I was looking for something else but found this thread. It is a nice reminder of so many friends from 13 years ago. Some are still with us but most of their links are now corrupted.
There is still a lot of good advice and a few photos of our kids when they were skinny and still wet behind the ears.
A photo from the first pro game I saw my son pitch in 2009. It's still exciting.
TMM thought it looked familiar!
Seth beat the Bees last night. Those old river ball parks are cool.
Hmmm, who should I root for? The Lumber Kings have one of the best team names. Their hat was from a business trip to Clinton 20 years ago, the other was when I took the scoreboard picture 7 years later.
I don't remember seeing a Lumber Jacks game, but your mention stirred other memories of that trip. I thought I had finally forgotten the rendering plant that I think was not far from the stadium. Another was a police u-turn to warn me of my excessive speed on the road to Quad Cities and the airport that led to a missed flight and an overnight drive to Chicago so I could see the kids the next day. And I also learned not to put my keys in checked baggage. Oh, brother!
... and best wishes to Seth for continued success.