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I've had a few people ask me to post this in a new thread. After thinking about the magnitude of the feat, I thought it was appropriate to do so. I am very thankful to share this with my fellow HSBBW members. My son is a very quiet, humble young man who'd probably "aw shucks" this accomplishment, but in this case I think he deserves the recognition.

Rusty's 21 Strikeouts

The link to the story is above. Rusty's school is in a 4a classification (highest in Washington). Although it was not a perfect game, he had a pitcher-perfect game into the 5th inning before he had his only walk. The no-hitter was wrecked in the 7th with a double and infield hit but he k'd the side nonetheless. All 21 outs were k's. No passed balls or wild pitches. I mentioned all of this in another post but at the time I didn't realize it was a Washington State record.. so I thought I'd share. Not for me. For Bum, Jr. who has worked so hard.

When we remember we are all mad, the mysteries disappear and life stands explained. --Mark Twain

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