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I have been a long time lurker of this site for some time now. I've always enjoyed reading the different topics, and different views. There always seems to be a great knowledge base here.

I guess at some point most here most have joined for the same reason I have. Thats because we have a son chasing the dream, and soon will be entering high school.

My son is 13, and he has some talent for his age. He has been blessed with great arm strength as of now. I say that because as we all know, just because you have it now, does not mean you will have it later. He has had some sucess in baseball already making the Jr. High team last year. He has always been young for his grade so when we moved to La this pass summer, he decided that he wanted to do the 7th grade again. His mother or myself forced him to or not to, he proposed it to us. Thats another story, and there are reasons we agreed to it.

As for my wife and I, we both had the chance to play ball after high school. I went to the University of South Carolina and had the opportunity to play for Coach June Raines,then later transferring to the University of Salkehatchie to play for Coach Joe Baxter. I can tell you, I was not mentally ready and blew my chance at both schools, and later enlisted in the military because I needed a job. My wife played softball at Augusta State University in Ga, so my kid should have a few genes running through his veins to have a slight chance.

I'm not sure how much assistance I can give to help the young guys on here looking, other then to tell them what not to do.

My Dad always told me, that I had more ears then mouths for a reason.

Anyways, I look forward to my adventure here, and hope that as my son gets older and with the knowledge in this forum that he to may be able to have a little success in this game.

At last, I would like to say thanks for the ones who sons have gone on to play and you stick around to pass down the knowledge.
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Nice post! Welcome and thanks for serving OUR country. It does indeed sound as if your son has some good athletic genetics working in his favor.

I wish you the best in his quest to follow in you and your wife's footsteps. You probably made a good decision repeating, if that was deemed best for all, allowing him to mature. Undoubtedly, that will help him socially, academically and for sure athletically.

Like the rest of us, I'm sure you will discover things here that will be of help. Now that you are "out of the closet," don't hesitate to jump in and get your feet wet!

P.S. You Dad's advice about the use of two ears, was good stuff..
Last edited by Prime9

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