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Anybody got anything baseball related?

I'm not a big fan of resolutions in general but regarding baseball, and specifically my youngest son's remaining HS career, I've resolved to:

  1. Stop asking "are you gonna" questions, like "are you gonna work out today" or "are you gonna hit today".  He's got to own it, not me.  Exception: rotator cuff work.  That's a health issue, and if I don't nag, it probably won't happen.

  2. Stop sweating individual at-bats and games.   If I look back at LL games and recall how much I cared about wins and losses, I feel like an idiot.  Relax and enjoy the ups and downs.

  3. Enjoy the other kids.  This season there are so many players in league that I've seen for years or coached or coached against in LL or travel.   Enjoy their talents and successes even when they come at the expense of my kid's team.

  4. Not a word to the refs.  Yes, we had a few seriously effed up calls last season, but we also had a  few seriously loudmouth dads.  Their kids have graduated so it's a good time for our fans to earn a better reputation with the local association.

  5. Keep more ready protein in the house.  Chicken, PB, jerky, cheese, hummus.
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Ditto JCG's.  #2 and #4 will be the hardest.  I don't sweat individual games, nor each pitch when my son is pitching, but for some reason, I sweat his individual at bats (and a few other kids on the team that I have known for awhile). My toes curl up in my shoes on each pitch.  And score/game situation doesn't matter.  Weird part is my son is an OK hitter, but has his best success as a pitcher.


I am going to get rid of something each day:  In the trash, Goodwill, or give a way.  After 365 days, I hope to be somewhat cleared out.

So far (1/3/16)  A bike to goodwill and 5 bike helmets in the trash.  

Baseball related:  In the trash:  face mask, old hit-a-way, bat bag.  

I think I am good until January 10th.  

I like JCG's list, but especially #3 and #5 - so much fun to see our son's friends and teammates grow up and see their successes. Also keeping protein in the house is a chore, especially when son is spending half the night with fridge or cabinet door open looking for stuff to eat. Have been trying to stay one step ahead.

My resolutions are to -

1) enjoy this year for what it brings 

2) weed out stuff we don't use or hope to use

3) eat more healthily, but also try making new dishes each week

4) move around more (walk, cycle, dance, exercise, whatever but do something active each day) 

I think that's about it for now! Happy New Year to y'all!!


Well my son will be playing his first high school season, and will be playing his first travel season where he will be seen on a 17u team. It will also be dad's first year finding himself in the stands and not in the dugout for a full calendar year! So my resolutions are as follows:

1. Enjoy watching my son grow, pitch, hit, catch and develop himself and grow into the almost 6'2" frame he has at 14

2. Support his school and travel team and understand the role of a parent in the stand for he first time in 7 years

3. Learn all I can to guide my LHP through the recruiting process yet teach him to take the lead and be mature in communicating with coaches and recruiting coordinators

4. Take lots of pictures and video of my son in action!

Lots of changes in 2016 for son and dad!

my only 2 baseball related resolution (I have one to lose some #'s   )

1. tell my baseball son that baseball and his success in it is NOT why I love him. I think I finally said that out loud (always knew it) to him sometime last summer (you would think after traveling around with him for 9 years, I wouldn't have waited until he was a year done with college). It made him relax around me. Crazy now how much he will talk baseball as well as life with me now.

2. Make whatever is important in my other children's life just as important to me as I do with  Jeremy and his baseball


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