lively arm, so get some help and learn how to throw like a pitcher and learn how to "pitch".

If you can maintain a healthy arm and learn how to pitch, you can increase velocity, and throw strikes in addition to your other pitches, there is not a reason you could not play at a D1 school other than being found, it may not be a high powered school in like the SEC but could be one where you can get a good education and a nice college career.

Good Luck!

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